A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

This is basically the same as the first step that killed Marvel Heroes: they poured all their resources into something that wasn't content. POE1 is dead. Play D4 or POE2.
Good stuff. Thank you Jonathan for the honest update. Keep up the great work. Poe1 can wait, no problem. Cheers.

To all the entitled fans out there, relax and quit whining. It is a great time for you to learn the meaning of appreciation and patience.
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
wtf ?! GGG...

I hate poe2 ( such slow & so boring honestly for me )
I had a big hope for Poe1 3.26 ( i love this game )

Poe2 won't affect PoE1 releases ..
what vision is this ?
I feel like my girlfriend watched our tv show behind my back with some guy named Tyrone.
worst decision ever this is so much bullshit all this talk about how you will not forget about poe 1 and not u just pursue this ruthless abomination what you call poe 2.

massive disappointment, first time i think bad of ggg and this time you realy earned it.

you lied to us about the 2 games coexisting and u force us to like this unfinished beta version of a game because d4 players and console kids cant play poe 1 because of their small brian capacity.
So many people here expecting an old game to continuously get brand new, AAA care. POE 1 is good, but every game has an expiration date that usually coincides with the developers moving on to other projects to pull in fresh cash.

Ultima Online was a fun game...for its time. Everquest...same thing. Everything has a time, and the need to evolve is there for both the customer and the developer. Additionally, none of you have to answer to the ones infusing the cash for the development. You're customers. You make the occasional purchase here and there, but you're not covering the bills and payroll with just your microtransactions.

If you don't like POE 2, then that's fine. Do what I do when it comes to Fallout...don't play it. Which leads to the last point. It is highly...HIGHLY unlikely that POE 1 is the only game you have installed. YOU have moved on as well. You just keep POE 1 around like an old favorite blanket. Sure, you get that warm fuzzy feeling, but it's not the blanket you and your SO are using every night.

Ok. Done with that metaphor. Glad you still like POE 1, but give them a break. POE 2 has some serious crash issues that 100's of pages of forum posts are complaining about. It's a huge problem that they need to put first, as these people paid money for the EA. Last I looked, POE 1 is still FTP.
Really missing here an apology. For broken promise, for lack of communication and transparency.

This is another case when you clearly knew what will happen and still went with it. In that situation same goes for me.

Time to move on.

PS: kinda curious if this later on will be thought as one of examples in collage\use case review meetings on "how to kill the golden goose?"
Sad :(
Nooooooooo, i cant play poe2 anymore because it sucks in so many ways.

Get poe2-Team on poe 3.26, nobody cares if the next big poe2 patch takes 2 months or even more time.


#poe2feelsliked4 atm

The endgame of POE2 s*cks... sorry - but i cant play as a coop group this game.

The scale is stupid for coop players and the 1portal-for-everyone deletes all the endgame fun.

also killing the endgame fun is: slower movement, too big maps, no map boss system, to few elite monsters, to low map density.

i really really love poe and of course poe2... but the endgame in poe2 sucks and you dont need to start poe1 without new content...
in both the economy is fucked - so no new player fun.

The greates ARPG is abandoned but its own creator for a worst version of the greatest (in current state of the game)

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