Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

This is clearly just a poe 2 mechanic being tested by poe 1 players, same with other stuff, no thank you, this sucks. We ain't your guinea pigs for poe2. Where is 3.26 huh, why are we testing stuff while you gut core mechanics for it, nah ggg you fell off hard.
Последняя редакция: Komscha#1982. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 2:50:34
Please reconsider. Because the atlas tree is the best piece of mechanic that there is in PoEs end game.

Make them roll smaller, remove uniques and keep the tree. Replacing it while saying "do the management yourself" like it would be a an enormous task to add 2 additional tabs for different sets that we can run is pretty tanking the excitement for a lot of people. It is not only that bur relaying on luck to progress all over again. Something we try to tell you we don't like.

An other possibility would be to have that replace scarabs. Maybe leave the standard scarabs which basically just add the league mechanic like "blight scarabs" that adds a blight to your map.

But I am begging you don't take the atlas and please don't burn oriath to the ground.

Последняя редакция: Bulwix257#5436. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 2:52:07
Add this as new content to new league in PoE + please add Crusible to core game <3
I was thinking I’d skip the event and continue with settlers projects (got to make as much use of recombinator while we have it), and this just solidified my decision. It’s probably fine in a trade enabled league, but I really do hope this is just a test for poe2 and we get the atlas back for 3.26!!!
PoE1, copium
I usually never comment on forum posts but this one will be an exception.

Why? As many people have said time and time again and a statement I agree with is that the current atlas tree is banger.

It might be interesting if the idols were just 1x1 but I can‘t imagine all too much power given the random unmodifieable nature. Don‘t balance around the possibility of near impossible perfect rolls.

However, the system seems somewhat interesting, so it might be a way to spice up the event even more, at least if:

- they are extra and not a replacement along with decreasing the available space for them (would also require less sets in storage)
- or they are size 1x1

Balance be damned, this is allready an unbalanced event, why not go all out?

But as it stands, if this fenangling mess of a system would come in and replace the atlas tree that league, then, for me personally, and many others, it will kill quite a lot of the hype.

So please, reconsider.
auspexa#1404 написал:
if I could refund all of my supporter packs right now, at the cost of being permanently banned from all ggg games, I'd take the opportunity.

Yeah because all the years spent in the game aren't worth the money you gave right?
People like you are the worst.
hotTopicEdgelord#0224 написал:
run4way#1170 написал:
On the other hand it adds a layer of excitement

I dunno, so far I'm not excited to get 3% or 5% of something.

PoE 1 event turns out to be a beachhead for PoE 2 testing. I can give you feedback without even trying it - it's not good in comparison with the Atlas. You already found the perfect implementation of the endgame system - random maps with user determined content. Leave it be, don't try to "improve" it.

did you miss the first part of the announcement where they said

GGG post написал:
To start with we'll be running a one-month event that has some of our whacky ideas that never quite made it off the brainstorm board.

Did you miss the part where it's just sugarcoating in order to test PoE 2 endgame on us? Once again GGG can't say things straight and keep us for idiots. I guess it works, because some people can't stop glazing over them.
This is the most horrible announcement you could have made for me. I love that system we have, and this sounds horrendus to micromanage. Buyikng shit for the thing you want to play, omg... WHY??? You really want to kill this beauty of a game that I love, it's frustrating. Been waiting long time for something new, and now THIS? Removing one of the best parts of the end game system, that most people love? For some trash like this?? I just.. Can't anymore. Was super hyped to play, now I don't even think I will play. :( Damn you guys!
This will just kill POE1 even more. Removing something super great to test something for POE2. Then they see shit numbers, because people will hate it. And give even less resources to POE1. They are literally killing POE1 for POE2. ANd it makes me super sad, since I like POE1 way more.

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