State of Early Access Update

> make gigadogshit map layouts
> add checkpoints because they're gigadogshit
> refuse to elaborate
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
This evrey few months approach is a big L

Unusual_Research#7606 написал:
That list for quality of life is laughable....

I've been taking notes whenever I played and here is al list of some helpful QUALITY OF LIFE improvements. Take some as suggestions if you don't agree ...

Inventory Management

- Add a "sort" button for inventory and stash tabs, or at least an "optimize space" button to maximize free space - currently, it takes a lot of time to move items around or to add a new item between already sorted ones (you have to subsequently move all of them to make room).

- ⚠️⚠️ Ctrl + click quick move direction -- add modifier (keyboard key or toggle button) to allow horizontal stacking for items. AND -- starting point - start stack from chosen position (middle-click a square or something to start stacking items from there).

- Option to quick move all items to associated affinity stash tab - add in the main stash panel to enable quick move for all consumables/currency to their affinity set stash tabs.

- Make trial tokens Djinn and Ultimatum a currency or something and add affinities on premium stash tabs or somewhere.

- Also do that with season currencies or progression mats like breach splinters and the like.


- In special stash tabs (essences, currency, unique collection, delirium, etc.), show tooltip with the greyed-out name of the missing item in that empty slot, so players see what they're missing.

- Transform the essences premium tab into "Crafting consumables tab" - add affinities for omens, runes, cores, and breach fragments to that tab.

- Search results tab highlighting in the vertical list - add a border visual indicator for tabs containing searched items (current behavior is that you have to move through each tab to see if there are results in it).

- Guild Stash - fix the bug where items become stuck sometimes and can't be moved for a while.

- Guild Stash - add a small side note option to guild stash tabs if several players work in them (e.g., "Leveling gear here").

- Add a feature to mark items as favorite/locked - changing color hue maybe for visuals or a small color tag.

- Add a lock item option to the main stash.


- Add search function with a dropdown list for results - click the result to jump to the node.

- Add revive option for party members in maps - add XP or loot penalty instead of preventing entry.

- If the map owner dies and a party member completes the map on his atlas, mark it as completed.

- Do something with failed maps and 1 attempt only - don't have us rerun maps with no bonuses, it's frustrating. At least rebuff them after a while.

- Fix paths between towers that have us going around 5-6 nodes instead of making the obvious route available (this is a pattern of dark design).

- Adjust rare spawn positions at the end to avoid walking all the way back through an empty dungeon only to find a rare mob.

- Improve overlay map contrast on several waypoints to reduce eye strain.

- Make breach loot drop at the end to avoid walking back to pick up scattered loot.

- Show mechanics available in the current map while inside (for example, in the map modifiers panel show Boss/Breach/Expedition/Irradiated).

Item Tooltips

- Show modifier maximum tier when holding Alt and hovering over the current modifier tier (T7/9).

- Improve contrast of information while holding Alt (don't show it like it's a secret).

- Show item level in the bottom left tooltip when they're on the ground/before picking them up.

- Vaal orb - changed text color for modifiers altered by Vaal orb (slightly lighter color or something, or a popover on corrupted to see what's been altered). I often find myself screenshotting items to see what's changed.

Current Equipment

- Add an info panel with total stats summary from all equipped gear.

- Show modifier values if they get bonuses from other effects like unique items, key passives in the tree, or effects (e.g., when using Ingenuity belt, show the total new values it improves).

Stats Panels

- Provide information for ailments' chance to affect and how it's affected by chance to inflict ailments somewhere on spells info panel or character panel (e.g., I can't find my base chance to shock or chill anywhere, yet I have full nodes with increased chance to shock in the passive tree).

Skills Panel

- Lock the second tab in the skill details panel when interacting/switching gems. It always jumps to the first tab, making it very hard to track changes in that tab.

- Details panel - highlight effects that come from the passive tree or from another support gem - text hierarchy or some other visual feedback.

- Support gems - make the panel available without needing to go into the gem stash (see panel -> choose skill/gem -> engrave and consume one uncut gem from the inventory if available).

- Provide an easier way to hot-swap between skill gems and support gems (holding the modifier key ctrl hot swaps a skill and keeps the support gems if possible).

Passive Tree

- Ability to zoom out the skill tree a bit more for better overview.
Add a way to reset all points in the passive tree.

- Panel showing a list of total stats from all active nodes (similar to's passive skill tree).

- On mouseover node - holding alt to show affected skills' values - show the total gain/loss for a node's value (e.g., X - 1000-1100 damage (+100)).

- Fix the provided information to be negative if the node is activated and positive if it is inactive but available to pick.

- Add a search results list below the search bar to show all available results/nodes and jump to them on click (no only slightly flash search results, makes it hard to see and look for).


- ⚠️⚠️ Add invisible mode to hide from other players.

- Add the ability to see a friend's atlas from the map device in their hideout if they allow you.

- Inspect character/help friend - ability to inspect a friend, see their equipment and/or passive skill tree - make this available through a setting something like "Who can inspect you - public/private/friends only."
-- real case scenario: I play with a friend for 1.5 months and I don't have a clue what he's wearing or changing if I don't ask him daily....


- Add more crafting tools for better control over the outcome, make possibilities more transparent. Last Epoch's crafting was so much fun and interesting, you said you paid close attention to it.

- Make crafting materials easily available, not accessible through top-tier content and rare/not available for certain groups to monopolize consumables.

- Changing an existing modifier on an item should only be slightly harder than adding it, not random.

Trading / Itemization

- Make currency exchange rates fixed on a daily imposed rate based on real-time drops, demand, and offer.

- Add a public stash tab where other players can see your tradeable items and buy them directly as from a vendor. (similar to the currency exchange vendor - that's your auction house)


- Camera height - ability to zoom out the camera a bit more for better overview of what to expect from fights, not get jumped from off-screen.

- If there is no combat log or a wish to implement one, add a message to local chat with death information about the killing blow - "You died from taking X damage from <ability/hit> of <enemy>" OR "Your Omen of Resurgence was consumed by ...".

- Make buffs pinnable on the spell bar for easy toggling - many builds have a lot of empty space there and would help lots of unused skill slots in the bar for many builds, why not fill them with something?

- Add an option to show/hide enemy (and party members) health values (numbers or percentage).

World Map

- Add info panel with campaign permanent bonuses/skill points - or at least warn at the end of an act or the whole campaign ("Hey, you still have unclaimed bonuses in the open world" OR "You missed <bonus> given by X in <location>").

- View/change act 2 and 3 permanent buffs (sigils, venom stuff) in the same place, maybe even in the hideout.

- Add option to toggle players' names always visible over the health bar - will allow players to distinguish easier between NPCs, mobs, and other players/their co-op, both in town and in dungeons (similar to how vendor names are displayed).

- Add option to show allies' mana in left-side party members UI and below the overhead health bar.

- Add side screen waypoint indicator with party member positions (similar to the player position indicator in the endgame atlas). - helps sticking together in maps without constantly having to open map to check for position (sometimes even needing to scroll it)

- Show name and abilities of rare and magic mobs even after they die - help players make better decisions to avoid one-shots and keep them from wondering "WTF WAS THAT?"

- Ailments visual feedback - show a small indicator on top of each affected mob. Currently, it's hard/impossible to see them under the enemy NPC health bar on top - they are not hover-enabled and hard to focus on the top health bar when the focus should be on combat.

- Show short buffs/effects on top of the character's head - hard to focus on the top left and leads to better decisions.

- Add option to move top buffs/enemy health and buff bars on the bottom center or somewhere that's easier to focus on while fighting.

- Add co-op DPS meter or kill count or something to make it more fun and/or competitive.


- Add more crafting tools for better control over the outcome and make possibilities more transparent.
- Make crafting materials more accessible, not just through top-tier content and rare drops.
- Changing an existing modifier on an item should only be slightly harder than adding it, not random.


- Set fixed daily currency exchange rates based on real-time drops
- Stop bots and RMT by controlling the market or imposing some limits... I saw an offer in the currency exchange vendor panel that had tens of thousands of mirrors in stock.... .

Although I know there's no chance in hell someone from development to actually reads this list, the least I can do is share it. I will soon create a new post for it the in Game Feedback ...
Remember, some of them are just ideas and suggestions of what I think would improve the experience ...
The thing that worried me most was if devs realize all the prpblems the game has right now, due to shipping poe2 in such a state as it was.

This post reasured me.

Which leaves us just to wait and see how those words turn out.

Biggest issue for me rn is low amount of build varriety, mostly due to small amount of skills being usefull. Would like to see more skills and more progression in the campaign.

Right now I dont feel like replaying the campaign because it feels slow and I dont feel like I am getting stronger by playing more rather by hitting certain points where simply higher level of gems drop.

More classes and more skills per class would help out a lot.

On top of sinergy between skill classes. There should be more skills you can use regardless of weapon choice. Or skills that multiple weapons can use.

I like how you can use spark with a bow that gives you projectile modifiers.

That kind of thing would be cool with other types od weapons with some limitations and restrictions of course.

Also give consoles some love like K&M even if I love playing with controler. K&M for some builds is still prefferable.
Последняя редакция: BetterHarp59#3841. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 7:31:39
Kusetzu#6975 написал:
So you are really just posting a recap of all the stuff you've done so far? I mean, thanks i guess? What do you expect, a pat on the back? "Look how many things we've done! We promise we're doing stuff!". Lol. Lmao even.
That one dude who waited A MONTH for a "reset" button for his absolutely broken atlas sure is happy right now. Come to think of it, what on earth is going on with the dev team? We have confirmation that there is ONE guy working on the trade website (hence why it's so underdeveloped) and that there is ONE guy working on the Atlas (hence why it's so bugged, and hence the month long wait because that one single dev just went on a 3 week vacation). It sure feels like there's nobody working on this game at all, but then we also now know that there was nobody working on poe1 for the past half a year either. AND now we also know they're reallocating resources for poe1. Are there like 5 people total working on this? What in the world is even happening in this company.

Everyone else in the company is busy redrawing MTX from PoE1 to PoE2.
We need Auction House please to buy and sell while AFK
Add a "sort" button for inventory

Add mouse and keyboard with controller for PC players

Add a stash for maps

otherwise D4 good.
We need crafting options.
Bring the crafting bench back.
Kick out the stupid omen.
Bring harvest crafting back in some form.
More essences.
Bring delve crafting back inclusive the delve mechanic!!!
and yes….map stash
I loved Path of exile 2 and I think they're on the right track, but I think an EA should have more recurring patch movements, because otherwise you won't be able to get a sense of whether what you implemented will work or not!!

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