ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" No you are wrong. VERY FEW builds can do Atziri with 2.7K HP with no auras and no elemental flasks and no immortal call. Full Atziri run with no deaths. Please show me the "any builds" you are talking about, gloves or no gloves, that can do that. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 10 авг. 2014 г., 19:18:46
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" What do you don't understand in that sentence ? Yeah I didnt mention "crit build" but it is obvious. Remove all your dodge/spell block/block and get standard 6k hp, and it works the same with the gloves. IGN TylordRampage
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" Lol. You think the gloves can make any build immortal. You are just like the guy who claims he can do anything with a mirrored dagger. That is not the case my friend, one day if you ever get the gloves you will see that what I mean. But until then you are talking about something you have never tried. If you want to complain about builds that need gloves to stay alive - go troll some low life crit builds. Kinda sad that I post one video with gloves and some trolls come here thinking that gloves are even necessary for this build. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 10 авг. 2014 г., 20:46:14
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" Another troll? Or are you people just that dumb? The whole point of the Atziri vid on 2.8K life was a fun test as OP said to see how little HP he needed. Atziri gloves are not even part of this build. You can search this thread from page 1 to page 83 and you will see no mention of the gloves. ALL the vids except that "fun low life" video were with regular gloves and life leech gem if you just look at the gear in the main page. Stop trying to troll. Just because he made it look easy, doesn't mean anybody can do it with gloves. Why dont you get the gloves and post your own video of doing full Atziri run like he does with no res flasks, no auras, no immortal call on <3K hp please... Haters gon hate. Последняя редакция: Wishuponastar#5891. Время: 10 авг. 2014 г., 20:31:32
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Just hit level 93. Will see if I can make a summary highlight video for LS build and a video for a hard Residence map.
From the newsletter, here are some points for the upcoming patch that will affect the build: 1. Spectral Throw and some of the things that support it will be slightly nerfed. In contrast some past great melee skills will see a little love. (Yes, that includes cleave). - Hoping LS can get some buffs, fingers crossed. 2. Lightning skills get some of the biggest buffs, however this is tempered by a major change we are making to Shock. The Shocked status ailment now provides a 50% increase in damage taken, but no longer stacks. - This is interesting change, you only need 1 shock stack now, but you can no longer reach 90% damage increase from 3 shock stacks. Looks like they compensate for this by buffing the lightning damage of the skills. 3. The starting area for the shadow is now divided into a physical half, suitable for physical melee and caster characters, and an elemental half suitable for your elemental melee and casting needs. - This would be interesting to see how strong the new physical and lightning nodes are; and Shadow may end up being better start for this build. EDIT Did a quick Residence map after leveling. Forgot to turn on auras - Hatred, and Vitality for my regen to help my Blood Rage but I still had no problems sustaining Blood Rage with only the 1 Hallowed flask even though map had desecrated ground. Mods included: double bosses, -max, elemental weakness, physical reflect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOhMh8XrFUI&feature=youtu.be Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 11 авг. 2014 г., 1:16:02
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" fail I gave it a shot with my low life wanderer, and yes, I was close to immortal with my capped 95 % crit. why close ? because I wasnt immune to freeze, and you can still get oneshoted if bad move , but that's all. I switched to RF recently for MF stacking reasons so the gloves stays in dirt ( waiting the nerf ). " You advertise your build with a video that use those imba gloves that annihilate all the specifities of your build. In atziri video you are hit hard several times but you are back to full life instantly because of the gloves. And don't feel offensed, I found your build very interesting and I may take some good info from it for later use, and using Atziri gloves is not a shame ( but kind of easy mod though ), my point is that without the gloves and the same build, your Atziri video would have been quite different , and you can't deny it. Why not releasing an Atziri video to IGN TylordRampage Последняя редакция: Malone#6946. Время: 11 авг. 2014 г., 5:43:02
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" Thanks man. Everyone knows the gloves are good - I think 99% of the PoE community already knows that. So what is your point? I want to see this vid where you did full Atziri run with gloves on <3K ES please. With no auras, no ele flask, no IC. If you think Gloves are so powerful they enabled me do Atziri run on 2.8K life, then go post your own video in Gameplay Discussion section of you doing Atziri full run with your gloves with the same conditions. I would like to see that since you claim the Gloves are what allowed me to do it, so you should be able to do the same very easily. If you have not played this build before you don't really know how it performs with Life Leech vs Atziri Gloves. Let me tell you this - the only place where the gloves saved me is when I nearly died to reflect on Atziri's mirror. If I had Life Leech I would have died there. Any other place you can see that I am not really worried when I take damage - I avoid so much damage with this build that in those cases Life Leech would also be fine. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 11 авг. 2014 г., 10:51:24
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I am taking a look through the tree and I am very happy with the changes. I have pasted build link I am working on at the bottom which is still in progress.
Ranger start looks unchanged. Many nodes we took have been improved, Acrobatics nodes more point efficient, more lightning damage nodes for Arcing Blows, better block nodes, some evasion nodes have been improved with some bonuses such as extra physical damage on Revenge of the Hunted. New node by the Shadow called Sniper that gives some serious projectile damage (10% increased projectile speed, 20% increased projectile damage). Less life on the tree, but I am not worried about this since this build does not rely on high life pool given the huge damage avoidance. Lightning nodes have been buffed! Static blows is so close to Shadow now! It is right below EB. There are more weapon elemental damage nodes by Ondar's Guile as well. Also interesting - Piercing Shots seems to now be for "projectiles" instead of "arrows" - and it is surrounded by projectile damage nodes so with a few points and quality lightning strike you will reach 100% pierce! I am really liking these changes. I expect the new build will have saved some points and be much stronger, but will need to play more with the tree. Detailed walkthrough: Ranger Start: Same path, with some very small changes to some nodes: - Heart of Oak now gives 8% max life instead of 4% like before - Next change is Heartseeker node which has been pushed further away and above Ondar's Guile but still gives same values - Next big change is life nodes have been reduced to 5% from 8% and Thick Skin now gives 10% instead of 18% life but it also gives 8% chance to avoid elemental status ailments - Close to that is Fencing which is further inside its wheel but you get 12% accuracy, and 40% crit chance on the way to Fencing which still gives 24% increased physical damage with melee weapons - Just before you get Thick Skin and Fencing are 2 interesting wheels: 1 giving elemental damage (8%, 8%, and 18% increased elemental damage) and then the movement speed wheel which now gives a lot of evasion - from this wheel you get 9% movement speed and 44% inc. evasion - Ondar's Guile still the same Going to top of Ranger: - Grab Heartseeker crit nodes which are the same as before - Acrobatics nodes now take 2 less points. So you can get Phase Acrobatics with 4 points instead of 6 points - Revenge of the Hunted now gives less life, more evasion, and more physical damage. The 3 nodes we took now give 34% evasion, 12% life, 12% physical damage instead of 28% evasion, 18% life, 4% physical damage - Next we head left to get the 4 block nodes: we still get the same 8% block from this wheel, but these have changed slightly with a new notable: Wall of Thorns - 4% block, 20% increased block recovery, 10% of melee physical damage taken reflected to attackers. There is also an extra block node with 1% block and 5% of melee physical damage reflected - From here we can grab the From the Shadows dagger circle right next to the block nodes. These dagger nodes have been moved from where they were in the Shadow section. It now takes more points to get to From the Shadows node but we pick up a lot of accuracy on the way. The crit chance is still the same - Right above Acrobatics are the projectile piercing nodes - these have changed from being "arrows" to "projectiles" and so can apply to Lightning Strike. This wheel gives up to 26% increased projectile damage and up to 40% projectile pierce chance. So you can easily reach 100% pierce on LS! In the Shadow right section: - The block nodes that used to be next to Ghost Reaver have moved down closer to Acrobatics, but still give the same amount of block - From here the tree has changed a lot - There is a big dagger wheel further above Acrobatics that gives Flaying and Adder's Touch. Recommend to skip Flaying (just like we skip on old tree) and just get nodes going to Adder's Touch for crit - Mind Drinker node gives 12% increased mana as well as the same 2% mana leech - There is also a Blood Drinker node that gives % increased life and 2% life leech Going towards Shadow start: - Haste has been replaced with Quickness which gives 20% increased phys damage, 5% movement speed, and some dex - It then connects to the crit nodes for Assassination - which is on a path of 4 other crit nodes - from this piece we get 110% Crit Chance and 35% Crit Multiplier - This then connects to Coldhearted Calculation: which gives some life, ES, int, and 40% increased mana regen rate - Also interesting is that the Power Charge is now tied to power charge duration node of 18% increased duration instead of 15% increased duration - Going towards start of Shadow we take Sniper - this is a new node giving very high projectile damage: 20% increased projectile damage and 10% increased projectile speed. There is also Sleight of Hand node instead which is on the melee path and gives 8% attack speed and 20% increased phys damage with melee weapons - this affects BOTH projectiles and melee attack so Sleight of Hand will be the better choice since it gives more damage than Sniper unless you like the projectile speed on Sniper - We then grab Coordination node which has improved attack speed and cast speed than before (12% inc. attack speed, 6% cast speed, 20 dex) - Going up we grab some life nodes and Blood Siphon which gives 12% inc. life, 5 life gained on kill, and 20 strength. It is also next to a Soul Siphon node that gives the same benefits for mana. This pair is like the Heart of Oak + Primal Spirit pair at Ranger start Heading to top of Shadow: -Mental Acuity has been changed to Trickery - 20% increased elemental damage, 20 int, 20% increased crit chance, compared to 20% mana regen, 20 int, and 30% crit chance from before. The elemental damage is very strong - Arcing Blows now has its own wheel - here you can grab two 10% increased lightning damage with weapons and the Arcing Blows 30% increased lightning damage with weapons for a total of 50% increased lightning damage with weapons! - Right next to Arcing Blows wheel is the Nightstalker dagger nodes we will grab which still give the same crit chance as before and more physical damage but no ES. Right next to these dagger nodes are some hybrid life-ES nodes which I don't think I will take So far this reaches the end of the build. But interesting to note that right below EB is the Static Blows wheel which gives 15% chance to shock and 50% increased shock duration. There are even more Lightning nodes at top of witch for more shock and lightning damage like Breath of Lightning notable. So many other nodes I am debating whether to add to the build once I can optimize it: - more life?! - Depth Perception: this is a very nice wheel that gives a total of 40% crit chance, 32% accuracy, and 20 dex. - Survivalist: evasion, resistances, and +1% to max cold res - True Striker: by Scion. A bit far. The wheel gives 75% crit chance - Weather Hunter: below Ranger by Thick Skin. Lots of accuracy and good amount of resistances - Celerity: movement speed and evasion next to Ondar's Guile - Herbalism: increased maximum life, 20% inc. life recovery from flasks, 20% increased flask recovery speed - Druidic Rite: like Herbalism but for mana flasks: 12% inc. max mana, 20% inc. mana recovery, 20% inc. flask duration (looks like this applies to all flask duration) Summary Builds look stronger than before with more point efficiency. Lightning damage should be much higher now. Block remains the same. Evasion may be a little bit higher. Life will be lower. Crit should be about the same or higher, accuracy should be higher. Projectile damage will be higher. TBU: Ranger vs. Shadow start Build Link - Work in Progress I am still working on the build and might need to get more life depending on how much life I get now from leveling. For those who want to load the build I am crafting (still preliminary) you can paste the below into the PoE Passive Skill Tree Planner application at the bottom and press "Load". Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 14 авг. 2014 г., 8:47:10
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came up with a tree based on the official TW tree.
I am currently level 87. In conclusion, we lost some crit chance and multiplier, got more evasion and possibly more ele resistance if you wish to get it. Lost of %life nodes but it evens out when you take in the 12life/level. The choice to go EB is not there anymore but i like the 50% chance to avoid being stunned with es running around. Additional 2% life leech, easier accessible frenzy chargers and more movement speed as well as more %accuracy I don't think this patch really game changed anything for me since I like the melee aspect of the build. However for those who like being ranged, you can go the projectile damage then pick up the wheel ABOVE acrobatics for the 40% chance to pierce, and in conjunction with your 20/20 lightning strike you should reach 100%. Will update if i make more findings, SPorkTots Последняя редакция: B_L_3_E_D#7278. Время: 14 авг. 2014 г., 2:29:12
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" Thanks man! Looks pretty good. I didn't know the TW tree was out. Here is what I was thinking per my writeup above since she now level 93 I have taken a few more points. Need to debate life (depending on new life per level) and frenzy charges. Got to sleep now. xD Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 14 авг. 2014 г., 2:28:14
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