A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

This is ridiculous, and completely unacceptable.

You absolutely promised that PoE 1 would not suffer from PoE 2 development, and that carried over after you stated you were separating the games.

The game has been suffering for years because of the sequel, but at the very least we were getting new leagues every 4ish months. You don't even have anyone working on it .. since July! What is this, Last Epoch?

PoE 2 is Early Access! It doesn't need this crazy push attention sacrificing your actual released game. These decisions are astoundingly messed up.

We still don't even have our MTX from PoE 1 on PoE 2 .. the whole reason for the debacles of November. You made guilds have to buy all of their storage space all over again.

And what do we have to show for it? A worse end game system than the previous game, and the previous game has nothing. Absolutely nothing! Some of us have spent hundreds / thousands of dollars into this game .. to be treated like this.

You could have just pasted PoE 1's map system and called it a win at all angles.
But you didn't, and it's mud on all of our faces now.

Absolutely ridiculous. Not one more dime. Not a single one.
This ship has to turn around immediately. You expect us to just watch it continue off into the horizon for another couple months+ ?

Holy mother of god.
things like this happen all the time in game development
stay strong
You won about 143 Millions of Dollars just with early access of POE 2 keys and new packs... And i think there is many many people who would want work for the studio .... So i don't know where is the problem ? Tencend stilled you the cash ?
Pathetic announce..
[removed by support] the reactions... Even if they release nothing and PoE 2 has a lot of flaws, they don't owe you anything, actually. They haven't shut down the servers; you can still play the game.

For those talking about refunds, you've spent thousands of hours on a free game and chose to pay for skins—that's your decision. At this point, they could literally walk away with the money, and they wouldn't owe anything to a bunch of whiners who think having a league every three months is some kind of obligation.

The guy looks embarrassed in his video. But honestly, you can cry and make threats all you want—most of you are addicted. That's what this game does, and even if it's in two years, you'll be back for your fix and your little skin.

Calm down—nothing in life is owed to you.

Последняя редакция: Joel_GGG#1496. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 1:26:53
Appreciate the clarity and communication. Please consider relaunching an interim league containing mechanics from previous leagues. Sort of a flashback league with pre-nerf rewards. I'm talking affliction, league-like sanctum and/or whatever was the fan favorite. Also buff the crap out of rewards. Give us some cool tools to play around for a month or two. This would buy you a ton of time for poe2/1 expansions. Nobody's playing settlers anyway...

"If you chase two rabbits, you'll lose them both."
Последняя редакция: Dias2026#1074. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 1:17:47
Disappointment cannot be put into words right now.

GGG doesnt seem to understand that half of the "new" players will drop this(PoE2) game on league reset. It is mind boggling that we've come to this. People were saying that this cannot be possibly what they were planning to announce and I was one of those as I had faith in this company. Now... I really wish I could refund PoE 2.

To the PoE 2 copers wishing PoE 1 is dead and never exists anymore... you have this fuckfest of a corpse of a game that you call PoE 2 thanks to us. Keep that in mind.
poe 2 will not affect poe 1... more lies please!
refund my supporter packs
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)

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