Update on Path of Exile 1

Последняя редакция: martinadunn#0028. Время: 4 февр. 2025 г., 5:17:29
Ain_Soph_Aur#3799 написал:
Why one month? No way 3.26 is gonna be ready just let this run until 3.26 please

What if this means that the delay for the next patch is only one months. Read between the lines
We need some respect
May Le Toucan bless your journey.
Please just let it run until 3.26. If it is not played you can still stop this event early.
Or plan another release. We love your game and resets and events are awesome. We can still live on Legacy events for years.
Chances are, based on how well this is received, they might extend it. Or, on the other hand, 1 month might be all they need before 3.26, depends on how you look at it.

Either way I am very excited.
AetherSolace#2274 написал:
Vanderham#7973 написал:
AetherSolace#2274 написал:
You're getting pretty personal about Jonathan who's already expressed sincere apologies multiple times about what happened, despite good intentions. And what happened isn't even unusual for other companies, but because GGG is actually good most of the time you treat them like dogshit the moment they fuck up. That's an entitled shitty attitude.

I'm getting personal about Jonathan? Are you kidding me? Is it now getting personal, when someone is getting criticised for his actions? And how does that give you the right to attack me personaly? Are you his bodyguard, spokesperson, or just some internet white knight?
The only shitty attitude is you lack of critical thinking. You sound just like these fanatic Cybertruck fanboys.

Hell yeah you are, call me whatever you like. At least I'm not a brainless sheep that hops on the hate wagon after receiving 10 years of good treatment. You live and die by the opinions of streamers and content creators or whatever wave you can ride instead of seeing what's right in front of you, which in this case is people genuinely trying their best to make everyone happy in as short a time as possible because they tripped when they tried to run. That's such bullshit child behavior, like you could care less if the thing you liked gets replaced with a soulless corporation like blizzard, because you'll just move on to the next game competing for your attention for a month or two, until there's nothing but shit left and you realize how good you had it with the people you threw under the bus.

Buddy, what you are doing here, is nothing more than projection. You are the definition of a sheep. Fighting every opinion, that doesn't fit into the narrative of protecting your holy grail. And what are you even talking about streamer? Haven't been on Twitch in ages. So if people over there share my opinion, than that is nothing more, than two people coming to the same conclusion.
Honestly, you shoud reread your last part. That is not a sane respond my friend.
Hello, 3.26 When?
I have faith in GGG, after five years and a lot of time/money invested, please don't give up on POE 1, it still has huge potential!

Good post, I am very excited for this!
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