[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

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jarzabu написал:
Hello Incierators !
Atm i am lv 70 scion but i am quite stuck with the game progress , i feel like my character
is too weak for doing certain maps. I sometimes die on random packs, and i feel like my DPS is not big enough . Here is my gear:

Is there anything i should change or upgrade asap ?

Here is my current build :
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My stats are :
HP: 2480
Armor: 583
Fire RESIST: 81%
LIGHNING RESIST: 69% ( 81+ with purity)

I suppose i lack some hp ,thats why i am dying so fast?
What more can i do to increase my dps ?
And can some1 explain me why should i use discipline ? i noticed that the mana it gives me
with EB is a lot less than when i am not using it ( it reserves like 1000 mana ) ?

I am quity nooby,causal player but i want to do some progress. Any help would be appreciated :)

2.5K Life is too low, you can get one shot to dominus' ground punch and with the recent life leech nerfs is even worse. Also, change your scepter, try to get spell damage + Cast speed, fire damage is not necessary, cast speed is VERY important for increased your DPS.
Having a lot of fun with this build. So Thanks PewPew.

I'm going to go slightly different on the gear setup though

Infernal Mantle in the chest ofc
Hrimnors Resolve in the head, Fire Dam and 50% chance to avoid Freeze.
Stone of Lazhwar Amulet, 50 spell block chance + Cast Speed
Rathpith Globe, hopefully I can get one with 50+ spell block chance so I should have all of my block chance applied to spells (assuming it works as I think it does) plus a nice chuck of spell dam. Does anyone know whether its 150% Energy Shield bonus will work with EB?

Then Life/Resists in the Rings/Hands/Feet and Belt.

That should work shouldn't it?
First of all, thank you for sharing this amazing build. I have managed to defeat the dreaded boss in Jungle Valley map without dying.

This is my gear setup.

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With purity of elements on, I have 82% resists to all elements and 0% chaos resistance in merciless difficulty. I have 3k hp, 3k mana(only 1k mana is usable) and 71% spell block (I took Bulwark and Testudo.) I'm using vitality aura and amethyst flask as protection against spells and attacks that do chaos damage over time.

I'm having a blast with this build. Thank you again for sharing.
Последняя редакция: Vrythur#3158. Время: 22 марта 2014 г., 4:54:11
Vrythur написал:
First of all, thank you for sharing this amazing build. I have managed to defeat the dreaded boss in Jungle Valley map without dying.

This is my gear setup.

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With purity of elements on, I have 82% resists to all elements and 0% chaos resistance in merciless difficulty. I have 3k hp, 3k mana(only 1k mana is usable) and 71% spell block (I took Bulwark and Testudo.) I'm using vitality aura and amethyst flask as protection against spells and attacks that do chaos damage over time.

I'm having a blast with this build. Thank you again for sharing.

If you only have 1k/3k available, aren't you under "low mana" and taking 100% increased spell damage?
Sorry misread your post.

My resist and spell block vitually made me immune to magic. :)
Последняя редакция: Vrythur#3158. Время: 22 марта 2014 г., 8:48:16
I'm thinking about the atziri map with this build … gonna try it in ambush

there's my gear
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Just took down the bosses of twinned Jungle Valley map within 3 minutes. This incinerator build is amazing.

I took out Vitality Aura and got another CwDT + Arctic Breath + Inc AoE instead.

These are the flasks I used in the fight.

Gear used in the fight (its the same from what i posted earlier with some changes to the gems):
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Последняя редакция: Vrythur#3158. Время: 22 марта 2014 г., 10:44:47
I aim to use a voideye + arctic armour, lvl 25 AA eat 278 mana/s, so smthing like 300 mana/s should be enough. But I need to upgrade my gear and get this 40% mana regen templar node.

Anyone tried it ?
Hi Vrythur ... can you plz post me your skill tree ? I´m interested with your spell block

DBB2003 написал:
Hi Vrythur ... can you plz post me your skill tree ? I´m interested with your spell block


Exactly the same as OP's final tree. I took Bulwark and Tetsudo for addtional block chance. :)
Последняя редакция: Vrythur#3158. Время: 22 марта 2014 г., 15:14:38

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