Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

Oof, I was excited before this teaser. Looks bad.
You abandoned poe1 to focus on a crap game.... I lost all my faith in GGG.
Here’s the teaser for another amazing Ascendancy Class: the Disciple of Broken Promises(Duelist).

As an incredible warrior for continuing to play this even after so many broken promises, the Disciple of Broken Promises was carefully created in less than 3 minutes, just like the other Phrecia's Ascendancies. Its power comes from its infinite patience in waiting for news about Path of Exile 1 and its extreme ability to silently accept everything bad that has been done.
Last_Human_Alive#1873 написал:
I hope we'll have a dedicated Tab for these Idols, otherwise, we'll be having a round 2 of the coffin incident..

On the bright side, once you buy extra tabs once during a stash space league, you're good on stash space forever.
Последняя редакция: XxFasterBlasterxX#5138. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 0:22:58
it's great but when the hell is it coming out, the question is not complicated! are you going to make us wait with tease after tease for how many more weeks? until the release of the poe 2 patch? we were basically just asking for a restart with old fun leagues and challenges, to get back into it quickly! and now you're giving us a whole tease that never ends to save time. then you put out the fire with your announcement but since then I have the feeling of being taken for a fool finally ...
Thought about coming back for the PoE1 event in spite of the awful behavior surrounding both games.

No atlas tree = no thanks, back to other games. Bye GGG.
Nobody asked for this, the original endgame is actually the reason why we're going back to poe 1 for a little break from poe 2. If implemented alongside the current atlas passive tree this would be more well recieved, but replacing it entirely is nothing nobody wants/asked for.
auspexa#1404 написал:
this is like some dude amputating my arm for no reason, and then giving me 2 fingers back and expecting me to thank him

But now you can replace your 2 fingers with different 2 fingers, and you can trade your 2 fingers with other players.
Ye, sure, you might need a thumb and an index just to function, and all you have are 2 left pinkies, and all thumbs cost like a kidney. But just think about an endless possibilities though!!!

Последняя редакция: zaalbarjedi#0445. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 0:28:53
what about stuff from current atlas, especially also small travel nodes:

- scarab drop chance
- blocking content to increase other content
- increased map explicits
- conq, shaper/elder and synth map drop chance
- chance to get additional connected map / maps have a chance to be a tier higher (was usefull for early atlas progression)
- specialising in exarch/eater (maybe unique idol?)
- modifiable vaal areas, lab trial chance and special trial

since a lot of league specific drops got nerfed heavily in the past and are only good while specialising into it in the atlas, i hope some balancing is done on it too.
also if scarab drop chance cannot be increased by idosl, scarab drops need to be buffed accordingly.

theres 32 slots for idols, assuming they are all 2 slots big, we can have 16 idols in total, which means, 16 to 64 affixes for the desired content we want to farm.
i am looking forward to this system, but i fear that without having at least a few really good idols, mapping will feel unrewarding.
I like a new layer of rng. Imo atlas tree was too easy to get.

Yes, idols will be hard to start, but later on u can boost one league on insane level through them.
Последняя редакция: Teret3#5084. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 0:27:41

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