Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

ohh no....
replacing the existing Atlas Passive Skill Tree

Well that sucks.

I thought this was going to be IN ADDITION TOO.

RIP. Oh well, guess I'll just wait until the real league launches lol
~ Seph
Последняя редакция: sephrinx#7591. Время: 9 февр. 2025 г., 22:55:15
go test your garbage in poe 2 and leave poe 1 alone
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Goldni#1616 написал:
feel like it would be better if u still had the atlas passive tree and also this at same time

They should just turn these into jewels and add jewel sockets to the atlas tree.
what the heck? so u remove my beloved atlastree and made a waystone 2.0 for poe1? i hate this layer... why?
this sounds very poe2... i dont like it
Wow ... how many mistakes can a game company make in one month??? This is a really dumb idea.
please, for the love of the vaal, include a wildwood idol to force it onto every map.

(and don't forget about our beloved giant titanic exiles)
JackFrosty#5859 написал:
Testing this new system for POE2, I see you.

This is literally it. I saw this and immediately thought "this sounds like poe2 garbage. ItS ALl RaNdOm So wE caN mAke tHinGs MorE pOwErFULL!!" and the product actually just feels empty and time wasting and punishing instead of actually helping THE PLAYER CHOOSE how they want to play.

the maps will be flooded with garbage relic drops, and it will still take longer to achieve specialization and to be able to do the farm you want to do.

Excited for new ascendancies but not excited for not being able to actually choose the content I want to use them in before day 14. Really a 'one step forward two steps backward" in concept to me.

Nice !
Bad Seed

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