Update on Path of Exile 1

Big W
Legacy event will be good!
Izaro wins!
BeyondSenses#4522 написал:
xStyrosx#2024 написал:
its literally change nothing, you just want to hold people with some low effort update because you start to understand you abandoned whole player base just for own vision of poe2. If there no valuable rewards there literally no reason to even go on this pseudo league because its look like " just hold our online " moment. I would unironically prefer to just close the game instead of giving false promises again, and I'm saying as actually fan who played more than 4k hours. Anyway, 200 years of no assassin buff 0.1% class, still can't play as true melee shadow

So companies are not allowed to fail, apologize and then try to make it up to you?
What kind of logic is that.....

I have nothing but respect for GGG that steps up to their mistakes and try to reconcile.. they have ALWAYS been this way..

And they can and will also fail from time to time.. the important part is that they own up to it instead of just making excuses all the time..

define "apology" . It's doesn't look like apology, more like excuse "oh well we have poe 2, poe 1 dropped because of that". And now this "event" looks like just another beta test for poe2. Like I unironically ready for this and we did it many times while I just want to play a good game as before and to play ACTUALLY FINALLY MELEE SHADOW
Harvest is trash league. Ty for deleting it :)
Please do it fast. i miss poe1 so much
No not 1 month. If next league is months away keep it going so there is time to actually try out stuff and experiment.

Or is this so low effort and boring nobody is going to bother?
bring chris back. you guys are managing to ruin everything

-one of the most hyped launches ever
-dont hire new people to work on both games (as you liars had promised)
-release a video on the early access of poe2 where you simply say 'well we saw what the power is so we aint nerfing or buffing shit till 1.0)
-release a video saying you wont be able to work on both games
-still no PR team hired, the tickets can take as long as 20 days to be answered, no info on how to follow those tickets
-release a video saying you guys will release a bunch of forgotten ideas for poe 1
-refuse to elaborate further
-release date probably on feb 30 by the way you guys have been managing things since new years
Последняя редакция: Gwarek23#0352. Время: 3 февр. 2025 г., 7:04:06

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