State of Early Access Update

Looking forward to 0.2.0
shanethegoat2#2189 написал:
The checkpoints in maps is hardly the right direction to go for changes to the endgame, I think it needs to be completely redone and I'm a little worried that you seem content with the current fundamental system. I might be misreading this, but please consider major changes to the endgame mapping. It is extremely off-putting and is holding this game back from being amazing. Thank you GGG!

They cannot re-do it. In this particular state maps are generated in a particular way. Changing that now to be smaller would probably break the whole generation process, and they do not have time to test and fix a core issue like that. This is why they are putting a rubber band aid on a hemorrhage with waypoints and the power to teleport to them.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
C00kieR4id3r#6426 написал:
PoppinFly#5447 написал:
Please provide more crafting options other than pick up items, ID, slam.

like, whats the point of this ... they have said so often that they will add crafting stuff over time like they have been doing in poe1. why are we crying for stuff they have acknowledged multiple times already????

Uh, no they didn't. They've said repeatedly that there will never be the crafting like in POE...
i wont be back before tower endgame is gone or changed massively
So literaly 4 pages of text for 10 lines that matter (the last paragraph).
We dont need reminders of what was already fixed guys, no need for a wall of text that says nothing new
Последняя редакция: RamboStonKampo#4844. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 19:25:10
you did nothing at all to warrior
PrinceAlden#0478 написал:
I REALLY don't think end game is a "balance" issue. The end game feels bad because it's such a huge removal from the enjoyable back and forth with monsters you have early on. I really, really hope you lean into making this game more of it's own thing, and divorce it from the PoE1 experience that it currently becomes.

But, what do I know. I'll still be playing the game with whichever direction it heads, lol.

+1 i think the same way!

I play PoE1 Since 2013 and have 800h in PoE2 i could do a full review imo
but writing so much and not knowing if someone ever will read this seems like a waste of time. The Dev from GGG never disappoint me so i will trust them on their work. They know what they are doing and see the problems, they just need alot of time. Talking about problems is easy, but fixing all this problems take some time
The one thing I'm sick of seeing is the crashing is being caused by windows 24H2 blah blah blah , I was and still am on windows 23H2 and thanks to the absolute state of the hard crashing caused by this game I had to replace a B550 motherboard , a Ryzen 7 5700X and 32GB of ram. cant get a refund or anything ive been building pcs for years and ive never had a game completely brick components. Even though it is a great game and I was enjoying it before all the issues this isn't something that I can look past anymore. Not when there are so many other ARPG games I can play without the slightest fear of my pc being at risk.

Последняя редакция: UKdobby#2289. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 19:48:39
It seems you guys misunderstood a lot of the issues with the game. Most importantly -- it's EA, we shouldn't be waiting months for updates. Give us more updates.
I understand not wanting to make people leave with nerfs, but why wouldn't you at least buff the skills and ascendancies that are underperforming without waiting for a major patch?

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