ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" Ah crap, my mistake buddy. I didn't really notice this because I always just assumed my flask with Curing must have been empty if I was taking a lot of damage from a caustic cloud. Now I realize it is because the caustic cloud is not actually poison. Poison can only be applied on hit, so the cloud which spawns is not poison, even though it does chaos damage over time. So Curing is not really helpful here, I will update the notes. You would need high chaos res (i.e. Atziri's promise / Amethyst flask) or CI, or good reaction with whirling blades to move out of the clouds. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 8 февр. 2018 г., 15:25:28
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" Some trees below (probably room to further optimize), and I recommend craft on Imperial Claw. This would be the default claw tree where I swapped the dagger nodes for claw nodes: http://poeurl.com/bLmw This is the default tree with more life nodes and less damage: http://poeurl.com/bLmx This is the Vaal Pact tree but changed for claw and more life nodes: http://poeurl.com/bLmy Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 8 февр. 2018 г., 15:59:33
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I intend to build this as a slayer.
is this good for dual curse herald of thunder curse on hit enfeeble conductivity. Domine Non Es Dignus
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" HoT is not reliable for applying curses bud so I would suggest you use a CWDT setup, if you want to dual curse I think it would be better to use a 4L LS with CoH Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 9 февр. 2018 г., 3:50:42
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This build looks awesome, but as a new player can you please explain how to fill the passive skill tree in the right order? Is there a reply to this same question in the thread? the game play looks insanely fun! i like how its possible without a bunch of uniques. Can this be played from lvl 1?
thanks! |
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I am trying this build out but i am a little lost How am i supposed to stay alive ? life leech is pretty much non existent When i open and abbys i am pretty mcuh getting 1shooted with 4k hp cotd with arc + cast on hit with projectile weekness never procs. Leveling was fun, but now on maps, and i amdoing tier 4-5 maps i sepnd more time running around then hitting anything. |
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once you hit maps say 90+ That's when 3 things become evident
1. Player Skill ( id say most players hitting 90+ do have some amount of skill but there are always these very very shady deaths that happen more often) 2. Character Defensive mechanisms. 3. Play style Note that DPS isn't on the list Ultimately If Defensive setup does not support playstyle - you are fucked If the defensive setup is not up to par for map / tier level - you are fucked , player skill regardless Player skill is a very trouble some marker to go by when getting levels . You get tired, distracted , zombie mode in long map grinds , your reflexes arent fast enough to get that flask asap. Either your play style must change - Kite - Kill like the creator of this build Or your defensive mechanisms like also what the creator of this build suggested. One beautiful thing I had not considered until i came across this build was resists on jewels. Basically Every piece of jewel has resists on it. Capping resists is a challenge When it comes to getting gear. Also a lot of defensive mechanisms rely on multiple usage of uniques - which again make the defenses lot harder to complete. Its safer to build around high defenses and then spec out/ gear switch when you acquire a good piece if you are comfortable taking more risk. If you build your character around dps like me your survivability comes easily unraveled at 90+. Ive pigeon holed myself and cant take a step forward or back because defensive gear is expensive and with leagues ending trade is dead. You cant progress if you keep dying. You can progress if you no matter your dps is a 20k-100k less . I wanted to Do this build as a slayer with vaal pact with dual curse + Grace+AA+Fortify in 6L Enfeeble on blasphemy because ( i need it to be up for every shit near me so that i don't get 1 shot) Grace+AA+ 1 blasphemy itself is a challenge to build around as it still needs enlighten. Ive been trying to figure out how i can get the other curse working - Most probably like Ceryneian suggested in a CwdT setup. I do not like actively cursing because 1. I actively want to spam enduring cry for charges 2. I actively want to spam flasks . 3. Minimize the number of "Oh Shit buttons" i need to reach for With Dps Flasks I just spam all 3 between packs , i don't care what i spam i just spam them without risk. Now i Cant spam defensive flasks as i need to carefully manage its charges and anticipate ( like that ever works ) big incoming hits( would be easier if we had a death log) and flask for those hits. Though i would love to Use perfect form and impressence - for conductivity - I am not sure if i can really get resists to support them. Also My math though not entirely sure makes me believe AA+ lightning coil is much better than perfect form + AA. Domine Non Es Dignus
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Can you take a look at this I tried to build this from slayer with goal of 6K life vaal pact. I don't understand how the dps is shown.. it does not make much sense to me , Am i doing it wrong? is there anything I can change to improve dps but retain 6K life and capped resists, grace+aa. Below is poe builder link saved in pastebin https://pastebin.com/FXznqqCF Domine Non Es Dignus
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" Good morning, thanks for checking out the build xD. To be honest I don't like putting leveling guides as people like to level in many different ways and it also depends on what gear you can get! The hard part I think is that you are probably going to need an intermediate ele dagger (rare) for like levels 40-60 because Ungil's Gauche is the only elemental dagger you can use earliesh startign from level 20 but then ofc it is going to fall off in DPS as you get closer to mid-game. Anyway, without complicating it too much, if you wanted to level as ele dagger, this is what I would recommend: Early Game (Levels 1 to 30): - Basically here you want to rush to get 4 things if you can: Ungil's Gauche, Wake of Destruction, Lycosidae/Crest of Perandus, and Herald of Thunder. HoT because Wrath will reserve too much and you will not be able to sustain mana - Use whatever melee or ranged skill you want until level 12 when you can put in LS - If you have a Tabula Rasa - great, otherwise I love Briskwrap chest which gives nice EV for quite a while. You should be on a 4L as soon as you can Tree: I would go like so with about 37 points I have gotten good life, started to get my ele nodes, and already have my Acro and Phase Acro up: ![]() - Playstyle: mostly melee - LS Links: LS + Faster Attacks + Ele Damage with Attacks + Added Lightning - Flasks: 2x quicksilvers, mix of life and mana flasks Mid Game (Levels 31 to 69) - This is the intermediate phase which can be a pain because it is before you get the juicy end-game items that require level 65-70+ and before your other end-game rares, so you need some new goodies to carry you. This is also when you need to start managing your mana (once we put in Multistrike) and resistances properly - On weapon swap: start putting in these gems so you can level them to get them ready to swap in for mid or late game: Wrath, Projectile Weakness, Curse on Hit, Vaal Grace, Vaal Haste, and any other gems for the 6L LS which you are not using - Grab Tombfist (level 36) as soon as you can and socket a Murderous jewel with some decent stats to get the Intimidate, if you can get one with 2 sockets so you can put a jewel to get Maim as well that would be ideal - Once you feel the DPS form Ungil's Gauche slowing down I would first swap out HoT for Wrath. If the DPS is still low you need to start finding rare dagger with higher lightning rolls and/or rings / amulet with lightning damage and WED. You will need to upgrade chest as well if you don't have Tabula Rasa (just something decent with life and res). The difficulty will start ramping so you need to get some decent life and res on as many gear pieces as you can (rings, helmet, belt, boots). - No need to go HAM here on buying stuff, remember you just want something decent to carry you to level 65-70 which is when you will put on your final items - At this point I would also get 2-4 points from labs for my Raider Ascendancy and put into Avatar of Slaughter so I can at least start using frenzy charges - Once I hit say mid 50s I would assess if I am having too much trouble with survivability - if that is the case I would start speccing more defensive on the tree - focusing on life nodes and jewel sockets to put jewels with life and res in them, as I go through Shadow. But assuming I am feeling OK, I would just spec a mix of life and DPS (frenzy nodes, crit, and ele nodes) - Get some strength on tree, setup the CWDT curse combo, and start leveling your golem and ancestral protector - Ofc you should have mana leech at this point on the tree ![]() - Playstyle: mix of melee and range - LS Links: LS + Multistrike (if you are having a lot of trouble sustaining mana, try Damage on Full Life now, or just keep Faster Attacks) + Ele Damage with Attacks + Added Lightning + Lightning Pen - Flasks: wise oak / silver, diamond, silver / quartz flask, 2 life flasks / 1 life flask + karui's blood Late to End Game (Levels 70+) - Finally, we can start getting the juicy end game items and this is when we get a big power spike - Turn on both Wrath and HoT - You should be putting your character in PoB and checking each item you are considering buying in PoB to see how it affects your DPS, life and res before spending currency. This is important especially for Wise Oak needing to make sure your light res remains the highest uncapped - No need to rush and buy everything at once - you can do some upgrades in the early 70s, then the rest in early 80s - Get your end-game dagger with priority mods as listed in the guide (lightning, APS, crit chance, WED) - Get your final rares: I recommend you spend most of your budget on getting good jewels and good rings as that will have the highest impact on defense adn DPS - Get your final shield - Lycosidae if you don't have one yet, or a rare EV shield with life and res - Get an EV helm with the LS enchant, life and res, or if you decide to use a rare shield go with Rat's Nest - Put on Choir of the Storm - Put on Voidwalker boots - Once I have good pierce I am now fully playing from range, and at this point I will put on Damage on Full Life - Get your final belt - either Abyss belt with jewels, or a stygian vise or a heavy belt with some str, life, res and ele damage - Get final strength upgrade from Written in Blood and stop leveling your Ancestral Protector at your strength threshold - Finish lab and spec Avatar of Chase - On the tree I am now finishing up crit and dagger nodes, grabbing my final life nodes and have now gotten all the jewel sockets - Playstyle: nearly 100% range after pierce - LS Links: LS + Multistrike + Ele Damage with Attacks + Added Lightning + Lightning Pen / Ele Focus + Damage on Full Life - Flasks: wise oak, diamond, silver or quartz flask, take out 1 life flask for Atziri's Promise, then 1 life flask / karui blood Important: What I recommend people to do as they play my build is to customize, there is no need to follow what I do 100%. If you want to level as phys then switch to ele - that's totally fine. You may end up liking phys more and decide to build that way. If you don't like using Silver flask, swap it out. If you want more defense - spec Avatar of Veil instead of Avatar of Slaughter, drop the frenzy nodes, grab more life, put on a Belly of the Beast, etc. If you want to clear even faster - put on Ancestral Call. If you just want to farm certain maps like HoGM or Alluring Abyss - make the customizations I recommend in the front. If you like claws or you find a great ele claw for end-game - spec claw nodes instead of dagger. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 1 марта 2018 г., 17:15:26
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" Post your gear and tree bud so I can see what's wrong. Yes we are not slayers so leech is poor which is why I rely more on playing on range and using life flasks. However I also made a Vaal Pact tree and there is a Scion version that takes Slayer as well if you want to have better leech. |
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