Path of Exile 2 - 0.2.0 Teaser Thread

Sooooo not much getting done on GGG's side of things? Production levels seem lower and lower as time goes on. Probably due to losing a lot of valuable employees. I wonder when tencent takes over development of the games. Bound to happen at the rate we are getting new content out.
Последняя редакция: Tokintom#3043. Время: 8 марта 2025 г., 10:45:27
Tokintom#3043 написал:
Sooooo not much getting done on GGG's side of things? Production levels seem lower and lower as time goes on. Probably due to losing a lot of valuable employees. I wonder when tencent takes over development of the games. Bound to happen at the rate we are getting new content out.


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I definitely fall into the "let them cook"/"these things take time" camp. Historically I have precisely zero beef with how GGG has gone about development.

But having said that, the lead developer did say they were looking at a 6-12 month EA timeframe IIRC. We're now 4 months in and we've seen the rollout of practically nothing new.

And the biggest bit of content that's being teased is... a couple new ascendancies? Not even new classes or new weapon types. Just a handful of new class-locked passives.

Not gonna lie, with the projected EA timeframe communicated by GGG, I fully expected a full econ reset and EA league start around 3 months in that would include multiple new classes and weapon types accompanied by a boatload of support gems and balance changes.

The way it's going now I get the feeling EA will be multiple years long and even then I get the impression they will be holding back class releases for 1.0 purely to drive hype for the games release. Which is not at all what I would expected from GGG.

Hope I'm wrong. Love the game and have blasted away nearly 1k hours in it with the very limited content that's even available currently.
Morbyn#3434 написал:
I definitely fall into the "let them cook"/"these things take time" camp. Historically I have precisely zero beef with how GGG has gone about development.

But having said that, the lead developer did say they were looking at a 6-12 month EA timeframe IIRC. We're now 4 months in and we've seen the rollout of practically nothing new.

And the biggest bit of content that's being teased is... a couple new ascendancies? Not even new classes or new weapon types. Just a handful of new class-locked passives.

Not gonna lie, with the projected EA timeframe communicated by GGG, I fully expected a full econ reset and EA league start around 3 months in that would include multiple new classes and weapon types accompanied by a boatload of support gems and balance changes.

The way it's going now I get the feeling EA will be multiple years long and even then I get the impression they will be holding back class releases for 1.0 purely to drive hype for the games release. Which is not at all what I would expected from GGG.

Hope I'm wrong. Love the game and have blasted away nearly 1k hours in it with the very limited content that's even available currently.

This 100%.

I actually don't even think at this point I will play again at 0.2.0. I have lost all excitement because I know that I will end up stuck on 0.2.0 for another 4+ months.

Sad. Very sad.
Morbyn#3434 написал:
I definitely fall into the "let them cook"/"these things take time" camp. Historically I have precisely zero beef with how GGG has gone about development.

But having said that, the lead developer did say they were looking at a 6-12 month EA timeframe IIRC. We're now 4 months in and we've seen the rollout of practically nothing new.

And the biggest bit of content that's being teased is... a couple new ascendancies? Not even new classes or new weapon types. Just a handful of new class-locked passives.

Not gonna lie, with the projected EA timeframe communicated by GGG, I fully expected a full econ reset and EA league start around 3 months in that would include multiple new classes and weapon types accompanied by a boatload of support gems and balance changes.

The way it's going now I get the feeling EA will be multiple years long and even then I get the impression they will be holding back class releases for 1.0 purely to drive hype for the games release. Which is not at all what I would expected from GGG.

Hope I'm wrong. Love the game and have blasted away nearly 1k hours in it with the very limited content that's even available currently.

The optimist in me is thinking that they teased new ascendencies (teased plural but only a visual teaser for one ascendency) and told us they cannot reveal the bigger changes to the game yet that are coming in o.2.

So bigger changes than ascendencies can only mean a class or act. I know they didn't outright state that but unique items or skill gems are not bigger reveals than ascendency. Maybe endgame mechanics but I'm not sure that would really qualify. But again that is my optimistic side.
Bro's in game be saying March 23 like its set in stone and I've not seen that date once anywhere only "approximately one month from this post" and aproximately could mean any fkn time. I read an article just before saying 27-28 or if it's slow late April so fucked if I know. I'd love to know. I'd love them to actually just be straight up and stop with the shit teasers. I don't know who their media manager is but they need to be fired.
Последняя редакция: Sydneydonza#3078. Время: 8 марта 2025 г., 22:06:03
if I worked like ggg I'd be jobless in a week

can you at least change chonk small passives a little so that it makes sense to use embitter on him
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Последняя редакция: auspexa#1404. Время: 9 марта 2025 г., 0:24:28
This update will be a new league or just an update of the current one with everything we've already recovered?
too low for such a long time since release.

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