Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

The POE Atlas Tree was literally one of the best additions ever done to the game.
This system replacing that one is insanity.

Why would I like randomness replacing something I got to choose previously?
Why would I like randomness replacing a system I'm still trying to get good at leagues later?

That system carried some of the previous leagues, and makes any reset a lot more enjoyable.

What happened to "giving the player choice"?

Like sure, I might get a broken combo drop that spawns stacks of everything I want to do, but now I'm not even going to have the ability to avoid the league mechanics I don't like, as far as I can see..
Relic buying is one of the worst aspects of sanctum and heist.
Since what will happen is (like literally every other tradable system) hideout warriors and people with tons of currency will get the best relics and the rest will have to play in a trash way.
Please do not remove the atlas tree. It is one of the best ways that casual players got to invest in their endgame.
OK this is cool
Le Toucan Will Return
Ben made the gods angry
This is awesome, I like that you guys are allowing this to be chosen as a private league soon after the event I just have one question. What about console players? I am aware we are the minority, but once the event is over, we won't be able to experience it again due to the unavailability of private leagues on consoles. I am aware this is your last priority, I just ask that maybe in the future you will allow for us to do so.


I can't wait to play! ( assuming it is on console which I don't see why it wouldn't be as Nero-settlers was)
This looks terrible....

So you're removing deterministic atlas tree for some old waystone system????

This is soooo bad



Последняя редакция: Bloomania#2606. Время: 9 февр. 2025 г., 23:07:38
They obviously plan on keeping this too talking about having them for future leagues. Precursors suck and this is just another way to rng and generate fomo.

I am really dossapointed they seem to intend on converting what is great about Poe 1 into Poe 2.

It's a free game. But you need more stash tabs!!! It doesn't matter how many you have.

Have fun with your new waystones and precursors.

GGG honestly heading down a dark path of greed under the guise of innovation....

Next someone will be making the new game that used to do what Poe 1 did. Just as they did to revive those feeling about D2 when they made this one.
Please don’t void event. I hate void events…

I’ll be so sad if it’s void:(
Why unmodifiable? We already have a system that prevents certain currencies being used on T17 maps. Why not do the same thing for these and relics. "Can be modified by Augments, regal, and exalts"
well this will certainly be different. i will say however, the atlas tree is extremely well designed and not in need of a change. i am excited for the event nonetheless.

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