Join the First Path of Exile 2 Race Event

An event so important I didn't even realize it had happened already.

It's a neat concept, but I can't compete with speed runners and I'm not wasting what precious gaming time I have on this. Would have been cool to have some sort of participant acknowledgement or something, but it's OK. They cant all be winners and the speed running/uber player gotta have their fun too right?
They cant all be winners and the speed running/uber player gotta have their fun too right?

Thing is - there are literally like 20-30 such players as race showed (among ~1 million who played the game). Those who cared only about speedrunning acts and nothing else for the most part. Why do something at all for such extreme minority?

I'd understand if the goal was to advertise the game more. But hell, you can't even see results on official website - have to go there through special link buried in a message in a topic that is somewhere in top 10 topics on the forum of POE1. Absurd.
Totally agree, and I still can't understand why they didn't add a cosmetic reward for everybody beating Doryani in the time limit. It's a very little thing but it would have been more than enough to motivate a lot of people to participate - myself included.
Setso_loulou#0666 написал:
Totally agree, and I still can't understand why they didn't add a cosmetic reward for everybody beating Doryani in the time limit. It's a very little thing but it would have been more than enough to motivate a lot of people to participate - myself included.

I think it would just be cool to have a cosmetic like a visual effect or portal that would commemorate the event for people who did participate.

For a real life comparison, when you register to do a marathon or a 5k, often times you get a T-shirt at the event that will commemorate the event and maybe have sponsors on it. The winners will get medals or trophies for being the best, or qualify for more elite events. But a small piece of swag for participants boosts engagement and marketing of the event and sponsors to a much wider audience.

I have shirts from events like that and it's cool because you wear it and people go "you you do this thing?" And you say "yes I did do this thing, do you do that thing?" And they say "no but I was thinking about doing that thing" and then you get to tell them why you like that thing.

Video game race to irl race isn't 1:1 but if you maybe thought the number of players completing the race was underwhelming and you wanted engagement from a future event of this type, it's just something to consider. I know it wouldn't take much for myself to go from not participating to participating in a race.
I also dont understand why not all ppl who beat act 3 boss will get some sort of a price. Maybe an MTX in a smaller price category or even some currency, like hey u beat the race, ull get 5 divine or so, anything would have been better than nothing. surely the first one gets the best price and it would also be cool if there would be a second/third ones price. Like a in real race.

This is just my oppinion, i mean i love the game, even tho i dont played PoE 1. But theres much to make better so far i can see.

There are a lot Bugs still in the game and some Content is way too unbalanced.
Simulacrum f.e. is too hard to play on lvl 3 or 4 for me, even tho i have a pretty good setup with my Minion Infernalist and no trouble at any other content. Theres a reason most ppl play DemonForm/Invoker/sorccerer.
Also some Bosses can be bugged, tho they wont get any more dmg (act 2 first boss f.e.) or on maps when u enter an arena u can get stuck with no way out. Also when i play with friends the fps of all my friends and me are so hard drained and there are so many visual bugs when im playing with others, and i could bring a lot more up, but i hope ggg is already informed about this issues and will hopefully work on them for the next great patch.

Also i wasnt informed, that ppl with wide screens need an extra mod to play propper on the setup. I mean were not in 2010, were in 2025, it should be a game option to en/disable this. And yeah maybe, if this gets unfair in events, disable the options for the specific realm. But i mean in general it should be a game option in my oppinion.

Anyway the race was fun to play, even tho i couldnt beat the act 3 boss with my setup. It also was my first race and for the next time im better prepared :)

I hope ggg will hear the community wishes and improve, keep it up! :D

Can we get native 32:9 support?
"This includes the use of third party mods that remove black bars in ultrawide resolutions to gain the unfair advantage of an increased field of vision."

In the history of poorly justified bad decisions, this probably merits some sort of award.

This objectively verges on sheer idiotism.

1. PoE 2 is primarily a Single Player game, an experience that the player can, and should enjoy as he or she likes, this is an extremly important part of the experience. This includes playing on any hardware of the player's choosing.

2. You are running an event for less then the top 1% of players. And using it to justify a restriction on anyone who wants to enjoy your game in its full splendor in 32:9.

3. The so called "advantage" is de-facto non-existent. It is not any more of an advantage then having a higher framerate, higher resolution, better quality screen, or simply having had a good night's sleep and being alert... You might as well claim that having nimble fingers is an unfair advantage...

4. It's just a video game. It doesn't matter. Let people play how they want.

5. If you absolutely must, enforce the rule for the event, specifically, not for everyone else.

There is no sense, and no logic in this decision, this is simply a poor, lazy, decision, justified by a made-up, imaginary reason.

As a side note, not even all PvP FPS games prohibit 32:9... if it's not an "unfair" advantage in a PvP game, it's not one in PoE 2.
[...] ultrawide resolutions to gain the unfair advantage of an increased field of vision

Reading this pains my heart, deeply.

Playing is 32:9 has never been about about getting an unfair advantage, but instead it's about immersion. The game is so much more immersive and beautiful in 32:9, that I don't want to ever go back. This is also true for PoE 1, but it stands out in PoE 2 with the stunning visuals and backgrounds.

Just look at those:

Looking at the competition, Diablo 4 supports up to 27:9 (which is already miles away from 21:9), and Last Epoch supports the full 32:9.

As a person that bought a 32:9 monitor mainly for PoE (before Kalandra league), I sincerelly ask:

Please GGG consider supporting 32:9 resolutions natively.

Thank you.
In 2022, GGG responded as to why 32:9 was removed from PoE1:

"Previously it was possible to manually set the aspect ratio of the Path of Exile client to be very short and wide, allowing you to see an unintended amount of the level at once. A limit needed to be set. Because of server serialisation distances, this maximum aspect ratio is currently set to 21:9. This is the widest that we can currently go before we start hitting the cutoff where entities and effects vanish. We are looking at being able to increase this in the future.

This note was accidentally missed from the patch notes. We're very sorry for that oversight."


Now, GGG is saying that aspect ratios over 21:9 is an unfair advantage?

How about the unfair advantage of players on 4:3 when others are on 16:9? Why don't we start limiting the amount of FPS each player can get because those on higher frame rates and refresh rates monitor have a better experience than those on 60hz 60fps?

Are we going to start limiting people based on if they have an optical laser mouse instead of a trackball mouse? We need to keep it fair, right?

You use to support 32:9 for years, you then removed you said it's unfortunately in an area where entities and effects vanish. 3 Years ago you said you was looking into expanding this, so clearly you had the idea of reinstating Super Ultrawide support. In PoE2, none of us using the Ultrawide mod have not experienced that either, so it appears you fixed it? So why is the support not reinstated?

It's 2025, people's hardware has improved, and more people are running Super Ultrawide monitors. People on running on multi-monitor configs.

Your new stance on this is awful.
Последняя редакция: TerryHB#4330. Время: 7 марта 2025 г., 3:57:04
I get they're trying to have an event, but the only thing I took out of this is a reaffirmed stance on ultrawide. I just bought my last supporter pack for a while.

Maybe I should have participated as an example to show how little a super ultrawide would have helped me perform differently.

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