Path of Exile 2 Content Update 0.2.0 New Teasers

it's been so long since i last played the game i totally forgot about. as usual the uniques don't seem that unique.
MEYKAN#1477 написал:

Is this all that has been done since December 6?

Did you even read the first line of their post or was that too much effort?
"We have to keep the big changes coming to Path of Exile 2 under wraps for now"

Pog but GGG for once dont nerf fun to oblivion pretty please i love you dudes
Guys you seriously need to add some rare and powerful uniques like PoE once had - Shavronne's, Soultaker, Kaom's, facebreakers, Void Battery, Consuming dark when poison was broken, Indigon, oldschool bringer of rain, lightning coil, taste of hate etc. Build defining, sometimes BIS for a lot of people, sometimes outshined by rares. I don't think it hurts the game hugely. But all uniques right now are 1 ex leveling uniques and we don't have that jackpot unique waiting to be dropped by mobs and to get us rich, in my honest opinion. And also they felt good using.
Ole more Choice on Atlas and still no more Points to select them . 30 Points are to less
Hope we are getting more weapons as well and not just 1. I'd rather get more weapons and skills than ascendancies atm
Remove towers bring back scarabs please
Bosx55#6254 написал:
Remove towers bring back scarabs please

literally this, towers suck ass. Spending more time setting up towers than playing mechanics in maps is not fun gameplay.
Nice, ever going to fix melee like the director said in his interview? Thanks for focusing on players who can actually reach endgame and not all the players who quit because of stubborn nerfs and poor design.
Two new uniques look promising but why not work on existing ones? A lot of the are just useless...

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