Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

Map relics should probably be a supplementary system and not a replacement for the atlas tree. Also make them untradeable xdd.
I can't wait to fill 10 stash tabs with useless idols to find some with 1-2 mods of the league mechanic I want, and the rest of the mods are boosting league mechanics I don't want.

People will have to interact with mechanics they otherwise would block on the atlas tree, and that sounds absolutely terrible, and to top it off they are unmodifiable. Just great stuff!
This sounds like a nightmare even in trade. At least make every mod relevant to a single mechanic, and make idols have a high chance to support mechanics in which they drop. Kind of like how breach tablets drop often in breach. I mean this is literally just sanctum relics+tablets so why not. This event is only a month long so this just sounds like it will be extremely limiting cause how likely are you to get idols relevant to what you want to do?
this sounds like a massive L

Atlas tree is AMAZING, stop making the game actively worse!
stop beta testing poe2 content in poe1 , 2 is already a beta

this system is already bad
No one asked for this. Why do this.
Well... Anything new is welcome I guess. The crubs. Its painful but welcomed.
Id rather keep the atlas tree and remove this but will see
Just another way for Jonathan to get PoE 2 development while pretending to throw a bone to PoE 1 players.
-plz dont
-delete this
-too soon for april fools
-give me better atlas not this
-dont want to spend hours minmaxin idols
-dont want to sort 1000 idols in my quads
-dont want 50000000 different idols price fixers
-dont want to trade for more items
-dont need more RNG im already unlucky enough
-seems bad for ssf

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