[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!
why the fuck would you use flammability and not elemental weakness... ele weakness gives 10% more reduction.
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" " Performing such an analysis with any sort of generalizable results is an enormous undertaking. In order to make an informed decision, quantitative information on the character's passive tree, entire set of equipment, and gems are necessary. Even making simplifying assumptions becomes a huge task. Moreover, if simplifying assumptions are made detailed enough to facilitate calculations, the results are no longer broad enough to be confidently applied to other situations. Choosing between Faster Casting and Fire Penetration will require you to analyze your character as it is. If you plan on making gear upgrades, you need to use those values instead. |
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" Perhaps I missed something, but both spells are identical (reduction amount, duration, radius, cost, scaling) but flammability comes with additional chance to ignite and elemental weakness does not. Plus there are multiple more opportunities to pick up flammability as opposed to 1 to get ele weakness and this is a "low cost" build. |
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" The quality bonus on Elemental Weakness further reduces enemy resistances. Ignition via Incinerate is negligible. |
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I just get my 5l mantle, and im wondering about gems. I have Incinerate, mana lech, life lech, and greater multiple projectiles. How about 5 gem <blue>? |
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Added chaos damage would be the best for the 5th gem
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what do you guys think about the three dragons mask as a helm and static blows from the tree? Insta tripple shock stack immediately sounds quite good. The question is how will reflect dmg be affected by tripple shock stacks.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
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" if i had to guess, i'd say that the 3 dragon's unique is practically MADE for incinerate + static blows Reflect probably wouldn't be any worse than any other non-fire skill user, and shouldn't be bad because incinerate can't crit IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
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" " GMP Incinerate is terrible at applying shock stacks to anything but trash mobs because each hit deals such low damage. Chance to trigger shock is irrelevant if the damage is too low to satisfy the minimum duration. Check out the wiki page on the Shock status ailment. Simply put: Incinerate does not deal a large enough fraction of target life as damage to break the threshold for Shock application for anything that warrants additional damage. You may or may not be able to exceed this value for low-life creatures ... which this build already handles efficiently. Don't expect to apply Shock to magic, rare, or unique monsters with Incinerate. It's worth noting that an Incinerator dealing straight Fire damage may be able to make use of The Three Dragons; however, the fraction of overall damage this build deals as Chaos damage works against it. Последняя редакция: SilkTopHat#6680. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 23:02:16
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well if the price of this unique wasn't 3-4 exalts ++ on standard I'd try it out first to see how effective it is, but as it is I wont be able to afford it.
Maybe if I was using lmp instead of gmp the individual hits would be high enough. I might still end up trying it since the build is soo close to static blows. And worst case scenario I just respec back out of 3 points. PS. What do you think about the use of Cybil's Paw? It wasnt mentioned in the guide and I've heard from some friends that it is strengths drops as it reaches end game. PPS. The entire warp right in the middle of the pack concept, how invasion viable is it? I know that the huge mana pool acts as an extension for life, and the there is block chance and armor as well but still it seems very risky. LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731 Последняя редакция: andkamen#5405. Время: 27 марта 2014 г., 8:14:07
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