Announcing the First Path of Exile 2 Race Event

armor set is great :) just would have loved a helmet for another set as well ;P
Последняя редакция: BBJ-SWISS#9186. Время: 19 февр. 2025 г., 20:03:08
Жрите что дают!
It's a nice way to test the "Remove only tab" feature before the next "League" patch starts next month.

But I'm not gonna bother with it though, since it's 3:00 am in my timezone, & I already know who the usual top & winners will be, so good luck to all participating.

Geez!, mid-March to April will be a crowded schedule for aRPG fans.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Goddam who is managing shit at GGG. First announce no event, so pohx makes league. Then you announce event and kill pohx league. Now event is going live, and u gonna start something else in the middle of that again. Holy crap
Viggish77#0289 написал:
Goddam who is managing shit at GGG. First announce no event, so pohx makes league. Then you announce event and kill pohx league. Now event is going live, and u gonna start something else in the middle of that again. Holy crap

you forgot to mention while notting is getting fixed from what i've heard from poe 2 so far ;) LOL
axeltt012#4323 написал:

What's going on in most people heads reading this post is:
- GGG is rubbing this reward in my face while being aware we already gave up before even trying. Feels just like my company I work for bragging about all-times high profits while they keep me at minimum wage.

This event will only make people more angry than anything.

Nah, not really, unless you're a kid who thinks like that. Reality hits like this "Oh a PoE 2 racing event cool, I'm im / nah i'll pass.

And thats all.

Vic5Vicious#7214 написал:
This is the worst idea possible.

1. The timing. You got a PoE 1 event going on during that time, a lot of PoE 1 players like both games, so some of them would love to jump into this one but won't be able due to the first game's event (which sounds more fun for players of both games imo).

2. The game's performance. It is in a very bad state to make this types of event. Constant crashes and freezes for a lot of people. This could be a winning or losing factor.

3. Only 6 classes. In a game that will have 12 classes, the rules of the event are cutting the possible winners by 50%. This types of events should be done once all classes are available.

4. The multiple entries. The same 6-10 people are going to win if they play in all the races. They know the strats, they know the optimized routes, it is what it is.

5. Low priority of the game state. Instead of focussing on fixing performance issues, balance issues, lack of content, lack of updates. An early access game without real patches for 4 months, what is that?

Don't get me wrong, this types of events are amazing, just not now. There is so much to do before this.

1.- The timing is perfect, If you like both you have a poe 2 race then a long phrecia event. It wouldnt be fair to create an event for poe 1 then leaving poe 2 behind.

2.- Performance improved a lot, and i mean A LOT, constant crashes and freezes is just a straight up lie.

3.- What? so no events should be made during early access? are you joking? they're not cutting a single thing, everyone can play. WTF man.

4.- Same people? how? this is the first race in poe 2, how do you know? (you dont) and everyone can learn those strats. Everyone starts with the same chances of winning.

5.- Low priority of the game state, LMAOOOO youre just trashtalking right here. You dont even know what are they're working on and you dare to say this,

I cant even, ragebait used to be better.
Последняя редакция: Riverwind77#5126. Время: 19 февр. 2025 г., 20:12:05
I used to LOVE racing in POE1. The prizes only being for 1st seems a little out of reach for 99.9999% of the playerbase however.

Unfortunately, as someone who works on Sundays in Asia my 2 choices are:
- Wake up at 3am to play and then go to work
- Don't play the event

Racing events in beta POE1 would be on different days and different times to cater to everyone. My feedback would just be to give us some variety.

Super excited for 0.2!
Well, nice event and all, but I do have a question for the GGG folks in charge of this:

Could we "the peasants who play casually" at least place some bets as to which streamer will win ?

We leave the currency with an official and after ghazzy ,ziz, Darth or whoever wins, we also reap the rewards based on the bets we made.

Once the winner of bet is announced you guys can go on Google, find an RMT site just to get a conversion rate and you give the winner either points or the currency (based on his choice).

This event is disappointing in my honest opinion (I love the game though but this feel like streamer glorification instead of player focused event)

PoE2 is dead in the water for me. Maybe in a year it will be better but god damn it just sucks right now.
~ Seph
just focus on developing the game instead of some race where the most unemployed player wins.

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