[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

lordchopf написал:
is the one point in iron grip not worth it?

"The increase to Physical Damage from Strength applies to Projectile Attacks as well as Melee Attacks"
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
Now that's kinda lame^^

On another note;

How important is quality on leech gems? i mean is it like the bonus on incinerate where one can really tell the difference or more in the realms of nice to have?
In life leech: not important. On mana... well quite important. But I hope the next patch will give us a little buff to mana leech, because as it is now, it's quite underwhelming.

I updated the first part of the guide - sorry it took me so long guys :>
I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789
I've been running through maps with this very easily I tend to only die one of three ways.

1. Not paying attention and getting corrupting blooded.
2. After going back to sell loot, I forget to turn AA back on and wander into a crowd of mobs that it would usually make me immune to (tentacle machine guns I'm looking at you!).
3. Massive up close physical damage mobs especially ones with a pull like Kole/The Warden.

The first two are obviously down to me but I was thinking of tweaking the last part of the tree like this.

Essentially rather than going into the Marauder area I am taking the Aura nodes in the NW of the tree with IR and the two +24% Armor/Evasion nodes. So I can run Grace this should give me a nice chunk of armor plus the ability to stack Jade and Granite flasks when things get up close and personal.

Последняя редакция: Axler#6420. Время: 24 марта 2014 г., 14:46:18
Appels_Zijn_Gezond написал:
In life leech: not important. On mana... well quite important. But I hope the next patch will give us a little buff to mana leech, because as it is now, it's quite underwhelming.

I updated the first part of the guide - sorry it took me so long guys :>

Hey man, first off....superb guide. Am loving the build so far! Is there any way you can update the leveling tree section? The passives starting at the 45 point tree are all over the place. I would be extremely helpful to some of us noobs. Thanks in advance and again, awesome guide!
Shazmo написал:
Hey man, first off....superb guide. Am loving the build so far! Is there any way you can update the leveling tree section? The passives starting at the 45 point tree are all over the place. I would be extremely helpful to some of us noobs. Thanks in advance and again, awesome guide!

Use this one for now :>


I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789
Ok... so I need your opinion because I have a choice on my 6th link on my infernal mantle... What would go better with
Mana Leech
Life Leech
Added Chaos

Added Lightning Damage / Fire Pen / Added Cold Damage

I just added added cold because that could be an alternative. Now mainly leaning towards added lightning or fire pen so not sure. I do have both RRBBGG infernal mantle and RRBBBG.
Ok... so I need your opinion because I have a choice on my 6th link on my infernal mantle... What would go better with
Mana Leech
Life Leech
Added Chaos

Added Lightning Damage / Fire Pen / Added Cold Damage

I just added added cold because that could be an alternative. Now mainly leaning towards added lightning or fire pen so not sure. I do have both RRBBGG infernal mantle and RRBBBG.

IMO best gem for 6L would be faster casting.
IGN: Skyzs
Faster casting I think burns too much mana... I'll try it out. Also 1 thing to think about is if I use added Lightning or added cold I will leach more since I do more damage. With fire pen or faster cast I'll do less dmg hence less leach...

edit: just tried a dom run and it looks like faster cast makes me leach back faster too... odd... could be a winner hahaha

Edit 2: Another thing to think about is fire pen get +1 from infernal mantle...
Последняя редакция: TheBanishedOn3#3038. Время: 25 марта 2014 г., 1:10:31
I wanna try this!

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