Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System
" Top player will still maximize profit with top tier idols you cant afford its literally the same except you need to pay to have the same "tree" |
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Straight up removing the single thing I'd point to for why poe is so great, and replacing it with a mechanic that will be great for streamers and everyone else will get priced out of.
You really are trying to destroy interest in poe1 aren't you? |
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" what are you even talking about, this is the exact opposite of what you said now top players will have the mirror tier idols and make the most out of mapping, while you'll struggle with your 10c idols "buff grenades"
- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades) |
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There are some critical problems with a lot of this:
" The end game and more specifically the atlas tree are one of the best parts about this game and one of the best things done to the game and you are removing it and replacing it with something so much worse. It's cool that you are doing this for an event but this is not something that can ever go core in the way you are making it and is completely pointless which I will get to with one of your later statements. " This is just downside. It's just more annoying. You have been told this kind of thing isn't exciting over and over again and you are doing it again. " This was only a problem when there was 1 loadout. 3 loadouts has been completely overkill. Respeccing the tree is also something that was never hard to do and you especially didn't do it very often. There was no problem here. "Probably" is worse than "Gaurunteed." The atlas felt very good getting point after point and actually feeling like you were progressing. All of that is gone with this. " Why not just update the atlas tree to do this? These kinds of things have been wanted for a long time now where you can just completely specialize into something. Every league mechanic always has leftover points and that's what they could have been used for. I don't get why people are cheering for this at all. All that's really happening is what was guaranteed is being turned random. All progression and generally just everything the Atlas tree did so well is being removed and replaced with something objectively worse and even they are saying this is going to be annoying. Why? You did a fantastic job with the ascendancies and just nuked all of that excitement with this. Nobody is going to want this over the old system. It's just worse in every way. You should instead focus on adding even more to the current atlas tree and letting people hyper focus into a league mechanic that they love and want to do. You can still have this idea of powerful boosts to league mechanics with what you already have. Not this. You are creating problems and offering solutions later down the line to something that wasn't broken to begin with. Hey there,
I have deleted your post in this thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3285083/page/2#p24656635 as it was considered needlessly negative. If you have any questions, please contact us at support@grindinggear.com Kind regards, RoryF |
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" You're not wrong, it straight up looks like something they're testing for PoE 2. Not having it live alongside the already-god-tier Atlas is a pretty huge step in the wrong direction. They teased this as something extra, but really, it's just taking away player agency for RNG, plus anyone getting excited for these drops will stop being excited after a couple dozen maps. (2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
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this should be an addition not a removal and replacement...
i get the experimentation thing but there is no need to sacrifice it for the fun factor Последняя редакция: Doyzord#3208. Время: 9 февр. 2025 г., 23:42:14
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Chris please come back and knock some senses to these guys
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Why... keep atlas tree plz!
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Make them atlas passive jewels instead of a replacement. Have bigger idols cost more passive points. Problem solved.
You want to go full idols? You can. You want to use normal tree? You can. You want to mix both? Use an idol to avoid pathing to a keystone? You can. |
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