ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

give me the dagger, i can do the same
OO__OO написал:
i have to say this build is trash without the dagger
give me the dagger, i can do the same

You have absolutely NO IDEA what you are talking about. NONE.

You have ZERO clue about this build. if you want to troll - let's see what happens.
Последняя редакция: Wishuponastar#5891. Время: 9 авг. 2014 г., 15:50:59
OO__OO написал:
give me the dagger, i can do the same

lol. This build is all about the defenses and style of play.

It is strong because of the blind evasion, dodge, max block + max spell block combo, NOT because of my dagger. Dagger gives me DPS but it does NOT keep me alive.

You clearly do not know much about PoE, so I won't waste much time with you. Go troll the low-life crit builds if you think a weapon is what makes a build strong.

Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 9 авг. 2014 г., 20:31:50
Hit level 91 yesterday and 92 today. Plan is to get to 93 so I that I can spec into both Fencing and Arcing Blows and play it for a bit before the patch.

This is my current tree where I am about to get Arcing Blows.

This would have been the level 100 tree:

Скрытый текст

Will have to see what the new tree looks like after the patch xD.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 9 авг. 2014 г., 20:32:14
As I cannot afford the mirrored dagger and Atziri's Acuity, I decided to go with Bino's Kitchen Knight. One of the benefits of using Bino's is that it eliminates the need to use Life Leech! I substituted Life Leech with Power Charge on Critical. The regen from Bino's is absolutely amazing. I've had no issues in any maps, although I would recommend having one piece of gear with life leech.

Also, I skimped on the block / dodge nodes and decided to focus on dps. I believe the build has enough defense without the need to max block. I also decided to take Eldritch Battery. Mana after auras is 168. Lightning Strike takes 53 mana. I absolutely detest being mana starved, and the benefits from ES seem negligible given the reduction to ES with Acrobatics.

Finally, I hate manually casting curses, so I went with a quality 20, level 6 Enfeeble and Critical Weakness tied to CWDT. I thought about going with Elemental Weakness in lieu of Enfeeble, but I'd rather err on the safe side.

My stats:

Crit Change w/ Power Charge: 70.4%
Tooltip DPS w/ 4 Power Charges: 41k
Block: 53%
Spell Block: 58%
Max Resist (75%)
Chaos Resist -48%)
Change to Evade: 41%
Chance to Dodge Attacks: 30%
Life: 4935

My gear:

I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks to the OP sharing this build with the community!
mookiiee написал:
As I cannot afford the mirrored dagger and Atziri's Acuity, I decided to go with Bino's Kitchen Knight. One of the benefits of using Bino's is that it eliminates the need to use Life Leech! I substituted Life Leech with Power Charge on Critical. The regen from Bino's is absolutely amazing. I've had no issues in any maps, although I would recommend having one piece of gear with life leech.

Also, I skimped on the block / dodge nodes and decided to focus on dps. I believe the build has enough defense without the need to max block. I also decided to take Eldritch Battery. Mana after auras is 168. Lightning Strike takes 53 mana. I absolutely detest being mana starved, and the benefits from ES seem negligible given the reduction to ES with Acrobatics.

Finally, I hate manually casting curses, so I went with a quality 20, level 6 Enfeeble and Critical Weakness tied to CWDT. I thought about going with Elemental Weakness in lieu of Enfeeble, but I'd rather err on the safe side.

My stats:

Crit Change w/ Power Charge: 70.4%
Tooltip DPS w/ 4 Power Charges: 41k
Block: 53%
Spell Block: 58%
Max Resist (75%)
Chaos Resist -48%)
Change to Evade: 41%
Chance to Dodge Attacks: 30%
Life: 4935

My gear:

I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks to the OP sharing this build with the community!

Hi! Mirrored dagger and Atziri Acuity are NOT required for this build. You can do high-level maps easily with this build with a 200DPS dagger and life leech as I show in the Shrine video.

I think your setup is great and you have a lot of life. If you find yourself having trouble with high-level maps then you might want to increase your blocks from 50s to max, but otherwise I think you are perfectly fine.

Just be careful with Bino's when you are 1v1 because it only gives regen when you kill something. But usually most bosses have adds with them so you should be fine.
I am getting questions from people wanting to use mirrored dagger on this build. I repeat - you DO NOT need a mirrored dagger for this build. It is just nice to have ofc, but I made the video of Level 77 Shrine boss so people could see that this build is still very strong with a 200DPS dagger.


If I had used offense curses like Crit Weakness + Elemental Weakness - the DPS would have been much much faster.

If you really want to get a mirrored dagger for this build - I recommend the new Platinum Kris called Horror Skewer from AXN. Do not get Loath Bane Ambusher - it has high APS and lower physical damage than the Platinum Kris so your DPS will be higher but you will run into mana problems and the damage of each hit and each projectile will be lower than with Horror Skewer. I am using the old Platinum Kris - Dragon Hunger, which some people are selling to get the new Horror Skewer - the DPS difference is marginal so it will be fairly cheaper to grab a Dragon Hunger instead of a Horror Skewer.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 10 авг. 2014 г., 8:21:06
the build is working because of Atziri Gloves ( without it you would have died several times in Atziri video ), I am wondering you hide it in your gear section.
IGN TylordRampage
Malone написал:
the build is working because of Atziri Gloves ( without it you would have died several times in Atziri video ), I am wondering you hide it in your gear section.

In the Atziri video with 2.8K life? Yes I use Atziri gloves. I am not hiding it - I linked all my gear in the previous page (page 84) if you had bothered to look.

All my other videos I am not using Atziri Gloves. If you think my build only "works" because of Atziri gloves - then you do not know much about this build at all.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 10 авг. 2014 г., 19:03:46
my point was any build with Atizi Gloves can't die unless they are freeze, stun or get oneshoted. At that point, no need to block, spell block, dodge, evade, etc , you just need to attack fast enough.
IGN TylordRampage

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