BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)


Why a lvl 10, 20% Ele Weakness instead of a level 10, 20% Crit Weakness?

With all that crit, wouldn't crit weakness be better?

Why a lvl 10, 20% Ele Weakness instead of a level 10, 20% Crit Weakness?

With all that crit, wouldn't crit weakness be better?

Also, I've been meaning to ask about my gear. I'm stuck at 30k buffed dps...not sure what to change?

I am using PCoC on my shavs currently instead of Faster Attacks, because of having a BBRRGG shavs.

here's my gear:

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Any help / advice (From Flubby or anyone else) would be much appreciated.
biggerboom написал:
A high dps physical dagger build with blood rage can sustain itself on physical reflect maps without life leech gem UNLESS you fight a double reflect mob which you will feel some damage against. An elemental build REQUIRES a life leech gem to be used because you have no other way of leeching from elemental damage.

This is a really good point to consider when thinking about what dagger.
Ceryneian написал:
biggerboom написал:
A high dps physical dagger build with blood rage can sustain itself on physical reflect maps without life leech gem UNLESS you fight a double reflect mob which you will feel some damage against. An elemental build REQUIRES a life leech gem to be used because you have no other way of leeching from elemental damage.

This is a really good point to consider when thinking about what dagger.

I have been hunting a decent dagger for weeks through no avail :(

I started with Flubby's minimum requirement of basically 1.85 APS and 9%+ crit...I have been looking for weeks for one...there is nothing out there on

I'm about to the point where I want to try to craft one, roll alts until top tier attack speed, and regal until crit chance hits, or vice versa. But I don't know, I just haven't been able to find one. If anyone has an extra, let me know :) :) I'm in standard btw, not domination like Flubby.

Edit: right after I posted this, I see several nice daggers on domination on what about us standard people?!
Последняя редакция: JackedPoEisfun#5802. Время: 13 янв. 2014 г., 21:56:42
JackedPoEisfun написал:
Ceryneian написал:
biggerboom написал:
A high dps physical dagger build with blood rage can sustain itself on physical reflect maps without life leech gem UNLESS you fight a double reflect mob which you will feel some damage against. An elemental build REQUIRES a life leech gem to be used because you have no other way of leeching from elemental damage.

This is a really good point to consider when thinking about what dagger.

I have been hunting a decent dagger for weeks through no avail :(

I started with Flubby's minimum requirement of basically 1.85 APS and 9%+ crit...I have been looking for weeks for one...there is nothing out there on

I'm about to the point where I want to try to craft one, roll alts until top tier attack speed, and regal until crit chance hits, or vice versa. But I don't know, I just haven't been able to find one. If anyone has an extra, let me know :) :) I'm in standard btw, not domination like Flubby.

Edit: right after I posted this, I see several nice daggers on domination on what about us standard people?!

From what I have gathered reading this thread and the comments: crit chance seems to be the most important mod, I don't think you really need super high attack speed dagger with this build - it increases your DPS yes, but it also increases your rate of mana use. Physical damage will help with your life leech and mana leech, you can also drop the Life Leech gem as biggerboom mentioned and rely only on life leech from physical damage from running Blood Rage.

Also, from reading this thread - spell damage modifier on a dagger does not seem to really add that much DPS with the CofE.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 13 янв. 2014 г., 22:08:30
Thanks Cerynian, i'm going to try and get a high phys / crit chance dagger...still would love to have one with also 1.85 aps, which just doesn't seem to be available at this time.
If you drop's requirements to 1.6 APS and 9% crit, there are tons more options, with a decent amount of pdps as well.

I'm just not sure if dropping that much attack speed is a good idea.

Need some daggers to compare with my actual gear or somthing...
JackedPoEisfun написал:
Thanks Cerynian, i'm going to try and get a high phys / crit chance dagger...still would love to have one with also 1.85 aps, which just doesn't seem to be available at this time.

This is based off of reading the threads and the comments in the different pages, so just my conclusions. They compared daggers with spell damage and elemental damage vs. daggers with higher physical damage and looks like the physical dagger was better.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 14 янв. 2014 г., 0:02:34
a p s is king. reason u see more on domi is more ppl seeing the build and creating some imho. i rarely saw that kind of dagger here befo posting the guide either atm i get a very nice one linked every 1-2 days. if u have problems finding just get some ilvl ambushers and some chaos about 3-400 should give u one 1xx dps high aps crit chance one. the alt regal wy is madness on daggers if u dont want to create perfect. jus tlook on page4 or so 3xx pdps high crit dagger linked there and beaten.

even my old 160 pdps one beat so many very high dps daggers based on the aps alone.

regrding the phys reflect: u can not sustain this build without life leech gem it will kill you. double phys ref is a strong issue sinc eu have to little armor and relying on pots only is very risky for those cases.

ele weakness: yes crit weakness adds lot but is very risky on my current dps. at 95 i switched to enfeeble if u dont have that much dps the progression should be crit weakness, when that becomes edgy ele weakness as compromise and then when u feel even that can be edgy go enfeeble. you gotta take into account that meanwhile dying is a very demotivating thing for me and while still beeing overly offensive in playstyle i sitll do some defensive choice i wouldnt do at 88 or 90.

Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
JackedPoEisfun написал:

Why a lvl 10, 20% Ele Weakness instead of a level 10, 20% Crit Weakness?

With all that crit, wouldn't crit weakness be better?

Also, I've been meaning to ask about my gear. I'm stuck at 30k buffed dps...not sure what to change?

I am using PCoC on my shavs currently instead of Faster Attacks, because of having a BBRRGG shavs.

here's my gear:

Скрытый текст

Any help / advice (From Flubby or anyone else) would be much appreciated.

amulet without multi = 5-8k less, no spell dmg on shield on your gear another 6-8 change those two and your at 40+k similar to what i run atm with poc. rest seems fine though the base crit chance of the dagger is a tad to low try getting one with same aps and crit ( do not reduce aps for crit its not worth it. 30k is allready pretty high.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)

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