Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

Jonathan seeing all those potential "poe 2 beta testers" in Pohx's private poe 1 server.
Последняя редакция: Rothulean#6266. Время: 9 февр. 2025 г., 22:53:44
It's crazy how GGG keeps copy-pasting bad game design ideas.
Replacing one of the best things of PoE 1 game -- Atlas tree -- with some kind of PoE 2 crappy system of watchstones, is the worst you can make.
Want to sell more stash tabs? Cmon, you already fooled (PoE1 won't be affected by PoE2, really) alot of people and made very good money.

As a Ruthless player I'm wondering, what droprate will be of those idols. Combine it with SSF and end game is broken.
Btw, wondering if there will be Ruthless support of this 3.26 league (event, lol)?
Was really excited with all new ascendancies, but in the end you throw those idols and removing Atlas tree... what a...

Последняя редакция: Jovianyn#1290. Время: 9 февр. 2025 г., 22:57:45
GGG taking control away from the players? Weird - we so desperately need a dev manifesto
Adstar#1586 написал:
map relics pog

(doesn't seem great for SSF)

You guys choose SSF for the challenge, and then complain about it endlessly.

Another case to point:
Jovianyn#1290 написал:
As a Ruthless player I'm wondering, what droprate will be of those idols. Combine it with SSF and end game is broken.


Do it or don't do it, just stop whinging. The rest of us don't care.

This actually looks really cool.
Последняя редакция: t0lkien#7048. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 3:20:14
wlsnbilyb#0633 написал:
Idea might've been interesting as an addition to the atlas passive tree, but as a replacement kinda kills any excitement I had for this placeholder league

~ Seph
I was getting excited about the ascendancies. But this completely killed the vibe of this event for me.
Really cool idea. I think I prefer the atlas passive over this system at first glance since you really want control over what content you'll be approaching. One big thing about PoE is that builds can be pretty unique and much better at some content than others. For some people, you even choose your build based on the content you want to play since not all of it appeals to everyone. Still, stoked to check it out and see how it plays!
t0lkien#7048 написал:

Another case to point:
Jovianyn#1290 написал:
As a Ruthless player I'm wondering, what droprate will be of those idols. Combine it with SSF and end game is broken.


Do it or don't do it, just stop whinging. The rest of us don't care.

This actually looks really cool.

Another one trying to tell me what to do... Childish.
And stop thinking you are among the largest group of "the rest of us".
I worry about map sustain with these idols replacing Atlas Passive Tree, which was a major source of that. Can we get Map Sustain as either a high-weight mod or implicit on most Idol bases?
tyler811#6180 написал:
I worry about map sustain with these idols replacing Atlas Passive Tree, which was a major source of that. Can we get Map Sustain as either a high-weight mod or implicit on most Idol bases?

This isn't 2018, map sustain in PoE1 is not hard.

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