BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

Haboryme написал:
Finally got Crown of Eyes and new rings (still need a new amu). Got from 13k to 26k dps.
This is very low compared to your 54k but I got PCoC linked to SS (GGGRBB).
With "only" 26k I can destroy everything in 75's and I'm having blast.
The more I play it the more I get to love it.

The only thing that worries me are my resistances, I'm currently barely capped in cold and lightning and only at 53 in fire. This obviously make reflects affixes a bit dicey. With Crown of Eyes it's really hard to get capped resists. Obviously Ele weakness makes everything a bit harder.

@Flubby could you show what your current 350pDPS dagger looks like?

@better the longer u play: yep thats what this specc does it gets more fun with every lvl and every new item u obtain (basically the way a high lvl specc should work :))

@dagger: when its done

I took the time to test the range thing in duels and i in fact rly failed and gotta fix the specc in the beginning. will rework that during the next days. went for the proj speed node at ranger instead.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Bumblebutt написал:
Flubby написал:
Donodan написал:
why would pain attunement increase WED ?

"Pain Attunement
30% more Spell Damage when on Low Life"

this :)
pa only works for spell dmg of course. ..

Are you saying that COE applies spell damage to WED but PA doesn't not grant MORE WED?
So COE does more for physical damage than it does for ele damage because PA does give me 30% MORE physical damage.

you seem to be a bit confused about how crown works.

what it does is it makes spell dmg apply to attack dmg. So assume u have 20 spell dmg. those 20 spell dmg will count as if u specced 20% physical attack dmg and 20% weapon elemental dmg.

if u have pain atunement it would be 26 physical and 26 weapon elemental dmg. it does not interact with your currnt physical dmg nor your current weapon elemental dmg. it just makes items and nodes that have spell dmg behave like if they added physical dmg and weapon elemental dmg.

Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
This is not true. My current gear set does not have any spell damage on it. Yet crown of eyes and PA give me a tremendous boost in DPS. It's exactly a 30% increase.
Without COE
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With COE
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Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
Последняя редакция: Bumblebutt#0949. Время: 3 янв. 2014 г., 22:34:19

Question about dagger. Just trying to figure out what the ideal dagger would be.

So...If Attack speed and crit chance were maxed (2.03 attack speed and 9.4ish% dagger crit), would it be better to get a high physical dagger, or a tri-elemental dagger?

Or maybe a dual ele dagger with the weapon elemental damage prefix?

Or maybe dual phys roll with weapon elemental damage prefix?

Thanks again for the build :)

Bumblebutt написал:
This is not true. My current gear set does not have any spell damage on it. Yet crown of eyes and PA give me a tremendous boost in DPS. It's exactly a 30% increase.

I believe this is exactly what Flubby has been saying...

The key question is, do you have any "Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons" on any of your jewelry / belt / weapon???

Not the flat x-x ele damage like 5-50 lightning damage, but like the prefix on this ring: "28% Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons"

If you don't, this is why Pain Attunement gives precisely 30% more total damage.

If you do, then well, the "More damage" from PA + CoE does not affect elemental damage, I guess.
Последняя редакция: JackedPoEisfun#5802. Время: 3 янв. 2014 г., 22:34:36
JackedPoEisfun написал:
Bumblebutt написал:
This is not true. My current gear set does not have any spell damage on it. Yet crown of eyes and PA give me a tremendous boost in DPS. It's exactly a 30% increase.

I believe this is exactly what Flubby has been saying...

The key question is, do you have any "Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons" on any of your jewelry / belt / weapon???

Not the flat x-x ele damage like 5-50 lightning damage, but like the prefix on this ring: "28% Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons"

If you don't, this is why Pain Attunement gives precisely 30% more total damage.

If you do, then well, the "More damage" from PA + CoE does not affect elemental damage, I guess.

see my previous post, I run a phys build. And no, its not what he's saying. What flubby is saying is that the 30% more spell damage PA passive does not translate into 30% more physical damage. I posted some screenshots as proofs that it does.
Gear when taken that screen. 0% spell damage
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Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
Последняя редакция: Bumblebutt#0949. Время: 3 янв. 2014 г., 22:59:09
Flubby написал:
BlackSacrament написал:
how big of a dps difference is it if you go 2R2G2B? want to try this build out but don't want to blow through ridiculous amounts of chroms

i would prefer doing a 3g 1r ( skip wed get poc and inc crit dmg) but wed inc crit dmg and incaccu/ias are on a very similar level ( given enough crit so around 75% chance)

cool thanks for the reply, im one of those people that run 10Auras + 500 rarity, if you wanna map together let me know :) IGN: Mojo_Jojo
Domination - IGN: Fat_Camp
Standard - IGN: FrozenPatties
Flubby thanks for putting up this awesome guide.

I wanted to give the build a try so I started this character a few days ago, and I'm at the pre-axium stage, but have feel like I have everything else in place. However, I seem to be missing some damage and I'm not sure why.

In an attempt to figure out where I went wrong I put on my 5L and replaced LL with WED to try to mimic as close as I can to your links in town. With that set up I have:
2.3k in town DPS - (45% of 5,1 k town dps you stated in guide)
9.9k self-buffed (wrath/anger, 5 power charges, 3 frenzy charges) - (18% of 54k you have self-buffed)

As far as I can tell I have picked up all the damage nodes from the tree with the exception of acceleration. I will include my gear and current spec below, but I am currently not sure what is accounting for the ~1/3rd (45% ->18%) drop off in town to self-buffed dps. If there is I'm missing I would greatly appreciate any/all advice you have to offer while I save up my auxium.

Current Gear
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Current Spec
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IGN: Fluby_For_Kripp

--Edit to fix gear link--
Последняя редакция: Stopdotnrole#4290. Время: 4 янв. 2014 г., 2:14:17
Bumblebutt написал:
JackedPoEisfun написал:
Bumblebutt написал:
This is not true. My current gear set does not have any spell damage on it. Yet crown of eyes and PA give me a tremendous boost in DPS. It's exactly a 30% increase.

I believe this is exactly what Flubby has been saying...

The key question is, do you have any "Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons" on any of your jewelry / belt / weapon???

Not the flat x-x ele damage like 5-50 lightning damage, but like the prefix on this ring: "28% Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons"

If you don't, this is why Pain Attunement gives precisely 30% more total damage.

If you do, then well, the "More damage" from PA + CoE does not affect elemental damage, I guess.

see my previous post, I run a phys build. And no, its not what he's saying. What flubby is saying is that the 30% more spell damage PA passive does not translate into 30% more physical damage. I posted some screenshots as proofs that it does.
Gear when taken that screen. 0% spell damage
Скрытый текст


shavs has 10% spell dmg and crown gives a bunch of accu id bet that this is ur dps increase but sinc eu posted screens of your es bubble and no screens of your old hat and dteailed dmg statistics its hard to tell.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Stopdotnrole написал:
Flubby thanks for putting up this awesome guide.

I wanted to give the build a try so I started this character a few days ago, and I'm at the pre-axium stage, but have feel like I have everything else in place. However, I seem to be missing some damage and I'm not sure why.

In an attempt to figure out where I went wrong I put on my 5L and replaced LL with WED to try to mimic as close as I can to your links in town. With that set up I have:
2.3k in town DPS - (45% of 5,1 k town dps you stated in guide)
9.9k self-buffed (wrath/anger, 5 power charges, 3 frenzy charges) - (18% of 54k you have self-buffed)

As far as I can tell I have picked up all the damage nodes from the tree with the exception of acceleration. I will include my gear and current spec below, but I am currently not sure what is accounting for the ~1/3rd (45% ->18%) drop off in town to self-buffed dps. If there is I'm missing I would greatly appreciate any/all advice you have to offer while I save up my auxium.

Current Gear
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Current Spec
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IGN: Fluby_For_Kripp

--Edit to fix gear link--

the scaling out of town comes from spell dmg on power chargesa, shavs and a higher crit chance (due to higher lvl and maxed gems).

the specc scales like with every corner of your gear. The two auras not maxed should allready be an easy 2-3k hit. the ruby ring aint very good etiher that's another 1-2 k compared to a wed ring. the not maxed main skil gems prolly another 1-2 k.

your gear setup is rather decent for budget though and the specc seems to look allright id just go ahead lvl the gems and buff one piece after the other till u become satisfied.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)

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