Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

This looks like absolute dogshit.

We already have en eloquent way of progression and deciding what form of content we want to engage with.

This is the same, just more micromanagement and even more loot to click and decipher - also known as friction, which we don't want.

Keep these bad ideas to PoE II only and don't ruin PoE on your crusade.
LiberLogic969#1964 написал:
The Monkey Paw Curls...

If this is going to replace the endgame for 3.26 it's going to be a massive devastating downgrade. Please don't do it GGG, the current state of endgame is the only thing that keeps me coming back every league since it was introduced.

it's upgrade and not downgrade - current atlas is very generic and limited in ways you can build.

If you go to the 2 mechanic on the right - you are taking many generic stuff like +2 increase for drop/anything

Then you getting slot to specialize in stuff that can be rolled - you can build around less generic and more specialized mechanics/procs.
How will we sustain maps without the Atlas tree?
JWJohnWick#4410 написал:
How will we sustain maps without the Atlas tree?

GREAT QUESTION. Holy shit, didn't even think of that...

Trade, I guess. KEK

Pure garbage.
I also want to try it. It's a 1 month event im glad they do something different. If u dont like it u dont have to play this temporary small event
I try to be hyped about this but it should be addition to the game and not instead of the atlas tree.

Atlas tree is probably the best thing at the moment and just swapping that for some rng tablets which will be financially gatekept sounds horrific.

Gotta see how the droprates work but I'd imagine it will be a net negative to most players ESPECIALLY for someone who interracts with 2 or more league mechanics which by defition means we have to get tablets with mod rolls that affect all of those on a single item. Not a big fan at all, have to wait and see how it looks like.. but ye.. its either trivial and gonna get filtered out day2 or a complete nightmare
Последняя редакция: Koxomathical#2565. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 11:53:53
saashaa#5518 написал:
LiberLogic969#1964 написал:
The Monkey Paw Curls...

If this is going to replace the endgame for 3.26 it's going to be a massive devastating downgrade. Please don't do it GGG, the current state of endgame is the only thing that keeps me coming back every league since it was introduced.

it's upgrade and not downgrade - current atlas is very generic and limited in ways you can build.

If you go to the 2 mechanic on the right - you are taking many generic stuff like +2 increase for drop/anything

Then you getting slot to specialize in stuff that can be rolled - you can build around less generic and more specialized mechanics/procs.

this new thing is also limited. just look how many 3 or 4 slot you can put in. on top no +mapdrop passives. and everything gated by rng or trade. have fun buying idols for 50div so you can run the content you want. what a mess.....
Последняя редакция: Pl4t1numX#4325. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 10:06:02
Just ... No please ...

Making an itemized version of the Atlas Tree feel so backwards.

It removes any player agency we had (which you claimed at some point you would like us to have) from choosing what we want to play, how we want to play it.

Now we have to rely on random drops, of items we cannot even craft, to play what we like to play.

This also pushes the power curve even more towards the 1% of players who are playing 15 hours a day as those idols will be priced according to the value they provide.

Have you learned nothing GGG? You keep gutting stuff that people enjoy, just for the sake of change.

You killed ground drops by removing quant and messing with divination card drops too much, basic mapping is already super boring and you are forced to push towards tile based loot. Introducing T17 maps made map juicing not worth it on lower tier maps, and now this.
I don't like this. The Atlas tree is amazing. There is 0 chance this is better than it.

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