A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

So basically you're killing PoE 1 even though PoE1 is superior in every way except the campaign. Isn't that kinda killing your playerbase eventually? Because right now PoE2 is not fun after you've done the campaign.
Good thing you promised to keep both games updated xdd

hope poe2 keeps you afloat, surely won't be getting any more money from a lot of people here, judging by this thread.
This is a what we have for supporting POE2? I already regret to buy it.
POE2 is just a worse version of POE1 in nearly every single aspect of the game.

GGG priorising POE2 over POE1 might be understandable in short term as it attracts all those new players. But the so called "veteran" playerbase which was willing to pay for supporting GGG over and over again, bounding with them, get's the biggest F of all times. So disappointed.
I got EA for "free" because I love POE 1 that damn much. I'm sure you guys have exact numbers for the quantity of "free" EA passes... I think you have severely underestimated how much we love POE 1 to be willing to spend that kind of money on any game over any period of time. This one hurts, we all mad now but 100% will log back in when POE 1 is ready. Will take a lot to get more money out of me though. Sadge
Or maybe it was worth making a new addition to a normally working and beloved game. Why try to fix that s...t that they haven’t been able to fix for 5 years? Why you wouldn't release an addition to the normal game, and then just try to fix this crooked monstrosity?
Its a good thing tho. Its just a matter of time :) Lets go poe2 !
There is suppose to be a nice signature picture here
but its still like : you said there are two teams , 1 for poe 1 and secound for poe 2 !!!
You are lying Chris :
7 mounths of lying, but why ? Like Ben said : why PoE2 exist ? why you make this game ? to make angry players who loves PoE 1 ?
I am just going to say I'm very dissapointed. I expected better from GGG.

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