ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" Hey man! I took a look at your build: - Defense: life is good at 6K, but you are speccing Acro and then using Armor which is not going to be too efficient. I see you are trying to use Kaom's Roots so yes going IR makes sense, but addindg Acro gives you the penalty of 50% LESS armor which is a big hit - Offense: I think the DPS is way off bud because you are not speccing phys. You have phys claw, phys amulet and phys ring so you need to be building phys, but the nodes you are taking are more for scalign ele damage. You need some phys nodes and then some phys support gems like MPD, and flasks that scale phys like Lion's Roar, Taste of Hate - Dual curse: the only other way to make it easier to dual curse is to have 1 4L with CWDT + the 2 curses, otherwise you would need separate links. If you really don't want to do this I would recommend to be honest, to sell your +1 curse amulet - Lightning coil is nice but it becomes a pain to get your light res high enough for Wise Oak light penetration. Kintsugi and Perfect Form I think may work better. Perfect Form in particular if you are AR as you get free spell dodge without getting the AR penalty from going Acro. May I ask what you are trying to build? I think you are trying to do too many things and going all the way to claw starting from Duelist may not be the most efficient way (yes can still work). If you want something very tanky with high life, good leech, AND Vaal Pact - then perhaps may I suggest you think about building 2H sword lightning strike projectile Slayer with a Kaom's Heart (I was going to do this myself if I was having too much trouble with survivability on this build but turned out I could do everything fine): - 6k - 8k life with Kaom's depending on jewels and number of life nodes you want to take - Flat ele 2h sword and ele jewels and ele nodes so that you dont have to take so many phys nodes on tree, and still get good DPS to scale the projectiles. Also if you go Shaped/Elder 2H Exquisite Blade you can craft some very strong mods - Can stay at ranged with projectiles and use leap slam for movement - Vaal Pact - Slayer Endless Hunger + 20% cull from Bane of Legends The only downside is you will have lower DPS as Lycosidae is a quite a significant boost for 1H builds, but I think that is a good tradeoff to make to for this 2h sword build as you will be ranged AND have great tankiness and ridiculous leech. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 11 февр. 2018 г., 6:34:06
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Thanks , I knew i was doing something stupid. Your thoughts are pretty insightful as always, Your understanding of the skill , mechanics and synergies is great. I was trying to build this as a melee slayer with 6K life but using whirling blades because whirling blades is OP ( for me i rely on it heavily as an evasion mechanic in tough fights its easy to maneuver) due to the range of displacement provided in a single button press. claw's because life/mana gain on hit. Reason i am building it in a tanky ( gear choices, immunity pieces like dream frag) way is to get me levels to atleast 96 level once that happens id spec out to get more dps and just do endgame content for fun , or speed clear maps for stuff. Minimizing deaths on a sub par player skill ( i call it sub par because this league ive dealt with too many shady random 1 shots from mobs more than bosses ) ofcourse i love playing at safe range distance, but i cant always do that when grinding maps . 2h sword - like starforge thing would be cool but it does not have whirling blades ability. To be entirely honest after going over your thoughts and what i was trying to accomplish I was just thinking the entire point of it was to have 6K life , enough physical mitigation , immunities and endurance charges. The only thing attractive about slayer is over leech and 100% inc leech rate. Domine Non Es Dignus Последняя редакция: Zinja#5231. Время: 11 февр. 2018 г., 12:19:51
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perfect form for 30% dodge of spell damage is good.
the way i see it , my usage of AA was wrong on melee character for defense. as melee we actually lack effective percentage reductions unlike resists which handle spell damage. 30% from LC. actually works unlike AA. Domine Non Es Dignus
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" Hi bud, what exile are you - are you leveling as Duelist already, or are you just theorycrafting a new character for now, because we can look at some options such as Scion as well. But I think at the end of the day it is going to come down to whether you can get comfortable with leap slam or if you really want to stick with whirling blades xD. Why don't you give leap slam a try? Leap slam can give you the same ability to dodging and kiting as whirling blades. And it also allows you to jump terrain gaps which is very helpful for some maps like Shaper. If you can get comfortable with using leap slam then you will be able to play 2H sword LS effectively, but if not then yes we will have to stick to claw or dagger or 1H sword and try to build that way. I honestly thinking building a Slayer Duelist 2H would give you everything you want: - high life - some endurance charges by Duelist - great leech + VP node nearby - bane of legends 20% cull is extremely good - that is 25% more DPS. Which is almost like having 6 frenzy charges - the downside is you will have less crit (thus less overall damage) as well as losing out on ele status immunities Having automatic ele status immunity is superb for HOGM, Uber Atziri map and for using legacy VoV, but otherwise not completely necessary which is part of the reason why I hardly use Avatar of Veil these days - and go for Avatar of Chase instead. So building things like freeze immune and shock immune IMO are not completely necessary - especially when stacking more life will increase your freeze and shock thresholds, and also because you can put freeze and shock immunity on flasks. I think it is going to be a struggle to get high life and still go 1H. If you want high life - Kaom's Chest is just too good, and trying to build dagger/claw and crit is hard to get good life because there is just not enough life and strength gains by that part of the tree. So if you can get comfortable wiht leap slam, then I think going Kaom's + 2h sword + Duelist Slayer would be the way to go. Also if you really want to level past 95+ -> you need to play safe. And just re-roll risky maps with crazy mods and skip dangerous bosses. So let me know what you decide - which exile class and weapon - and I can help you make the build. |
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" Theory Crafting for a new league and Understanding some defensive mechanics for current content . End the day what feels smooth for me is 6K life + Enfeeble +AA + w/e dps aura/heralds i can run. And running the main in blood magic. I understand that's what makes melee version playable. The rest is I want to stack dps on top of that. Now 6K life+ enfeeble+AA by itself are good enough for me - As defensive mechanic for most part regardless of ascendency, ofcourse stun immunity cant avoid that. Thank you for your thoughts and insight, its been pretty helpful . Poe.ninja - builds is godsent this is what i had in mind if i'd do it as raider Domine Non Es Dignus Последняя редакция: Zinja#5231. Время: 13 февр. 2018 г., 15:56:22
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" Hmmm ok, I'll see what I can come up with from your list. I'll give you builds for a claw and a 2h sword. Basically if you take the melee defenses you list plus play at range it will be hard to die wiht 6k-7k life. That's a cool website and nice build on that Raider. But don't you want to also have overleech plus Vaal Pact? Which means going Slayer or Ascendant Slayer. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 14 февр. 2018 г., 3:13:45
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" it would definitely rock. my initial idea for claw was survivability . ultimately as slayer with 6k life enfeeble and arctic armour that instant leech from proj is not really necessary . nice to have but not at the cost of clearspeed . I hit a wall leveling on a high dps clear speed due to 1 shots and random mob damage. but going 1h Phys scaling would give me chance to wear a mings heart for defences. clear speed after 6k life all re sista cap and plus 30 ish chaos res . with defensive auras It will make hitting high levels pretty safe and easy. Domine Non Es Dignus
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Hey Ceryneian
what is happening here? it looked like LS but its something more https://youtu.be/zPyyo8_Ndyo?t=1m33s from the bestiary league trailer Domine Non Es Dignus
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Still viable with the next patch changes ?
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" Hi buddy, that's ancestral call no? You can see his procc'ing 2 additional lightning beams on nearby enemies. 3 (red) = multistrike S (red) = melee splash x (blue) = P2L W (red) = ele damage with attacks A (red) = ancestral call |
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