[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!


Thanks to Appels_Zijn_Gezond for a wonderful guide. I am enjoying the build very much and now standing at Lvl84 in Standard league.

My current stats are:

Life: 4.1K+
Mana: (with discipline) 3.2K+
Armour: 2K
All Res: 83% (100+)
Chaos Res: -29%

also, i tried to add as much as possible IIR while not lowering required stats. :D

these are my gears:

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My skill tree:
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Really would appreciate suggestions regarding gear upgrade or skill tree adjustments. Doing 71/72 maps fine but having a few problems with some bosses that OP mentioned as problematic.

Thank you.
Последняя редакция: archzin#1759. Время: 29 марта 2014 г., 23:21:08
I just got to level 62 and put on my Infernal Mantle and switched to Incinerate - DPS i 495. However I am finding myself to be very weak. In fact it kills slower than my searing bond which is weak as it is.

So any tips?
Последняя редакция: clawface#4668. Время: 29 марта 2014 г., 15:24:07
Labyrinth Map - This boss doesn't deal any damage to us. he takes a while to die though, especially due to the many blue corpses around. Bring along a skill to clean the corpses to finish this boss fast. The occasion Devourer spawn shouldn't matter too much as well. if you are really bothered by it, lure the boss outside the ring, devourers won't spawn out there.

This boss just decimated me, my first deaths in a map. Arctic armor was up. Any idea why? :-/
clawface написал:
I just got to level 62 and put on my Infernal Mantle and switched to Incinerate - DPS i 495. However I am finding myself to be very weak. In fact it kills slower than my searing bond which is weak as it is.

So any tips?

As far as I know, the tooltip shows DPS per projectile, at initial cast. You throw out 5 (or 3, I prefer LMP) projectiles per cast, and it scales up to an additional 300%. I'm level 81, my tooltip says 1800, and I feel like I do plenty of dps. Piety lasts like.. 15-20 seconds tops.
archzin написал:

Thanks to Appels_Zijn_Gezond for a wonderful guide. I am enjoying the build very much and now standing at Lvl84 in Standard league.

My current stats are:

Life: 4.1K+
Mana: (with discipline) 3.2K+
Armour: 2K
All Res: 83% (100+)
Chaos Res: -29%

Nod also thanks to Appels_Zijn_Gezond :) Some thoughts on your build:
1. I really think you should move the points on the outside right of the scion tree. I think they're a really poor use. It frees up 10 points, which you could use to get those extra 1% resistance nodes, which you currently don't have (which makes me think your resistances are actually 82/82/82 but that's just a hunch!) I'm surprised you have trouble with higher level maps TBH. I would take those points and also move them towards the Celestial walker --> 40% mana regen node.
2. For the most part I agree with taking the extra life/armor nodes.
3. Your item rarity is doing nothing, not sure if that's a setup for later or just leveling to sell.
4. I also recommend frost wall > arctic breath while solo.
5. You also are overkilling the mana regen, get some faster casting in there for more dmg :)
6. Wow i just noticed you're missing the CWDT lightning warp

I'm at lvl 86
Life: 4261
Mana: 2.5K
Armour: 1.1K
All Res: 82/83/82
Chaos Res: -33%
DPS: 1865

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No problems with maps up to 77 (haven't tried 78). I don't do certain bosses with dmg modifiers though :) Build feels powerful still. Not OP like some but still strong.

Some thoughts atm and I could also use some help with these things..
1. I am debating whether to go with the author's changes of leveling immortal call.
2. I am strongly leaning towards removing firestorm like the author suggests and possibly disc
3. Also leaning towards getting more IIR where I can fit it in.
Последняя редакция: Rhayne1#7396. Время: 30 марта 2014 г., 3:04:05
I do want to add what I feel are relevant points to the gems.

First, if you have a 6L, I'd stick with a blue socket and go Faster Casting. It's very questionable whether it's technically better dps than Fire Pen (I believe it is, but I haven't done the math), but what's not questionable is the utility of being able to swap in Item Rarity when you're doing easier content.

Second is LMP/GMP and Mana Leech. To this point, I'm preferring a build with LMP and substituting an actual DPS gain in place of Mana Leech. We'll see if this holds for higher level maps, as I leveled fairly quickly a few days ago and haven't gotten my map base up to 75+. I'm currently running with a "broken" 4L after running wtih 5L for a while but working on trying to 6L, but when I was using 5L I was running 20% Quality Incinerate, Extra Chaos Damage, Lesser Multiple Projectiles, Life Leech, and Faster Casting (swapped to Item Rarity on farm) and felt the build was very successful.
I am very disappointed with this build, I was hoping for far more dps than this. This is a struggle to kill in 1 player game, totally worthless character in 6 player game!
clawface написал:
I am very disappointed with this build, I was hoping for far more dps than this. This is a struggle to kill in 1 player game, totally worthless character in 6 player game!

There is a point where your DPS rises significantly, I forget when it is tbh. The build has reasonable clear speed, not breathtaking only cause you have to build up the attack.
Rhayne1 написал:
clawface написал:
I am very disappointed with this build, I was hoping for far more dps than this. This is a struggle to kill in 1 player game, totally worthless character in 6 player game!

There is a point where your DPS rises significantly, I forget when it is tbh. The build has reasonable clear speed, not breathtaking only cause you have to build up the attack.

well I would love to know, because with a high spell damage wand+shield and infernal mantle, I have only managed to reach 700 dps. I see people have reached 1.5-2k which sounds more reasonable but I am guessing that is like lvl 80-90 with lvl 20 incinerate.
clawface написал:
Rhayne1 написал:
clawface написал:
I am very disappointed with this build, I was hoping for far more dps than this. This is a struggle to kill in 1 player game, totally worthless character in 6 player game!

There is a point where your DPS rises significantly, I forget when it is tbh. The build has reasonable clear speed, not breathtaking only cause you have to build up the attack.

well I would love to know, because with a high spell damage wand+shield and infernal mantle, I have only managed to reach 700 dps. I see people have reached 1.5-2k which sounds more reasonable but I am guessing that is like lvl 80-90 with lvl 20 incinerate.

link your gear :)
If I had to guess btw, you'd probably need to get some cast speed (wand/rings/amulet), a 5L infernal mantle, and possibly some nodes to give you more cast speed.
Последняя редакция: Rhayne1#7396. Время: 30 марта 2014 г., 4:41:43

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