ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

Ceryneian написал:
foojin написал:
In the top right you pick a int node over a 8% mana node. Isn't the 8% mana node better? Above mind drinker \ next to ghost reaver are the nodes i mean.

Hmm, because I go down to Depth Perception that mana node will take an extra point to get. If you don't get Depth Perception then yes better to get that mana node, but Depth Perception is a very strong node.

You don't have to give up anything, if 8% mana is better then 10 int you only have to swap out the nodes in the build.

Drop int node next to ghost reaver (right side). Get mana node in the mind dinker cluster, that way mind drinker \ adders touch are connected again to the rest of the tree.

And thanks allot for the other tips \ feedback.

Btw i would highly recommend any new player to get ondars guile ASAP. It's such a use defence boost, just insane.
Последняя редакция: foojin#2576. Время: 23 авг. 2014 г., 8:57:38

This is NOT REQUIRED for this build! But if you are looking to push this build to the maximum this is what weapon swap with Curse on Hit on Split Arrow offers:

- Frees up gem slots on main gear!

- More powerful curses - this helps if you need more DPS or more defense! Right now my Curse on Hit gem is giving 17% increased effect of curses. This is important because your curses are less effective against bosses. From the wiki:

"Map bosses also have 60% reduced effect of curses on them, and Act Bosses 70%. Launching a curse that decrease the elementals resistances by 10% on Vaal oversoul would reduce his resistances by only 3%"

Now I am not sure how the math works whether it is multiplicative or additive, i.e. for map bosses instead of reducign curse effect by 60% they would reduce it by (60-17%) = 43% -> so your curse effectiveness is 57%, or would it first reduce boss then increase by 17% i.e. 0.4*1.17 = 47% curse effectiveness. Either way, you can see it gives a great increase to the power of your curses.

- Do not have to rely on Cast Speed - now you use your Attack Speed to apply curses

- Safer - if you curse manually you need to move up close or be in range because you cannot curse where you cannot see. With split arrow you can easily curse from far, and combine it with Pierce gem and it works extremely well

- Only need ONE hit - Curse on Hit has 100% chance to apply curse. So you only need 1 direct hit.

- Cheap! You do not need a 6L or even a 5L. If you can only apply 1 curse a 4-Link is fine. I recommend to put your damage curse on the weapon swap and keep your main defense curse on your main gear - that way if you are in trouble you do not need to swap to apply a defense curse. 4-Link for 1 curse: Curse on Hit + Crit Weakness OR Elemental Weakness + Pierce + Split Arrow.

- Remember that you only need the curses for tough mobs or for bosses, and since curse on hit applies 100% chance on hit, you only need 1 hit. So you do not really need a fast bow like quill rain. However I did notice that Quill Rain has slightly better reaction time since it has higher attack speed

- Efficient and flexible - again you free up gem slots, if you are in a party with some one using curses then you are wasting slots if you also have curses on your main gear. With weapon swap you can free up slots on your main to use CWDT combos or Spell Totem combos, and you are more efficient that way in parties. Even the coloring works to your advantage - you can swap blue gems for Enfeeble / Conductivity / Elemental Weakness / Assassin's Mark, and you can swap green gems for Temporal Chains / Poacher's Mark. So if you have a +1 curse Lazhwar you can customize your combinations easily to suit the map/boss!

- Looks cool - check out the new Storm Cloud 3D art xD

Things to Consider
- More micro, but it is not that much: just need to press 3 keys: Weapon Swap -> Split Arrow attack -> Weapon Swap back. If you are facing large packs you may need to attack twice or 3 times with Split Arrow to make sure you pierce them

- 6L, in a bow that gives +1 to all gems. Link in Enhance. Get 20/20 Pierce + a Pierce Quiver like below with accuracy. You will reach 85% pierce chance and your curses will be very very powerful:
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 23 авг. 2014 г., 9:21:20
foojin написал:

You don't have to give up anything, if 8% mana is better then 10 int you only have to swap out the nodes in the build.

Drop int node next to ghost reaver (right side). Get mana node in the mind dinker cluster, that way mind drinker \ adders touch are connected again to the rest of the tree.

Oh I see! Thanks for pointing out! I still prefer the other way for me because Int requirement is very tough on this build. I will update the tree for your change but note the alternative for others that need the Int. The mana is not a problem at all on this build. With Hatred + Herald of Ash I have 328 mana unreserved which is a lot!
Is it viable to play the lightning strike build with axes or will i loose to much damage due to the missing crit?
IGN: GonsNomNom (Echoes of the Atlas)
bl0b написал:
Is it viable to play the lightning strike build with axes or will i loose to much damage due to the missing crit?

It is viable but not recommended. Best for axe build is Double Strike. If you have Soul Taker you can use Frenzy / Cyclone / Dominating Blow as well!

Main advantage of Lightning Strike is you can easily SHOCK, to get a 50% increase to all your damage (acts as a more multiplier), you will need to crit though so dagger is best. Axe has low crit and very few crit nodes.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 23 авг. 2014 г., 18:30:25

1. Hardcore Tree: - I took off some crit and put it into life, block, and flask life recovery. This has 164% life vs. the current build of 120% (with the 120% I reach about 4K life - same as before the patch). You will get 74% block from this (vs. 70% in my current tree), spell block easily overcapped ofc.

2. Upgraded some stuff:
- Took out Herald of Ash and ran Purity of Elements
- This gave me more room on resistances so I could get a belt with decent strength, physical damage and elemental damage - this helped to compensate for the loss of damage from Herald of Ash, and I prefer it this way since I want to increase my lightning and cold damage and don't really care about fire
- Added master mod to my gloves - just added 51 life from master craft. I really like the attack speed on my gloves as well

With Purity of Elements my resistances are overcapped decently which is much better than before.

My DPS is 130K with Hatred, 160K with Hatred + Atziri flask, and then 188K with Power Charges. So I have lost about 10K DPS compared to when I had Herald of Ash which was giving me ~15K fire damage, but overall my phys, lightning and cold are higher.

Updated gear below:

3. Belts
- If you decide to run Purity of Elements like I did you have more flexibility on belt and gloves to get combinations of resistances / strength / int / life
- Ideal rare belt has strength, physical / elemental damage, life, and resistances/flask life recovery rate
- Ideal gloves have some of these mods: strength / int / life / accuracy / attack speed / resistances
- Also, here are something interesting unique belts to try that can all help satisfy Strength requirement:

Meginord's - almost perfect for this build - % increased life of 10%, physical damage, strength, and flask life recovery rate!

Magnate - strength, phys damage, and you will regain flask charges faster with this belt

Headhunter - super luxury item for those who just want to go ham. This belt is crazy. A lot of life, strength ofc, damage against rares, and you gain the rares mods for 20s. If you are fast enough you can have like 3+ mods up on you at the same time

4. Dagger
- Here are some stats with my 200 phys DPS dagger (cost me a couple of GCP if I recall). I didn't change anything in the build, just swapped the daggers out:

- Town: 32K
+ Hatred: 45K
+ Atziri Flask: 56K
+ Power Charges: 65K

I must say that getting this amount of damage and defense in this build, for this cost, is pretty neat.

Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 24 авг. 2014 г., 9:20:20
Ceryneian написал:
bl0b написал:
Is it viable to play the lightning strike build with axes or will i loose to much damage due to the missing crit?

It is viable but not recommended. Best for axe build is Double Strike. If you have Soul Taker you can use Frenzy / Cyclone / Dominating Blow as well!

Main advantage of Lightning Strike is you can easily SHOCK, to get a 50% increase to all your damage (acts as a more multiplier), you will need to crit though so dagger is best. Axe has low crit and very few crit nodes.

Thats what i thought - Frenzy seems kind of low damage, though.
I'm using legacy soul taker and frenzy in Standard League: 11k tooltip DPS with 8 frenzy charges, 15k with 8 charges and hatred. Killing is slow.
IGN: GonsNomNom (Echoes of the Atlas)
Been doing more tests and overall I am extremely happy with this build after patch. Blind was nerfed, but I kill things so much faster now. I have issues with reflect maps and need to play very careful, or I just switch to my 200 dps dagger for those. I plan to update the whole guide later today.
Updated the full LS dagger guide! Still TBU are posting my stats and adding more info on flasks. I added information on Herbalism to help explain how that node works.

Will post video of my 200DPS dagger on this build.


200 phys DPS Dagger on Level 78 Courtyard map with 6x Unique Bosses


Damage is quite good - can freeze and shock bosses. I should have used more Enfeeble curse on the bosses for better survivability, but I decided to use my damage curses.

- DPS in town: 32K
+ Hatred: 45K
+ Atziri Flask: 56K
+ Power Charges: 65K
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 25 авг. 2014 г., 0:32:36
And... What about Uber Atziri?

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