Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
" I dunno about the "by that time you should've earned the currency" part. The only decent way I know of to make currency is to sell items on the forums, and between the three characters I have, I really haven't found much gear worth selling. I've picked up maybe 30 Chaos total in 275 hours (early on I used some in crafting not realizing how valuable they were) and 1 Exalted, and I used the measly amount of Jeweller's/Fusings (many converted from Alteration Orbs) I had to upgrade my items. So either I'm doing something wrong or I'm unlucky. I know you can equip magic find items and farm Hillock in Twilight Strand for Magic/Uniques to sell for Alteration Shards/Orbs in a pinch (assuming you have plenty of Scrolls of Wisdom). Anyway, I'm really enjoying this build, I just feel like I'm never going to get something like an Alpha's Howl at the rate I'm going. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616 Последняя редакция: Tempada#2630. Время: 19 дек. 2013 г., 11:19:04
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FWIW, I'm trying this build right now as well, and I've spent less than 20 chaos on the lot of my gear right now, it's not spectacular by any means but I'm rolling through merc with no trouble.
For reference: The point being, most of this was self found or bought cheaply, and it's clearing merc just fine for now. Once I hit 68-70 (hopefully today) I'll look at investing more currency into it, such as grabbing an Alpha's and replacing some of the shittier rares/leveling uniques I've got on. For the moment though I'm having no trouble at all, so I simply haven't bothered looking for better items. edit: you could definitely get into lower level maps with this gear with no trouble, probably have to start looking for upgrades once you hit 68s/69s though just to get a better life pool - resists are already maxed of course. IGN HaukiFlash Последняя редакция: Hauki#4022. Время: 19 дек. 2013 г., 12:35:56
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Mathil, occasionaly in some of your videos I see you take a somewhat large spike of damage (~25%? of your health) is that due to evasion failing and not having any armor?
Also, what is your opinion on using one or even two Taming's? |
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So I tried to put together a gear set in standard that would be comparable to the OP.
Here is what I got and the prices paid... 6 chaos 17 exalted (May have paid a little too much) 7 exalted (could have gone much cheaper here but I wanted some chaos resist) 6 exalted (the attack speed made this extremely expensive) 2 exalted 5.5 exalted (needed very high evasion considering how low my chest is) 3.5 exalted 3 exalted 10 chaos (I did incredibly well on this one) 5 Exalted I found another belt that I was interested in but they got back to me too late. I offered BodyBagz 3.5 exalts and I think we may have had a deal. For anyone interested, it had 121 total life, 33 elemental damage with weapons, 50 strength and 15 cold resist. My total spent is 50 exalts and I should be very close in gear to the OP sans weapon and several hundred evasion. I am overcapped by 40 fire, 30 cold and about 70 lightning. Последняя редакция: Daarknight#7656. Время: 19 дек. 2013 г., 14:37:26
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" Well if you want maximum income, sell good rolled flasks... Perfect rolled flasks that has the right mods can go for 10c. Good mods is always 1c+ My point with that was... Up to atleast 72 is a breeze, and once you start running 72+ you must have ran ALOT of 66-71 to build up the base... I'm 87(and have 3 more chars over or very close to 80 and I am still running alot of 70s |
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Would it be worth giving up 16% proj damage near the shadow start to go to static blows?
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" Yea that's about right. Whenever I take a hit it looks pretty large, especially in higher maps but I've played the spec in enough situations now that I generally know my limits so I don't panic at almost any amount of life. Hits don't come too frequently, chances of many at once is pretty low. Even with 0 armor the most anything really hits me for is about half my life. On the extreme end is the leap slam guy in Courtyard who hits me for about 5k life. As for Taming's I haven't tried them because looking at them I don't think they'd grant enough dps to warrant losing 70+ life per ring. It's up to you how you want to play the spec though, they'd probably be a dps increase of sorts. " In my opinion, no. I tried static blows and don't really like it. That said I think it's up to you to try it as well and see if you think it's worth taking or not. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189 Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily Последняя редакция: Mathil#3128. Время: 19 дек. 2013 г., 17:50:14
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Do these nodes increase damage or not? Im confused coz its just "increased elemental damage" and dont "with weapons".
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" I'm pretty certain they don't. However, it does raise an interesting question....does "12% more fire damage" that you see on some items include fire damage done from weapons? |
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I'm not sure about Acrobatics. I think that when you're past level ~85 and you have nothing else to spend your points on, it kinda makes sense...but while levelling it reduces your armour mitigation from crap to even-worse-than-crap. Play check here. The playstyle of this build is to kite, strafe, and not get hit. If someone gets close, we leap-slam away and throw spinning blades in their face. If you DO get hit, you can absorb a hit with your life pool and then leech it back again. On that basis: - you don't need to stack mitigation as much as other builds - you DO need to be able to absorb hits with your life pool - Dodge is great; halving your armour mitigation is not great - if your life pool is mahooooosive, then dodge is great - if your life pool can't absorb hits, then halving armour is not great - Wouldn't life pool be a better way of spending points while levelling? Appreciate you also need the dex along the way - for high level rapiers and evasion-chests. However, if need be, you could always pick up the 30 dex node just up from the chaos 16% res node (near Influence). So, basically I'm wondering if Acrobatics is the LAST thing you want to take (literally), and possible even if you wouldn't be better spending those five points on Gymnastics or the three life nodes near Minddrinker. While levelling, ensuring Inner Force and Purity of Flesh are higher priorities. Anyway, just my thoughts - would someone wiser and more experienced please comment on this and present the argument for why Acrobatics is good for this build? Cheers! A. |
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