Update on Path of Exile 1

Yay we're getting ripe litterbin leftovers. This might actually be fun. This might be a lot of fun.
I think I speak for most when I say this is entirely unnecessary.

Just return all the POE1 dev's to their normal roles so we can continue with the game we love.

POE 1 doesn't need to be ruined just because POE 2 turned out to be a failure.
We've been asking it... :D
[Removed by support]
hell yeah
Too late. Uninstalled.
naah im not buying. We know the real intensions about poe 1.
type bla if poe 1 > 2

unique item idea: unique belt "you have ___ shrine" rollable with divines
Последняя редакция: MasterSargeYT#6448. Время: 3 февр. 2025 г., 2:17:27
Hello ben

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