Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
" Did you need to be spoonfed all the way through life, or was the self-righteous laziness a recent development? |
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Damn man, you didn't even get past the first paragraph, now that's an impressive amount of lazy and self entitled.
"Right off the bat, this won't be a massive in-depth guide to the spec, mostly just the essentials you need to know and see as I've been asked many times for them now. I'll answer any questions people have however throughout the life of the thread." If you bothered to read that's what I said. I've been playing alone for a long time and any time I grouped or people saw me play they'd ask me about my spec. I posted this as a courtesy for everyone out there that has ever asked me and because I know it's not a popular or common spec. I know it's a great spec because I've done everything in the game with quite alot of ease and not being captain I spend 150 exalts per spec I try. It was far more effective than most specs and guides I had ever seen so I decided to share it with others so they can take advantage of how good it is. But yea sure, epeen. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily |
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where would you fit an Empower lv 2 ?
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" Just saying, you talk about tipping exalts and spending 150 exalts on a build, but you dont know how to facebreak to level 70? |
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I was so excited so forgot to ask a question about auras. Currently i can run only haste+anger+wrath and have no mana to handle purities and grace. So do i need to level 20 reduce mana to do so or you just situatively enables auras?
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PoE became the only game to stop me playing WoW after so many years. The passive build tree is amazing and let u to discover the game again and again ; each week I learn new features .. I like this game.. Ty GGG..
I also like to share what I know with other players as Mathil does. I developed my own two builds Steel Cannon and Immortal Scion and shared in this forum. But it doesnt stop me to read other topics and try to learn new ideas. One of them was this topic and thank you Mathil.. I created a scion (78 lvl atm) by using mainly your build and started to test it with a 1H sword heavily physical (since I had it alrdy for my Steel Cannon dw build): I use a third dps aura Hatred besides Anger and Wrath atm. If I had 3R3G chest I would try new support gem Phy. Projectile Attack Damage either to see how powerfull it is or not. If I can test it I share here the result. Honestly, when I read your build first time I was surprised your calling it "a quite cheap" build. I am at standart and noticed that only your 1H is over 70-80 Ex here ; 6L chest is over 50-60 Ex and the items having 25-35 " % inc. elem. dmg with weapons " + life and resists are also quite expensive (some Ex each).. But later I noticed that u were not mentioning about your existing gear by informing u had done well up to 93 lvl with a 5L and a simple crafted 1H (not like your existing GG 1H).. Btw, may I kindly ask if dps is around 5k (but not 13k as u have atm) viable to do all maps including Dominus at 74 and 78 maps? I asked this because with 5L and 1H (around 300 dps) wont be able to exceed 5k when she is at around 85 lvl. Or did u craft your 1H very early and u never had this lower dps at higher lvl maps? Ty once more for sharing this quite interesting build.. |
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I'm real tired and about to sleep so I'll excuse me if I mess up any of these answers.
" You'll need lvl 19 reduced mana (I think) and Alpha's Howl with all the aura talents I have to be able to run 3x 60% and 2x 40% auras. You won't be able to run haste + anger+ wrath + grace + a purity I don't believe because that extra 20% from grace is just a bit too much for the spec. I could be wrong but haven't personally tried. So yea I do run 5 auras at once which is the 3 dps ones and purity of fire/lightning. I never run grace or anything else. " I had somewhere around 6k dps when doing most maps at 74. Can't quite remember what I had when first doing 78s but it really doesn't matter. I remember first time I did courtyard bosses I had something like 7k dps and it was in a 6 player party. 6 player health was activated and everyone else left. It took me something like 20 minutes to slowly burn them down but it's possible with any amount of dps really, as long as you leech back enough to live. This was my weapon which I bought for 10 chaos before I made my own. As I said the build is cheap because you don't HAVE to have the gear I'm wearing to be successful. I hardly ever spent anything on my gear and eventually I had lots of exalts laying around from trading so I made all my own upgrades. But yes up until around 92 or 93 my entire gear set was probably worth 10 ex. I was wearing a 5L that I found at lvl 70 a few days into the league all the way up to then. The sword cost me about 4 exalts in alt/regals and then only took 3 eternals and a few exalts to make it what it is. I got lucky but still I tried because I know how comparitively easy it is to craft an ele weapon to other types of weapons. My rings/amulets are essentially still cheap pieces of shit. I randomly rolled the coral but regardless life + ele wep damage and almost nothing else is quite cheap. You're only paying for 2 stats. My belt I made myself by alt regaling wep ele and any resist until I got a life regal. It's pretty cheap and simple to do yourself. It was wep ele and light res and I regal'd 94 life and exalted another resist on. You can imagine how shit it would have looked before the regal though. Gloves I decided to chaos just before I made this guide and got a decent pair after some 40 chaos. These were my gloves before then. Chaos spammed my shield very early on. Bought the boots for like 12 chaos. Chest I chaos spammed after making a 6L. I made maybe 4 or 5 5Ls (some took 200 to get) before getting to a 6L with an assassin's garb. Probably 800 fusings total. My gear progression history has actual been really sad. I picked up/made a bunch of stuff within the first week and used almost all of it for about 1.5 months. It took me forever to find or decide to make upgrades so I often had 10s of exalts sitting in my stash collecting dust. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189 Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily Последняя редакция: Mathil#3128. Время: 19 дек. 2013 г., 4:38:29
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ty for detailed info Mathil..
I tried to craft some items sometime ago but I stopped it since I was so unlucky u cant believe in it :) Now I need proper amulet, 2 rings , boot and gloves. I used whatever I have in my stash for the new ST scion. Np at all up to 73 lvl maps with normal mods.. I must prepare the char for harder mods by some investments.. Atm my Immortal Scion enters high lvl 75+ maps to collect some new maps for her tiny sister :) enjoy, |
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Regarding the cost of this build...
Aside from the 5 or 6L chest and the Alpha's Howl, it is pretty cheap to make. Now I can live without the Howl, but the chest is killing me! My current chest, a Carcass Jack Varnished Coat that I bought with the only Exalted I've found in the game (275 hours logged) and 5-linked myself after maybe 25 Fuse, is nice on my Rain of Arrows Ranger but far from ideal for this build, largely because it's ridiculously hard (impossible?) to roll GGGRR. I have no idea when I'll be able to save up enough for a decent pure evasion chest. Any money-making tips, aside from selling the gear you find in these ugly forums, is much appreciated. One thing that's kind of cool about this build is that if you play intelligently, you don't need much life until end game. You can pretty much fill out the tree so that by the late 60s every node you take from then on will either boost your dps or life (no more plain +10 nodes), and that's very satisfying. I was also able to play through the early to mid 60s without using the Life Leech or Life Gain on Hit gems and using only self-found gear. Awesome. But now that my gear is getting better and my attack speed is quite high, I can't manage without the Life Leech gem, which is an issue since I don't have a chest piece to support it! I'm going to have to drop Faster Attacks for Life Leech on a subpar 4L chest until I can work out something better. Alternatively, I probably could have invested in more life nodes early on to avoid this problem. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
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" 6L isn't needed, the need for howl doesn't come untill later and by that time you should've earned the currency to buy it.. Same with the 5L. 74 maps are ezpz with 7.2k dps, 5L and howl... only mob as I said before are thoose stupid bombers... god do I hate em. Slows down the run sooo much. |
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