State of Early Access Update
You guys took the wrong response to the nerfs you did. You completely gutted and destroyed cast on freeze builds, it wasn't just a nerf, it was a massive nerf, AND this was before you changed gold spec costs. If you ever nerf a build that bad again you NEED plan for respec. We went from being able to trigger comets to barely being able to kill white mobs, gold isn't tradeable we don't have regrets if you break a build compensate the player with a respec.
You are taking the wrong response, this is early access you should be letting balance and nerfs fly every week, that was my expectation going into it, why else would you be early access? How is this any different than POE1 other than the game not being complete? You are following the same logic for balancing the game. Letting herald of ice, monk and arch mage stay this way for months making a mockery if the entire end game is infinitely more harmful than nerfing it right away, I question if we only get big balance patches on a POE1 league cycle basis how you could possibly get the missing acts classes items gems all in the game and not be a mess. Think over this decision again and let nerfs and balance changes fly every week, just keep in mind if you are doing cast on freeze level nerfs, compensate the player, and if they have an issue with that they shouldn't be in early access because we are suppose to test the game, we tested it we know herald of ice, archmage and monk are ruining the end game. Fix it. |
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The atlas/mapping/tower system is exhausting and not fun, much inferior to POE 1. I play a lot so I realised this quickly but even a friend who is much more casual has just now come to the same conclusion.
To quote ben, most of the worst map layouts in POE 1 would be S-tier in POE 2, especially with the kill all rares completion criteria. Waypoints is bandaid. Towers are more convoluted and time consuming sextants. I hate running the bad maps before putting table in tower to get a higher chance of juicing the the few maps I like. Dying to random crap you can’t see is horrible in combination with the one portal and loose xp on death system. Rarity boosting currency drops is whack and a contributing factor to the lack of build diversity. Crafting is just a slot machine, omens might as well not exist. Having to pick up a lot of gear in maps to have a chance to randomly get something good after multiple different currency applications contributes greatly to why running maps is exhausting. I’ll stick to POE 1, hopefully it continues, or find another game until the above is fixed. I even prefer D4 to POE 2 because at least you can chill a bit without the need of mental gymnastics. |
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Game engine singularity fix when?
Map tab when? 3.26 when? Jonathan out when? |
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Forums... oh my.
Why do I keep coming back, hoping for some intersting things to read, productive discussions and feedback? All that find are reproaches, entitled "but I want" posts.. or even better "WE want" from single persons etc etc. Yeah, of course there's a lot to do. (Yeah, I am a "it's EA" guy. ^^).. but comne on, I can't be the only one who actually has fun playing the game, and is excited for the things and improvements to come. |
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" I'll probably tell you something amazing for you: "I want" and "we want" are a natural expression of the will of a person who is a paid beta tester for his money. |
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At its core, the Game is one of the Best Games out there. It's fast, has very good Graphics, there are a lot of cool Bosses, very good mechanics like Breach, Delirium, Expeditions, as well as Pinnacle Bosses. The Campaign also plays great, once you get the hang of it, you can quickly get to the endgame. Some mechanics still need a fine-tuning, but basically it is very good from the core. The problem is, as you have already noticed, there are still cool things missing in the endgame loot. The Crafting is very frustrating. It was almost impossible for me to craft good rares for my character after more than 500 hours. Except for a Weapon and a semi good Ring, I had to buy all my items I needed to run T15 Maps and Pinnacle Bosses from the trade. With about 10 to 20 Divine, I was equipped to the extent that I could run T15, although there were always oneshoots that made leveling after Level 93 impossible in solo play. Further upgrades were impossible for me to get. In the more than 500 hours with 0 Rarity, only a total of 20-30 Divines have dropped. Upgrades were then per part in the 20 to 30 Divine range, so impossible for me to buy. Items with Rarity were priceless without being a glass cannon again. Of the many items that dropped, there was not a single part that would have brought me further. I would have liked at least one to 2 items in the many hours that would have been an upgrade for my build to reduce the oneshoots to advance my level progress. For me, from level 93 onwards there was a thick wall that I couldn't get past and so I lost the desire to play. If I had enough Divines I could of course also get upgrades via the trade, but unfortunately I couldn't find a mirror or something comparable with my 0 Rarity to be able to pay the expensive prices in the trade. After it became clear that an extremely large number of cheaters had blown up the economy, I lost the desire to play, in the back of my mind I always had only that I wasted my time and now wait for the Reset and maybe the Patch that makes it possible to get Upgrades or Craft something Good by myself. Since I work, I don't have as much time as during the holidays. So I still come online here and there and play through the Campaign and hope that there will be a reset soon and the prices will normalize. You made an Wonderfull Game but its a litle bit to Punishing in the Late Game and veryhard to get Upgrades without enough Divines for the Tradeing Site.
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" Thats a Karen approach. You paid for EA access. You not only got EA access but also got coins in worth of your pay + extra stuff. EA access means: work in progress and you can help with constructive criticism to navigate the development. EA does not mean: I am an entitled Karen and I want everything my way cuase I paid for it. So did others, so did I. I have fun playing it. The only reason I am not playing right now, is cause I want a STR/INT char like the Druid and/or a different melee. Not a fan of the maces skills. My criticism is, that they are wasting ressources on making the loud minority happy with poe1 instead of rushing 0.2.0. Cathering to loud minority never went well the past few years. Endgame is not a problem cause I have ears. They already said it was a last moment decision as the wanted act 1-6 originally for EA and switched last minute to endgame (which means the acts are done) and is not representative of the real endgame. But the forum are no better than classic WoW or old LoL forums atm. Alot of senseless copy pastas (3.26 when, where is chris and so on) where the answer is a easy google away but people are just jumping bandwagons without turning their brains on. "Because XY Streamer said so, it must be right as they are perfect gods and I dont have a own personality and thinking process" <--- this is the center of 60% of forum posts right now If the forums were a mediaval court, it would be filled with jesters and doomsayers Последняя редакция: PregnantSpadula#1970. Время: 8 февр. 2025 г., 5:58:57
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How about addressing the horrendous support times? I detailed an issue with a microtransaction purchase about 5 weeks ago. I detailed in my first email an acceptable resolution included account info and screenshots, only to be asked for account details in the response as if to only fix the support queue response metric, and here i am 3 weeks later still waiting for a response to my SECOND email asking the same thing.
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That's very sad that you let yourself be cried into abandoning balance changes. Balance change every 3-4 months is absolutely not enough for early access and it will end up costing you a good game, it could've been otherwise. You need to have at least some balls and not be bullied by crybabies who will be crying anyway absolutely no matter what you do.
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" Agreed, stick with your vision, make sweeping changes, don't wait for a new league, this is early acess, it's the time to do it and experiment. You will not keep the player numbers either way. Chasing popularity to the detriment of the game will make you end up like Blizzard. |
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