Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System
.... Why remove the atlas??????????????????????
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Can't wait to accumulate and hoard various relics to try and cobble together a coherent mapping strategy. The system we had for years that works for everyone as you are able to make your strategy what you want it to be is being castoff. So much fun buying stash tabs to save relics in the hopes that you are able to achieve and micromanage something that fits your likes and playstyles. If this is the way the game is headed then this game is dead. Rest in poo.
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" This so much... removing the atlas tree is so fucking stupid |
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this is trash do not remove atlas
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"Based on the popularity of this system we can add more of these features in the future to streamline it to minimize item micro-management."
This line scares me. This is similar to verbiage used to justify other terrible systems, like Archnemesis... the dreaded "popularity" metric. You'll just cite some day 1 numbers as justification for removing what we want. |
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These relics look like a whole new load of c**p. Replacing the atlas tree with some purely random junk is an obnoxious move.
The Atlas Tree is a lot of fun because you're able to mix and match what you're interested in playing. The relics are absolute garbage, being unmodifiable. Knowing the way PoE rolls are, I'd expect something like 1/500 relics being acceptable, not even good. I was expecting the event for the new ascendancies, but with the endgame being krangled (I have better words, but they're 18+), I'm completely disappointed. |
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why are you guys keep doing this shit
this so called event supposed to be a filler event til new poe 1 league, not ur testing ground for poe 2 stuff. ive enjoyed both game but this aint it chief please just stop Последняя редакция: itsmetian#5343. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 11:33:49
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" What you fail to see is this setup yet temp can offer more control over content that you can do end game, an offer more ways to custom end game an your drops an rewards far better. Look at what is shown for harvest, it a lone is a good sign of how good this can be. Sure the atlas temp being replace for it might rub u the wrong way, but the main reason I can see it is so it don't break the game, this is more of a fun change an a test for the system, if the system is far better, I sure they will add it on top of the current system as well, if people want it as well they do listen to players to some degree its why they don't always keep every change they try out, this has always been a poe thing. So people need to stop throwing fits over the little things that not even out to try yet, instead try it 1st then give real feed back. I personally would like them to add this type of stuff to poe as perma, these vaal type classes, an the system seem to be pretty cool once it has way more to them, even if its in a rough state currently it has a lot that could make it great if it gets added to it. If they put this as a sub system later to be able to do with the current tree, it would be pretty cool. Последняя редакция: MasterCrimsonReaper#3850. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 11:37:19
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" Agree, no sense removing the tree. |
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Looks like a big L to me, unfortunately
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