State of Early Access Update

There seems to be a bug related to item filter after this patch. I'm playing the game, but I can't eat it because the item name doesn't appear. I think this is a very serious bug.
The Biggest Problems:
Trading System
Trading System
Trading System
Still no fix on Xbox skills the bug making all my characters unplayable
When are we getting 6 portals per map back?
About as tone deaf as their last post. FIX CRAFTING!!! It is “in the toilet” tier.
This post is a massive red flag. It sounds like there isn't any work being done at all. Plus no mention of crafting or gear fixes (the unique overhaul needs ANOTHER overhaul), and doubling down on towers, which should frankly just be removed. Also still no waystone tab, and no backing down on the 1 death per map, which was a total mistake. Almost every map layout is not fun to run.

We need more frequent and reliable updates than these vague promises. It's EA, and these content patches seem more like they're gearing it like leagues - but not. It's almost like the devs are all split doing different things, but they only come up with one bug fix at the end of their shift.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
weezamon#5686 написал:
lindre002#2361 написал:
I dunno guys, to me the biggest problem is that your game has:

Missing skills
Missing character classes and ascendancies
Missing weapons
Missing Acts 4,5,6

Shouldnt the priority be completing the game first before even thinking to balance over these stuff?

We all accept the jank on the balance over the premise that there are still things missing. Would you care to comment when you will add all the missing stuff?

Agree they should be working on this over endgame stuff imo

Endgame is what people play for and why they will play longer than few days, not some new few skills or weapons that no1 will even use.

This is why you 2 are not game designers. And this is why GGG don't listen every voice because 90% of the players don't even know what they want.
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
You didn't even "balanced" bugs that you can blink with zero CD that you said you fixed. I still see players blinking and cast on dash 10 times in 2 sec. Not to mention disaster attribute stacking, or heralds. You didn't balance anything. The only thing you balanced is some not even overpowered stuff 1 month ago.
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
what a self-patting garbage wall of text is this?

it seems youre not even aware of the terrible state of things in this game right now. you rly think you did really well dont you? thats hilarious, while you did 30 hotfixes in 2 months, NOTHING IMPORTANT about the game changed.

im shocked that you rly think balance issues are the biggest problem of the game. they are not!

My biggest Problems:

- Area's reset on Death is a major design fail.

its terrible in acts already, causes all the problems with 1 portal, loot gone on death, mapcontent gone on death, map gone on death. Nobody asked for that, its terrible, just remote it.

- Crafting

its worse than in was in poe1 beta over a decade ago. your goal was to make "ground loot matter more" but you ruined crafting and did the opposit. for me the definition of some base loot that matters is "rarity and high potential". showering us in white bases while the chance of crafting something useful is 0,1% is no loot that matters. its tedious and not worth to engage with at all. also we are literally alteration spamming with bases, its the exact same but 10 times more tedious.
im not asking for the extremely good crafting like poe1, but we need some reset currency. collecting hundrets of white bases for each slot is not fun, thats not hard to understand and cant be your design vision.

- Towers

they suck, thats all they do. imagine in poe1 everytime you want to use a scarab you would have to run a tower first. thats like it is, and its terrible. the fact that we now have more design tells me that you dont understand the problem with towers. i will clarify: THEY SUCK
adding more variations of them doesnt make them better. remove them, its simple

- Endless Atlas

nobody asked for it, compared to poe1 atlas this map is a 2/10. direction doesnt matter, distance doesnt matter, how many maps you did doesnt matter, nothing matters. and the only thing youre searching in the fog is the thing you can see through it. its a meme. no freedom of running the map i want, no freedom of customizing my content, instead im forced to run maps and towers i hate. just start from scratch pls and remove it entirely

- Atlas Tree

for me its the worst possible tree that could exist. we have zero specializing in content anymore, insane boring basic tree with nothing but %more nodes. there are no decisions to make and literally everyone has the same tree. you could remove the base skill tree and nothing would change, thats terrible. removing the mechanics from base tree was a rly bad decision. their progression is backwards, doesnt feel good. overall its just bad

- Map Layouts

i dont know, many times said, most of the layouts are just bad and to big. thats one side of the problem, the other problem is no movement skills. yes, now we have checkpoints, wow. thats not a fix of the problem, layouts still suck and we have still no movement skills. most of the Layouts are NOT FUN TO RUN, no matter how many checkpoints you put in. do youreself a favour, put a boss in every map and get rid of this "kill all rare mobs". nobody asked for it, its not fun, it makes people backtrack while they are slow and maps are big. its the root of the problem and i dont know why youre not seeing it.

that are the biggest problems in my opinion. but maybe, after you did some super important balancing for classes, you have time to fix them.
Последняя редакция: Pl4t1numX#4325. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 9:49:09
Are you guys reading these forums for moderation purposes or feedback?
You need better GGG Developer communications on the forums. People need to know why something may not work and what might work. What's doable and what's not.
That said; as noted by others, I like the idea of better crafting options than loot, ID, slam, brick - ad infinitum.
Also, many "OLD ARPGs" (Grim Dawn, Titan's Quest, Diablo, Torchlight, etc.) have an inventory sort button. It isn't a new feature in gaming/coding, and goes a long way, from a QoL perspective.
Come on, GGG - get with the times.

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