Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

what? are guys changing ascendancies and now this? the atlas skill tree ?

man honestly i love poe the way it is, please GGG don't ruin the best game ever made just give to us a fresh economy and any legacy league and thats it.
Aaaaaan skip.
Wyrade#1553 написал:
The_Ferret#7784 написал:
Seeing all of the miserable, angry, bitter people say they're not going to play the event has me excited for it! Hopefully they decide to make their absences permanent. They will improve the community by removing themselves from it.

I assume you never played poe1 long enough to reach the atlas passive tree yet?

true lmao
Rothulean#6266 написал:
Dont care. The atlas tree is the best part of PoE 1. Dont F' with the atlas tree to test a PoE 2 system.

If they would leave the atlas tree in and test these relics? Fine. But remove the atlas tree?


Personally, I was and am getting bored of the Atlas Tree despite it being top tier. I liked the suggestion of one the users saying to implement jewel sockets or cluster like sockets. That would be interesting also.
Youtube - PartTimeExile


"Remember, youre the best."
Only thing I don't like is this being a 1:1 replacement for the Atlas tree. It is instead itemizing the tree and making one have to trade or get lucky to engage with the desired mechanics. New ways to engage with content are great, but this seems a little heavy-handed, though I'm sure some idols will be heavily sought after and several just generally good.

The Atlas tree was one the best things added to PoE in recent memory, so replacing it is... dubious.

But hey, beats the absolute pants off what we've got going on in PoE 2 right now.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Instantly killed my interest, if you want bad endgame systems tested for poe2 do it in poe2, that's what early access is for. It feels extremely deceitful that the response to the backlash over apparently abandoning poe1 was to make an event... whose sole purpose is to test mechanics for poe2.

Nobody asked for this. Stop. Treat poe1 as its own game again, that's all people want.
Good, I really disliked atlas tree because top players just used it to maximize profit. And I could not take all the fun nodes when they were all over the tree. Now it will be random at start and then you could tailor it for your preference.
Ashriel#5520 написал:
But hey, beats the absolute pants off what we've got going on in PoE 2 right now.

This is just gonna be a PoE 2 feature lol.
We already had rollable watchstones in the past and they got removed because it was pretty lame having your endgame farming locked behind rare drops. Doesn't seem like something worth re-exploring in poe 1 but I guess could be a direction for poe 2 testing. /shrug
The_Ferret#7784 написал:
Seeing all of the miserable, angry, bitter people say they're not going to play the event has me excited for it! Hopefully they decide to make their absences permanent. They will improve the community by removing themselves from it.

You're gonna be playing alone son.

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