Path of Exile 2 Content Update 0.2.0 New Teasers

Still the most exciting part is the economy resetting. Still haven’t really seen anything that is exciting to me. And the news of GGG doubling down on towers just makes things feel eh. Taking something that is boring to do, and making it suck more is just an odd choice. Not sure exactly what I was expecting, but this hasn’t been it. POE 2 is kinda fun. Curious how the campaign ends. But the end game still feels like a toxic employer, the time they want from you versus the rewards they offer are still out of whack. I personally don’t find it interesting enough to dedicate that much time and effort. Especially with so many other games to compete with.
That is nice and all but where are my spears? (っ °Д °;)っ
.-. .. -.- ..- -.- .-.. .- -.-- - --- -.
economy resetting ?
Can we change ascendencies now? or still no? xD
9ix#1474 написал:
economy resetting ?

Why? are you selling for $? why u need reset in singelplayer xd
There is no attractive content.
I don't know, what is GGG thinking?
This is actually cool, keep cooking. Ballistae LOGIN
why bring back fundamental game changing things, why not fix the “game” first, endgame is fundamentally a problem, you map through 10 maps and do that over and over again, that's not challenging that's more boring than DIablo4.

Why don't you bring performance updates, the game hangs so enormously on every PC, especially with high-end setup.

Why is there no announcement what happens fundamentally in 0.2.0, is it a new league, will currency be saved?

Why don't the rest of the classes come, why don't you improve the game before you bring new items and ascendancy classes.

Why is GGG so completely lost right now ?

Aweseome news! Cant wait to see the whole update. Keep up the good work!!!!
Nice!!! great stuff love the shield design definetly going to use it just for the aesthetics

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