ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

there are always methods to improve a build (perfection is so boring anyways)

what is the best way to improve projectile damage on this build ? a couple of pages you made this post

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Ceryneian написал:
Been getting questions on how to improve ranged mode of this build. Yes - the build is not optimal for ranged version of projectiles for LS because of Bringer of Rain. However for me, I am more concerned about bosses so I have focused on the melee single target damage of LS with Bringer of Rain. If you would like to play more ranged with this build, here is what I recommend:

- Remove Bringer of Rain (you will lose some HP, 15% block, some spell block, and you will lose Blind)

- Equip high evasion chest with resistances and HP

- Equip one of the following helms:

- With Vertex: you gain very high mana with ES and Eldritch Battery, you can also put heavy curse set up or heavy spell totem set up in the Vertex to take advantage of the reduce mana cost. This will not work with auras, but auras can benefit from the +1 to all gems in the Vertex. You also get high evasion

- With Alpha Howl: you gain very strong auras, less mana reserved, cannot be frozen. Also has high evasion.

- Set up your 6L chest with: LS - Physical Projectile Attack Damage - Multistrike - WED - PCOC - Inc. Crit Damage. If you need leech, maybe take out PCOC or WED and replace with Life Leech gem.

- You will have less life with this set up, but tradeoff is you will have much stronger range, stronger auras, better resistances, and much better mana if you Vertex

do you still think its a good idea now with the 1.2 patch ?

the vertex realy seems lackluster now that the mana cost of LS has been reduced and +1gems/reduced mana cost are great mods for...a caster build.

if we use hatred + herald of ash the alpha howl will only affect hatred (hoa is not considered an aura) so again the only benefit would be the evasion/no freeze mod
azamantes написал:
there are always methods to improve a build (perfection is so boring anyways)

what is the best way to improve projectile damage on this build ? a couple of pages you made this post

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Ceryneian написал:
Been getting questions on how to improve ranged mode of this build. Yes - the build is not optimal for ranged version of projectiles for LS because of Bringer of Rain. However for me, I am more concerned about bosses so I have focused on the melee single target damage of LS with Bringer of Rain. If you would like to play more ranged with this build, here is what I recommend:

- Remove Bringer of Rain (you will lose some HP, 15% block, some spell block, and you will lose Blind)

- Equip high evasion chest with resistances and HP

- Equip one of the following helms:

- With Vertex: you gain very high mana with ES and Eldritch Battery, you can also put heavy curse set up or heavy spell totem set up in the Vertex to take advantage of the reduce mana cost. This will not work with auras, but auras can benefit from the +1 to all gems in the Vertex. You also get high evasion

- With Alpha Howl: you gain very strong auras, less mana reserved, cannot be frozen. Also has high evasion.

- Set up your 6L chest with: LS - Physical Projectile Attack Damage - Multistrike - WED - PCOC - Inc. Crit Damage. If you need leech, maybe take out PCOC or WED and replace with Life Leech gem.

- You will have less life with this set up, but tradeoff is you will have much stronger range, stronger auras, better resistances, and much better mana if you Vertex

do you still think its a good idea now with the 1.2 patch ?

the vertex realy seems lackluster now that the mana cost of LS has been reduced and +1gems/reduced mana cost are great mods for...a caster build.

if we use hatred + herald of ash the alpha howl will only affect hatred (hoa is not considered an aura) so again the only benefit would be the evasion/no freeze mod

ranged for lightning strike is iffy because mana leech problems. + the output for damage is not very consistance because some miss, it's also very weird to play ranged because when you miss you never know if you missed or if the game is just glitched due to the mechanics of range things in poe. another thing with being ranged is you hardly freeze things since the 50% conversion from phys to lightning. i might be biased because i like the melee part of lightning strike a lot, the additional projectiles are just for aesthetics and aoe. although sometimes i do switch to ranged, like with crazy mods that im scared to face tank, that said i pretty much facetank everything and the freeze duration from your crits work phenomenal with your block, eva, dodge.
B_L_3_E_D написал:
azamantes написал:
there are always methods to improve a build (perfection is so boring anyways)

what is the best way to improve projectile damage on this build ? a couple of pages you made this post

Скрытый текст
Ceryneian написал:
Been getting questions on how to improve ranged mode of this build. Yes - the build is not optimal for ranged version of projectiles for LS because of Bringer of Rain. However for me, I am more concerned about bosses so I have focused on the melee single target damage of LS with Bringer of Rain. If you would like to play more ranged with this build, here is what I recommend:

- Remove Bringer of Rain (you will lose some HP, 15% block, some spell block, and you will lose Blind)

- Equip high evasion chest with resistances and HP

- Equip one of the following helms:

- With Vertex: you gain very high mana with ES and Eldritch Battery, you can also put heavy curse set up or heavy spell totem set up in the Vertex to take advantage of the reduce mana cost. This will not work with auras, but auras can benefit from the +1 to all gems in the Vertex. You also get high evasion

- With Alpha Howl: you gain very strong auras, less mana reserved, cannot be frozen. Also has high evasion.

- Set up your 6L chest with: LS - Physical Projectile Attack Damage - Multistrike - WED - PCOC - Inc. Crit Damage. If you need leech, maybe take out PCOC or WED and replace with Life Leech gem.

- You will have less life with this set up, but tradeoff is you will have much stronger range, stronger auras, better resistances, and much better mana if you Vertex

do you still think its a good idea now with the 1.2 patch ?

the vertex realy seems lackluster now that the mana cost of LS has been reduced and +1gems/reduced mana cost are great mods for...a caster build.

if we use hatred + herald of ash the alpha howl will only affect hatred (hoa is not considered an aura) so again the only benefit would be the evasion/no freeze mod

ranged for lightning strike is iffy because mana leech problems. + the output for damage is not very consistance because some miss, it's also very weird to play ranged because when you miss you never know if you missed or if the game is just glitched due to the mechanics of range things in poe. another thing with being ranged is you hardly freeze things since the 50% conversion from phys to lightning. i might be biased because i like the melee part of lightning strike a lot, the additional projectiles are just for aesthetics and aoe. although sometimes i do switch to ranged, like with crazy mods that im scared to face tank, that said i pretty much facetank everything and the freeze duration from your crits work phenomenal with your block, eva, dodge.

Aza - I wish I could! I have tried taking off Bringer of Rain many times with this build but it really is the best piece of gear you can get for this build not only life (even non-legacy give good life), but damage (20-30 phys damage is very very good on this build), block, blind etc. - it simply cannot be beat. I have yet to discover a new combination of helm + chest that can beat Bringer, maybe someday in the future when there are more new uniques it could be replaced.

I don't think there is much to improve on auras - and I love the Hatred + Herald of Ice because they synergize very well with what we do on this build which is stack phys damage. And they leave me a lot of mana room which is great.

The last thing I would like to do is incorporate Immortal Call - but it really is hard to do this because a) few gems lots, b) need lots of Endurance Charges, c) does not synergize well with damage avoidance build.

I think on the tree - I will keep looking but I think it is hard to optimize now. I think my CI build will find it hard to get as high DPS as this build because all the physical damage nodes are tied close to life nodes.I have also tried to replace shield, but the unique evasion shields are all not that great with no special benefits =(. After 1.2 patch Rathpith is now even more valuable on this build because dat 10% life is very very good now.

I have replaced Atziri Steps with regular evasion boots with life and res so I can take off purity and run herald of ash - you will not notice difference between 46% spell dodge vs. 30% spell dodge. Unless you are trying to facetank Dominus lighting ghosts, Academy boss or Mageara for some time - you will see a bit of difference, but otherwise you will not see a difference in regular play. I find that you can manually avoid most spells in this game so I removed Atziri Steps from being recommended in the guide.

Anyway Aza I will keep looking and see what else we can improve! I hope you are enjoying this build more than the CI one xD

BLEED - you speak my mind. LS shooting at range can feel a bit weird sometimes - it because of the desync! I remember sometimes I am hitting with projectiles but I see no damage being done! It is because I was desync'd and maybe actually behind a pillar right next to me so even though the animation played the projectiles moving towards enemy on the client-side, on the server-side my projectiles were being blocked by the pillar. However I have not found it to be an issue mostly because I play 80% of the time as melee, and only 20% of the time I need to go to range for more safety or more flexibility - just like you mention.

I know some people think it is "cowardly" to play ranged, but it sucks to die in PoE! I really envied ranged characters like Spectral Throw and bow users because if they play well they cannot be touched at range!! So that's how I made this build so you can play like a bow user or Spec Throw guy, but still have blind and dodge and max blocks and insane single target!

I tried many different skills including Reave, Spec Throw, Molten Strike, but Lightning Strike helped solve all my problems and the more I played the more I saw how amazing Lightning Strike is.

Hi ceryneian :D , hav you considered taking weathered hunter + elemental res from bandits so you can get enough res to equip a maligaro in your glove slot?

oh and btw iv played your build and now im at lvl 88, iv found out that stone of lazhwar is only needed to fight bosses , magical exiles like igna or lezard and maps with -max res... but most of the time is not needed, my stone of lazhwar is in my inventory 80% of the time and i use a rare amulet with life , crit multiplier , mana and all elemental resist while not using lazhwar.

i think u should try that too , i mean getting a good rare amulet and just equiping lazhwar for hard fights where u need spell block for bosses or elemental damage mitigation.

edit: you can even get a high res amulet to compensate the loss of elemental res from a ring and equip a romira banquet
Последняя редакция: BIGLITRO#5705. Время: 6 сент. 2014 г., 21:04:48
BIGLITRO написал:
Hi ceryneian :D , hav you considered taking weathered hunter + elemental res from bandits so you can get enough res to equip a maligaro in your glove slot?

oh and btw iv played your build and now im at lvl 88, iv found out that stone of lazhwar is only needed to fight bosses , magical exiles like igna or lezard and maps with -max res... but most of the time is not needed, my stone of lazhwar is in my inventory 80% of the time and i use a rare amulet with life , crit multiplier , mana and all elemental resist while not using lazhwar.

i think u should try that too , i mean getting a good rare amulet and just equiping lazhwar for hard fights where u need spell block for bosses or elemental damage mitigation.

edit: you can even get a high res amulet to compensate the loss of elemental res from a ring and equip a romira banquet

Hi! Thank you for trying the build!

I am happy with my res now - I took off Atziri Steps for boots with more life, and resistances and I am nicely overcapped without Purity of Elements. This is even with gloves without resistance.

On paper it looks like a crit mult will help, but if you do the math Stone of Lazhwar with +1 curse will still beat it, and a Lazhwar will still give great defense with a lot of spell block (contributes 35% spell block).

I just tried this amulet:

Got to about 300K damage with 3 power charges and Atziri flask - so that is about 450K damage with Shock.

This A LOT of damage, but we should not just focus on tooltip paper DPS because we will overlook that a +1 curse Lazhwar will still beat out a crit mult amulet simply because you get much higher damage multipliers from adding either Assassin's Curse OR Elemental Weakness curse. I laid out the damage multipliers a few pages back. You also have flexibility to combine 2 defensive curses like Temporal Chains + Enfeeble, which are both extremely good for evasion builds.

Also, you can easily find a Lazhwar with +1 curse, but it is almost impossible to find an end-game amulet with crit mult, res, and +1 curse.

So the Lazhwar stone with corrupted curse will beat out the crit amy in both defense AND offense.

Math and My Reasoning (someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe this is right):
This is math on raw damage (excludes crit chance changes from amulet or crit chance changes from Assassin's Mark)
- Using the amulet above I go from 717% crit mult to 822% crit mult. So my damage on crit goes up from 7.2x to 8.2x this is a 8.2x/7.2x = 1.14x more damage on crit

- Lazhwar +1 curse:
a) Assassin's Mark: gives 39% more extra damage from critical strikes (this ignores curse on hit buff). So that is a 1.39x more damage on crit

b) Elemental Weakness: this is the big daddy damage increase: gives 50% less resistance to mobs (this ignores curse on hit buff). So assuming mobs have resistances ranging from 0% to 75%, we increase damage by 150/100 to 75/25 = 1.5x to 3x - so on average that is a 2.3x more damage increase on ALL damage, not just crit damage. You can see that if a mob is overcapped past 75% then the multiplier increase is even higher than 3x as the more resistance they have the more damage increase we get by using Elemental Weakness.

Now you could argue that map bosses have reduced curse effectiveness. But Wiki says map bosses have 60% reduced curse effectiveness, so in the case of Assassin's Mark isntead of having 39% more crit damage you will have 15.6% more crit damage = which is a 1.16x more damage increase on crit, which is still higher than the 70% crit mult amulet.

Same thing applies with elemental weakness - even with the boss curse effectiveness the damage increase still comes out much higher than my crit amulet.

In this analysis I ignored crit chance increase from crit amulet, and other things like Curse on Hit buff to curses and Assassin's Mark increased chance to crit.

You could argue that you could use crit amy with +1 curse but they are extremely extremely rare - I just search on poexyz for amulet with more than 50% crit mult, and +1 curse corruption and there is only 1 that is for sale.

You could also argue that with a crit mult amy your damage increase is "always ON", whereas with corrupted curse Lazhwar you need to curse to realize damage. This is true, however taking off Lazhwar to get that small upside, whle losing a lot of spell block, is simply not worth it IMO.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you think I am wrong somewhere.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 6 сент. 2014 г., 22:00:40
Ceryneian написал:
BIGLITRO написал:
Hi ceryneian :D , hav you considered taking weathered hunter + elemental res from bandits so you can get enough res to equip a maligaro in your glove slot?

oh and btw iv played your build and now im at lvl 88, iv found out that stone of lazhwar is only needed to fight bosses , magical exiles like igna or lezard and maps with -max res... but most of the time is not needed, my stone of lazhwar is in my inventory 80% of the time and i use a rare amulet with life , crit multiplier , mana and all elemental resist while not using lazhwar.

i think u should try that too , i mean getting a good rare amulet and just equiping lazhwar for hard fights where u need spell block for bosses or elemental damage mitigation.

edit: you can even get a high res amulet to compensate the loss of elemental res from a ring and equip a romira banquet

Hi! Thank you for trying the build!

I am happy with my res now - I took off Atziri Steps for boots with more life, and resistances and I am nicely overcapped without Purity of Elements. This is even with gloves without resistance.

On paper it looks like a crit mult will help, but if you do the math Stone of Lazhwar with +1 curse will still beat it, and a Lazhwar will still give great defense with a lot of spell block (contributes 35% spell block).

I just tried this amulet:

Got to about 300K damage with 3 power charges and Atziri flask - so that is about 450K damage with Shock.

This A LOT of damage, but we should not just focus on tooltip paper DPS because we will overlook that a +1 curse Lazhwar will still beat out a crit mult amulet simply because you get much higher damage multipliers from adding either Assassin's Curse OR Elemental Weakness curse. I laid out the damage multipliers a few pages back. You also have flexibility to combine 2 defensive curses like Temporal Chains + Enfeeble, which are both extremely good for evasion builds.

Also, you can easily find a Lazhwar with +1 curse, but it is almost impossible to find an end-game amulet with crit mult, res, and +1 curse.

So the Lazhwar stone with corrupted curse will beat out the crit amy in both defense AND offense.

Math and My Reasoning (someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe this is right):
This is math on raw damage (excludes crit chance changes from amulet or crit chance changes from Assassin's Mark)
- Using the amulet above I go from 717% crit mult to 822% crit mult. So my damage on crit goes up from 7.2x to 8.2x this is a 8.2x/7.2x = 1.14x more damage on crit

- Lazhwar +1 curse:
a) Assassin's Mark: gives 39% more extra damage from critical strikes (this ignores curse on hit buff). So that is a 1.39x more damage on crit

b) Elemental Weakness: this is the big daddy damage increase: gives 50% less resistance to mobs (this ignores curse on hit buff). So assuming mobs have resistances ranging from 0% to 75%, we increase damage by 150/100 to 75/25 = 1.5x to 3x - so on average that is a 2.3x more damage increase on ALL damage, not just crit damage. You can see that if a mob is overcapped past 75% then the multiplier increase is even higher than 3x as the more resistance they have the more damage increase we get by using Elemental Weakness.

Now you could argue that map bosses have reduced curse effectiveness. But Wiki says map bosses have 60% reduced curse effectiveness, so in the case of Assassin's Mark isntead of having 39% more crit damage you will have 15.6% more crit damage = which is a 1.16x more damage increase on crit, which is still higher than the 70% crit mult amulet.

Same thing applies with elemental weakness - even with the boss curse effectiveness the damage increase still comes out much higher than my crit amulet.

In this analysis I ignored crit chance increase from crit amulet, and other things like Curse on Hit buff to curses and Assassin's Mark increased chance to crit.

You could argue that you could use crit amy with +1 curse but they are extremely extremely rare - I just search on poexyz for amulet with more than 50% crit mult, and +1 curse corruption and there is only 1 that is for sale.

You could also argue that with a crit mult amy your damage increase is "always ON", whereas with corrupted curse Lazhwar you need to curse to realize damage. This is true, however taking off Lazhwar to get that small upside, whle losing a lot of spell block, is simply not worth it IMO.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you think I am wrong somewhere.

thank u for replying

you are right about the damage increase but u are forgeting some details which imo hav some point:

1) your dps is very high like 160k without charges and anything else? with that crit amy ur dps solo should be around 200k+++, so basically why do u want to double curse mobs which will die mostly with 1 shot? lets say 2 - 3 shots to those necromancers with extra resist and life. basically double cursing would rlly shine is agains bosses or mobs that might be dangerous so enfeeble would be great along with temp chains. Also dunno about you but i would get mentally tired if i had to switch weapons to double curse after every pack, maybe u are used to it, dont get mad at the commentary its just my personal opinion since i know myself very well so i know im going to get exhausted after so much switching xD.

2) if you play in a party ur curses will get fked up everytime someone tryes to cast their curse and for example assasin mark is a curse that most builds doesnt use because only hard critical builds benefit from it and most people will always use something else.

3) as i said, iv done all maps till lvl 78 and there were rlly few moments were i had to switch amulets to get more spell block ( besides boss fights like dominus, piety etc :D ).

Also im pretty sure that with ur dps u are able to permafreeze most bosses. iv had that amount of dps with another build with dagger and with only 140k dps with no charges or flask i was able to permafreeze shrine piety forever.

I hope u read this as might be of some help for u, maybe u got better reasons that im forgeting but so far this is what comes to mind after i think about using a double curse lazhwar.
Последняя редакция: BIGLITRO#5705. Время: 6 сент. 2014 г., 22:32:47
BIGLITRO написал:

thank u for replying

you are right about the damage increase but u are forgeting some details which imo hav some point:

1) your dps is very high like 160k without charges and anything else? with that crit amy ur dps solo should be around 200k+++, so basically why do u want to double curse mobs which will die mostly with 1 shot? lets say 2 - 3 shots to those necromancers with extra resist and life. basically double cursing would rlly shine is agains bosses or mobs that might be dangerous so enfeeble would be great along with temp chains. Also dunno about you but i would get mentally tired if i had to switch weapons to double curse after every pack, maybe u are used to it, dont get mad at the commentary its just my personal opinion since i know myself very well so i know im going to get exhausted after so much switching xD.

2) if you play in a party ur curses will get fked up everytime someone tryes to cast their curse and for example assasin mark is a curse that most builds doesnt use because only hard critical builds benefit from it and most people will always use something else.

3) as i said, iv done all maps till lvl 78 and there were rlly few moments were i had to switch amulets to get more spell block ( besides boss fights like dominus, piety etc :D ).

Also im pretty sure that with ur dps u are able to permafreeze most bosses. iv had that amount of dps with another build with dagger and with only 140k dps with no charges or flask i was able to permafreeze shrine piety forever.

I hope u read this as might be of some help for u, maybe u got better reasons that im forgeting but so far this is what comes to mind after i think about using a double curse lazhwar.

I see what you are saying, but I don't curse regular mobs with this build at all xD I only curse bosses usually. You are right that we one shot them anyway so it doesn't matter what we use, but I am more focused on the bosses so I like having my curses to help against bosses. Since we one-shot regular mobs anyway, then IMO Lazhwar is way better because you can still 1-shot regular mobs, and still have extra safety vs. spells.

I especially like freezing and Palace Dominus 2nd form is tricky to perma-freeze without curses, even 1st form is tough. But with my curses I can perma-freeze him.
Atziri and her bosses also have high elemental resistance. We do ~30% phys damage, ~70% elemental damage with this build - so adding the elemental weakeneess increases a lot of our damage, makes it easier to shock and makes our freeze last longer on the bosses!

If you are in a party your curses are also strong - nearly everyone has elemental damage so your Elemental Weakness is a great curse for everyone, you also have +1 curse on amulet so bosses can have 2 curses without you overriding.

I have usually found in parties that most of the time I am the only one cursing bosses. I can put up Enfeeble on them and then Elemental Weakness - which helps everyone, or mix and match depending on the map. With Curse on Hit your curses are far stronger than most people's, except those with dedicated curse support builds - i.e. those guys with quad-curse, perma curse, curses all buffed - then you can leave cursing to them ofc xD.

BUT you do not have to follow what I do! Feel free to use what you like to be comfortable, as long as you are surviving ok.
I play mostly solo which is more dangerous than playing with group so I have found having max spell block to be fantastic. But if you play mostly group, and you feel you do not really need spell block, then customize the build to what you need!

Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 7 сент. 2014 г., 0:00:46
i mostly play solo too, imo playing solo is more safe than playing in groups and thats because the build is based on evasion and ur own reflex to react agains attacks and since you are alone is easyer to predict the monsters actions specially scary bosses like dominus.

Right now im working on getting a mirror dagger, im currently using a bino's knife and my dps is 70k without the crit ammy, charges or the flask , with the crit ammy my dps is 80k no charges no flask... and ya i dont hav an extra curses lazhwar but from my own experience i would surely use it agains bosses only... currently only monsters that actually endures my hits are those necros and golems but... whos going to double curse a necro, golems maybe... i got a friend who was playing one of those immortal aegis builds and got 1 shoted by a rare fire golem xD so i think these might worth cursing with enfeeble and ele weakness.

So far iv been trying so hard to get rid of my bor but i just cant , iv tryed a lot of combination that includes abyssus, lightning coil , rat nest with some modifications on the skill tree using the simulator , trying smoke mine with increase aoe and inc duration, blind with st , fa and gmp but so far nothing beast the simplicity of bringer of rain , its just unbeatable and i rlly hate that cuz i dont like that helm xD but cant deny its a great helm, maybe i should try the new block flask with rainbowstride and switch rathpith to another shield... dunno.

i rlly appreciate ur replys as this is a very good and fun character to play , completly a new experience to me imo and discussing about how to improve it makes it even more fun. thank u :D
Последняя редакция: BIGLITRO#5705. Время: 7 сент. 2014 г., 0:25:12
Lvl 90, 80k dps and 100k with Atziri Flask/Power Charges. Tried Atziri for first time yesterday and gotta say it was a piece of cake for the build, although I still have to improve some things(+1 curse SoL, better dagger, cap block, etc).

Btw, what you think would be better to craft on these items with Masters?

Gotta say also that I'm quite gear restricted since I use Atziri's Step(feeling super fine with them).

reeep LS :(
tinchop написал:
Lvl 90, 80k dps and 100k with Atziri Flask/Power Charges. Tried Atziri for first time yesterday and gotta say it was a piece of cake for the build, although I still have to improve some things(+1 curse SoL, better dagger, cap block, etc).

Btw, what you think would be better to craft on these items with Masters?

Gotta say also that I'm quite gear restricted since I use Atziri's Step(feeling super fine with them).

reeep LS :(

ring : life / res is the best since this build lacks fo serious elemental res or if u are already capped in ele weakness maps go for wed or critical...

belt : wed , flask recharge...

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