ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" I will try her again if I manage to get a set! If I can survive a spear hit then I know I can do Uber. My damage is much higher so I should be able to clear healing waves. However if spear can one-shot me, then it will be difficult because I would have to evade / dodge / block all the spears. Spear is too fast to avoid manually =( Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 25 авг. 2014 г., 8:40:13
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Working on a new different build! I am very happy to leave this build where it is and there is very little I can do to make it better. So a new project to take lightning strike to the next level, this build will abandon more block and dodge defense in favor of more DPS.
Would like to make it life based, and a possible progression for those who have reached end game level 90+ and just want to destroy everything. Will focus ofc on more crit, shocks and freeze! EDIT For those who want to further min-max this build, you can drop some block nodes and just use Rumi's Concoction to get you to max block. If you are already freezing and one-shotting regular mobs and can perma-freeze bosses on level 77 and below maps - your evasion / dodge / block are not really being used. This is inefficient when you can just use Rumi's Concoction to get 8s+ of max block and max spell block when you really need it. That way you can take out over 8 points from the tree, put them into damage or more life, and still get 75%/75% block and spell block with Rumi's flask. Obviously the higher the Rumi's flask mods for block are the more block you can take off from the tree. You could carry 1 or 2 Rumi's flasks and only save them for tough situations like exiles / bosses. Chaining 2 flasks would give you ~16s straight of max blocks. On top of that you can also use Vaal Grace/ I got a 37%, 17% Rumi's flask and took off 8 points and put those nodes into more damage and pierce - you can get an extra 40% chance to Pierce on the tree which gets you to 100% chance to pierce - this vastly improves your AOE. This left me with about 50% block and 55% spell block. In combat I can then hit 75% block and 75% spell block after drinking from Rumi's. - Flaying - dagger damage, cost 3 points. Extra 44% phys dagger damage - Pierce - piercing shots, gets me to 60% (quality LS) + 10% + 30% from the Piercing Shots circle = 100% pierce from this circle, cost 4 points - Attack speed - at Ranger start, cost 1 point. Extra 8% attack speed increase Rumi's tree: This approach also works for those who do not have Bringer of Rain and so have lower block. This is not recommended for 78 maps. For those players who are used to running around with max block - if you decide to use this Rumi's method then you need to be comfortable with depending on your flasks and to remember to use them! If you forget to use the flask you will be in a situation where you are fighting Level 78 Courtyard / Palace bosses at ~50% block and ~55% spell block which is a night vs. day difference compared to when you had max block. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 26 авг. 2014 г., 0:36:27
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Hi there, actually building something similar on Rampage and have a few questions. I have read a lot of things but not the full 93 pages of this thread ! Keep in mind I'm only in leveling phase and I don't think about farming hard thing like Atziri or high level map at all :p
Haven't see any discussion about a non-legacy Bringer of Rain, it is worth it in a new league or a 5/6L can be equivalent ? Without a BoR, which link would you prioritize ? Example in a classic : LS > WeD > Multistrike > Inc crit damage Where do you position Faster attacks, MpD and eventually Blind ? In a build more focus on ranged damage, do you think LMP and Chain could be valuable ? For auras, I guess Tempest Shield is out of the question nowadays ? Thanks a lot ! |
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" Yes it is very viable without the bringer. There are several ways you can get blind. I am working on 2 builds from this build - so I will let you know the results. Prioritize links as: LS - Multistrike - Melee phys - Faster Attacks - Inc Crit - WED For ranged damage - PLEASE do not use LMP or Chain. I cry when i see many people try build LS with lmp or chain, and it is really inefficient. LS is such an amazing skill - you already have FREE LMP, and an insane single target - all built in. If you want to max range use PPAD instead of melee phys gem, and get 100% pierce - see guide for tips! For auras definitely get Hatred and then Purity of Elements if you have res problems. You don't really need tempest shield as you can corrupt gear to get extra block. If you don't need purity get Ash for AOE! Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 26 авг. 2014 г., 17:48:06
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- Smoke Mine - one of the best ways to apply blind, link with Increased Duration. Can use smoke mine to strategically place teleport spots if you get in trouble (i.e. enter a bad room, or get rushed by mobs) - Flame Totem with Blind - another really good way to apply blind. Can be made to be very tanky, and provides some distraction as the bosses will often prioritize attacking the totem and not you - Weapon Swap to fast bow like quill rain with blind linked in, link to Split Arrow. Can also add in an offense curse here and Curse on Hit - CWDT + Arc + Arc + Blind - Separate cheap 4L tailored for applying Blind, i.e. Double Strike -> MultiStrike -> Melee Splash -> Blind Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 27 авг. 2014 г., 0:01:10
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Yay thanks, that will help a lot !
Weird however, I was running a WED in second slot with good success ! ^^ I'm gonna try with a 5/6L. And for you a non-legacy BoR is still a BiS even with the nerf ? |
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Thx for this great build : i play in rampage league and have a lot of fun with it and my 15K dps with not optimized gear (level 70).
but I don't understand a thing in your tree : i think you can win 10 % phy dmg with one melee hand weapon. - Take the passive node at the left of aspect of the panther (dual wied damage : you gain 10 % phydmg with one handed weapon). - Respect the two points at the right of aspect of the panther (one handed attack speed : you loose 2*4 % attack speed = 8 %). - Take the 8 % attack speed point at the start of the ranger tree (you win 8 % AS). With 2 points, you can have 8% AS + 10% phy dmg instead of only 8% AS. I have made a mistake in my reasoning or this is a better way, no ??? Thx for your answer Последняя редакция: benimaru2#6355. Время: 27 авг. 2014 г., 11:25:02
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" The 10% node is for dual wield, not for 1h+shield. Nice try though. Btw don't you think cwdt with enfeeble \ enduring cry \ immortal call is better then arc arc blind? Последняя редакция: foojin#2576. Время: 27 авг. 2014 г., 12:47:11
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" Yes Bringer of Rain is still pretty good. It is so cheap for an end-game 7-Link item. If you get top tier life on the Bringer of Rain - then that is equivalent to getting 80 life on 6-L chest and 80 life on helm - which is also top tier mods Only downside is you have lose space to get resistances. But that is the tradeoff to get free blind, 15% block, and 20-30 physical damage which is very very good. Whoever made this item is a genius. Too bad it is not pure evasion item xD |
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Will this dagger work ?? http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/863977
my shop !! |
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