BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

rampagingrabbit написал:
Solkanari написал:
Hi! read everything! gonna try out this build, even tho I'm poor and don't even have an exalt nor Shav's or any of the OP items. The build just seems rly fun!

Assuming I have nearly no gear for the build Any chance of a simple passive skill guide like.. 1-30 go this way.. 30-50 this way.. etc?

I only have a summoner and have no idea how to level a ST char.

Thanks in advance for your time

While this is a fantastic build, I really don't see how it can work all that well without a lot of very expensive items.

The following build (which I will try soon) is similar as in it is an elemental ST build but in theory more viable for a poor sod like you..

go to page 8 smb posted very cheap gear setup and still reached 12 k+ wich is a decent start for 5 ex and less of gear. for lvling id simply take some chepa unique two hands and skill 5-8 life nodes. i would not go es before 70 + which is easily reachable with a cheap 5 chaos two hand in rivers crossings...
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Stopdotnrole написал:
Thank you so much for your help. Just one clarifying question about the statement below

the scaling out of town comes from spell dmg on power chargesa, shavs and a higher crit chance (due to higher lvl and maxed gems).

When you say spell damage on power charges are referring simply to the node "Spell damage on power charge" at the top of the tree or are there other ways to make power charges = spell damage.

Second when you say "higher crit chance" I don't see that any of the gems in the 6L give crit chance (although I may be wrong), do you just gain flat crit chance as you level? ie 96 has a higher natural crit than a 75?

I will look into a better ring as you suggest and start to save for an auxium. Do you think the weapon is reasonable for the time being or would you suggest different stat priority.

Thank you again for your valued time.

more critchance simply from beeing able to take more crit nodes / multi nodes. no magic coming from higher levels. spell dmg on power charge node was what i meant yes.

Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Warthogger написал:
Flub what should I go for on this dagger? PhDs or ele?

id try getting a flat and spell dmg roll ... the ele dps doesnt make that much dps differnece but the pdps makes mana considerably easier to sustain.

currently working on something very similar though 90 et ex push basically failed .. ( got crit ias tyran ; and crit ias tyran ccu saved up so prolly gonna try again when having paid off debt)

Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Последняя редакция: Flubby#5422. Время: 5 янв. 2014 г., 10:24:21
HI there, Been enjoying your built so far but having a hard time doing maps.

After checking your vid i see you drinking resist pots all at the same time, how do you do that?

Guess im just not skilled enough yet unless theres another trick im not aware of.
simple mouse macro i think i even mentioned that somewhere allready im lazy and cretaed a macro in razer software pushing 1-5 same time and occasionally use pots solo (e.g. mana regen on no regen map ).
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Flubby написал:
biggerboom написал:
Melee weapon range definitely has an effect.

the +2 weapon range actually increases the hitbox of the spectral throw. That's an interesting mechanic.

i tested it in a duel there is unfortunately no difference i currently specced out of it again.

awh! xD That sucks. I was hoping it would :P.

I switched out of spectral throw a while ago and I'm using lightning strike right now because my current 200k dps lets me shock/freeze everything permanently.
Hey fellas

Ive just specced into this kind of build with my shadow i still had a free respec for. Its soooooo much fun. ATM im trying to nail down the passive tree, currently at 85.

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Not final, still trying a couple things out. Id really like to try the GGGRRB shavs too, got a couple thousand chrome ready to go.

Current gear

Again, im testing out a couple of different rings as this leaves me with only 55% fire res.

Eventually I want to be able to go more MF as im a loot whore.

I know Uberdan had a more MF kind of build going from what I can remember, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

23K spec throw dps currently. Doing double reflect maps with CoDT and EK is awesome, so much faceroll.

Thank you guys!

Legit HC/SC Trades: /view-thread/545463
Последняя редакция: ScottyM#7306. Время: 6 янв. 2014 г., 1:52:49
when running with my buddy iski and having no mf guy near i run the following for mf:

+ rarity gem instead of poc = 280 rarity and not even rly trying hard sitll 45k with hatred near 34 solo ... works like a charm you should fix your rings though

wed + dual high res is easyily obtainable and a huge boost (it becomes hard with wed+ flat)
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Последняя редакция: Flubby#5422. Время: 6 янв. 2014 г., 5:28:55
BlackSacrament написал:
Flubby написал:
BlackSacrament написал:
how big of a dps difference is it if you go 2R2G2B? want to try this build out but don't want to blow through ridiculous amounts of chroms

i would prefer doing a 3g 1r ( skip wed get poc and inc crit dmg) but wed inc crit dmg and incaccu/ias are on a very similar level ( given enough crit so around 75% chance)

What do you think about 2R2G2B using WED,Life leech, LMP, Spec Throw, Crit Dmg, and using Crit strike or added lightning gem for the last blue and still use flicker to gain charges? wondering whats the next best gem setup, really wanna play this build but idk if i want to try my bad luck chroming for 5 off colors
Domination - IGN: Fat_Camp
Standard - IGN: FrozenPatties

What do you think about 2R2G2B using WED,Life leech, LMP, Spec Throw, Crit Dmg, and using Crit strike or added lightning gem for the last blue and still use flicker to gain charges? wondering whats the next best gem setup, really wanna play this build but idk if i want to try my bad luck chroming for 5 off colors
Domination - IGN: Fat_Camp
Standard - IGN: FrozenPatties

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