State of Early Access Update

We initially thought that there would be more tolerance for this kind of thing during Early Access, but we were incorrect!

I couldn't disagree more.

PLEASE make drastic changes.

PLEASE don't fear the backlash on Reddit/Forums.

It will all be worth it, have a vision and stick to it or else you will become like Blizzard and end up with a shit game trying to please everyone but failing short.
LeFlesh#9979 написал:
Technical issues (crashes/optimizing performance) obviously take highest priority. That you mention game balance as one of the other Big Issues is encouraging, but I don't think the outcry over nerfs is worth listening to. Patch in gameplay balance as soon as an issue is recognized, at any point in the timeline. It doesn't need to be held off for larger patches. The playerbase can and will adapt.

as always, thanks for the communication!

You don't get it lol. They were literally throwing shade at people, then using that as an excuse to not make changes. I wish POE players understood PR better. This EA was the big ask, they back off some small things, and then we get a game that's still 60% running simulator with worse crafting.

They are literally talking smack about their core player base that DO have a problem with huge changes that break your build with no economy reset, no league reset, and a very expensive system for changing over a character. You can't even respect certain decisions. They are out of their minds trying to talk smack, then turn it into an excuse to not make changes. RIP GGG. All hail Tencent lol.

Did you guys really not hear about the massive layoffs yet?
Последняя редакция: sjeshin#3367. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 22:00:09
I'm really pleased with how the game is going, SUPER loving the new look and playstyle. Much more challenging than poe1, a bit too challenging at times, but loving it nontheless.

Personally it bothers me to see so many people complaining and demanding things from what should be a playfield designed to help the developers to better + evolve the game, but I understand these people are your paying customers so I'll say what GGG probably can't say itself : Suck it up, spoiled children!

It takes time to cook something good, so let them cook.
Amazing, I got Tier5 Rare im so excited let me ID the item OH WAIT its trash like any rare found well why even having tiers if they are useless.
1. Balance changes only got harsh feedback because you bricked builds instead of tuning them. Balance changes mid-league durin EA should be more than fine...

2. Map size/layouts is one of the biggest issues in end game

3. Towers needs to be max one room with a mini boss/boss at max(if they have to exist at all). The current iterations are terrible.

4. Remove tedium mechanics like well and 3-1 combinator or at least make it a part of every merchant.

5. Make a sink for all rarest currencies for end game. People trade items for divines because they hit the "sweet spot" for rare drop rate(plus habit) and that we don't need them for early gear progression. However the only sink for them is rerolling insane value uniques or to perfect mirror tier items. That makes people hoard them and prices for most items goes into crazy inflation. If you instead make a crafting option for gear progression in the T10-T15+ area that costs divs, the amount of divs in the system will stay lower and items won't require quite the ridiculous amount of divs as now. This will make a div drop more significant than right now.

It's been two months and barely anything has been addressed and no content added. I don't understand the point of this announcement. A game many people love suffered greatly to release an extremely undercooked and antifun one. Makes zero sense. The people making these decisions need to be stepped down.
Can they stop screwing around and start making changes daily? And make stuff free for players to respec, easy to get new gems so they can try a ton of skill combinations, etc. They keep treating this like they released a full game when the whole point of the EA is to use a massive crowd of players to test their crap so they can collect data. At this rate it'll be years or we'll get a chunk of coal on release.
The trading system is getting ridiculous. I spent 6 hours trying to buy gears, and nobody was selling. It feels like people are just using others to check prices and then jacking them up when you try to trade. The system itself might be okay, but the players are making it impossible. Can we please do something about the price gouging and manipulation? It's killing the fun of the game.

P.S Nice announcement. GG G
me personally i would start by fixing your connection node issue as soon as possible. the feel of warrior is awful his attack speed is slow and underwheelming i don't understand why spirt even exsits you have to get it on gear for it to even be viable let alone having to use skill gems locked behind them that are meta hearld of ice,thunder,ash.etc and im telling you right now GGG removing crafting benches in the game is A NO FUCKING GO at all i do not agree with tis i'm tired of relying on trade or RNG to get my gear. also getting 300 breach splinters and simulacrums is just way to far its a strech id revert i hope someone sees this and knows that i know that all of what i said better hope to get fixed theres so much more i can say but id rather not......
So, GGG expect players like me to come back and test your crap for you?.
Yeah that's not happening as long as it is 1 portal per map and the ascendancy trials ain't changed.

I just bought grim dawn and are having a lot of fun in that, i am also not going to play the cooked poe1 patch you have planned.

And fix my missing quad stash already, it's been a month since i reported it.
Последняя редакция: HolgerDanske891#8767. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 21:21:37

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