ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

BIGLITRO написал:
i mostly play solo too, imo playing solo is more safe than playing in groups and thats because the build is based on evasion and ur own reflex to react agains attacks and since you are alone is easyer to predict the monsters actions specially scary bosses like dominus.

Right now im working on getting a mirror dagger, im currently using a bino's knife and my dps is 70k without the crit ammy, charges or the flask , with the crit ammy my dps is 80k no charges no flask... and ya i dont hav an extra curses lazhwar but from my own experience i would surely use it agains bosses only... currently only monsters that actually endures my hits are those necros and golems but... whos going to double curse a necro, golems maybe... i got a friend who was playing one of those immortal aegis builds and got 1 shoted by a rare fire golem xD so i think these might worth cursing with enfeeble and ele weakness.

So far iv been trying so hard to get rid of my bor but i just cant , iv tryed a lot of combination that includes abyssus, lightning coil , rat nest with some modifications on the skill tree using the simulator , trying smoke mine with increase aoe and inc duration, blind with st , fa and gmp but so far nothing beast the simplicity of bringer of rain , its just unbeatable and i rlly hate that cuz i dont like that helm xD but cant deny its a great helm, maybe i should try the new block flask with rainbowstride and switch rathpith to another shield... dunno.

i rlly appreciate ur replys as this is a very good and fun character to play , completly a new experience to me imo and discussing about how to improve it makes it even more fun. thank u :D

Ok, ty! I have tried as well many combinations to see if something is better but Bringer is simply the best right now.

If I can make a MoM character with same defense in this build, that would be awesome xD.
tinchop написал:
Lvl 90, 80k dps and 100k with Atziri Flask/Power Charges. Tried Atziri for first time yesterday and gotta say it was a piece of cake for the build, although I still have to improve some things(+1 curse SoL, better dagger, cap block, etc).

Btw, what you think would be better to craft on these items with Masters?

Gotta say also that I'm quite gear restricted since I use Atziri's Step(feeling super fine with them).

reeep LS :(

I agree with what BIGLITRO posted. Just be careful when you craft with Masters because you cannot remove the mod until the Master is level 8 I believe
Uber Vaal and Uber Trio videos coming soon™
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 7 сент. 2014 г., 17:12:14
Uber Vaal and Uber Trio videos below. Hope you enjoy. I DID NOT make this build to do Uber runs, but it can still hold ground on Alluring Abyss - you just need to play very well vs. Atziri. Vaal are pretty easy on this build, and you can cheese trio with permanent Immortal Call!

Uber Vaal: http://youtu.be/goy4JWs_gw4

Uber Trio: http://youtu.be/sidUoSfiW-4
I did not use Immortal Call at all here, but it would have been MUCH MUCH easier. You can see I make some mistakes with Uber trio - A'alai is the hardest by far so you have to keep moving when she is alive and switch between melee and range fighting to kill her first. Once she dead you can tank the others with Jade, Enfeeble, Blind etc. Also need to be careful when cursing because if you add DPS curse to all 3 you might kill the cyclone or fire guy first by mistake!

If you want to practice how it is like for Uber I recommend doing Sacrifice Set with about 2.5K HP or less. If you ever decide to try Alluring Abyss, make sure you go with a friend who can finish the map so you do not waste the set xD.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 7 сент. 2014 г., 17:24:07
Последняя редакция: BIGLITRO#5705. Время: 7 сент. 2014 г., 20:32:58
BIGLITRO написал:

Hi, thanks for posting tree looks good but you also loose accuracy, evasion, and you lose out on the crit multiplier nodes at top of Shadow. If you want to do this for hardcore then feel free to use this tree or the other hardcore tree I posted.

The crit multiplier gives some of the highest damage increase to the build, but it is very far and takes 4 points.

To be honest, I am not completely knowledgeable about MoM, I am still trying to learn more and I will study your tree and let you know!
Possible Update to Build

Nah, won't work...
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 8 сент. 2014 г., 6:55:16
wait... where would you place 6l and keep a shield?
blakehx написал:
wait... where would you place 6l and keep a shield?

Just woke up and realized I forgot about the 6L lol! Must have been too tired. Although you could do it with WoE, but less efficient than bow since you neeed extra link for LMP for ST vs just split arrow.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 8 сент. 2014 г., 6:55:43
A while ago I posted this:

Wiki: "Map bosses also have 60% reduced effect of curses on them, and Act Bosses 70%. Launching a curse that decrease the elementals resistances by 10% on Vaal oversoul would reduce his resistances by only 3%"

Now I am not sure how the math works whether it is multiplicative or additive, i.e. for map bosses instead of reducign curse effect by 60% they would reduce it by (60-17%) = 43% -> so your curse effectiveness is 57%, or would it first reduce boss then increase by 17% i.e. 0.4*1.17 = 47% curse effectiveness. Either way, you can see it gives a great increase to the power of your curses.

Looks like we have confirmation that curse effectiveness works like the first method - boss reduced curse effectiveness subtracts from curse effectiveness increases, rather than multiplying. This is great for our build because our curses become relatively much much stronger against bosses by using Curse on Hit.

All credits to rezecib for discovering this in his thread:


Here is the video where rezecib tested it:

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