Update on Path of Exile 1

Finally, my poe withdrawal gets out of control.
Adambjjoz#2403 написал:
I think I speak for most when I say this is entirely unnecessary.

Just return all the POE1 dev's to their normal roles so we can continue with the game we love.

POE 1 doesn't need to be ruined just because POE 2 turned out to be a failure.

Nah, you speak for yourself. You would rather have 6 months of nothing over this? Of course a lot of us want what GGG promised us for years, but in the meantime this could be a lot of fun.
Poe 1 was super-fun, but it's over.

Let devs work on poe 2 plos!
Thanks so much for finding some room to add something in the interim. It was needed.
Looking forward!
This is another L

When the skill tree is randomized or changed for an event it's like playing a slightly better version of poe 2... awful.

this will ruin any new players experience and ruin poe 1's future. just leave the game alone for now.

Who is even doing this? if you're taking time to do this event, then that means poe 2 is hurting after you already got caught...

ggg is panicking and doing things you'd expect from a team full of noobs

I guess it's someting...

Honestly I'm not sure if i'm interested in some month long weird event.

Other games are calling me back, so I think that will be my destination until PoE1 3.26 finaly drops in half a year...

(I really regret getting the supporter pack for PoE2 when I already had a free key from old MTX)
cringe cash grab

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