BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

Hey in the video are you using a macro for your pots? just saying if you are you might want to take that off/down, i do believe people have been banned for using them.
Flubby написал:
korgan_bloodaxe написал:
Would you mind linking your current gear (with skill gems) unless the one on page 1 is up to date? Thank you.

i sold off my amulet (needed cash after that dagger massacre and gota good price)currently using this as replacement:
ot king but good enough.

also changed the dagger to the new one though i regret selling my old lower pdps one a bit since beeing able to switch back to a lower pdps one would be very nice for physref + very shitty mods maps.

i btw dont use clarity anymore and swapped the path to range in duelist for the proj speed ranger node. that sums up the changes pretty much. also use a suboptimal tree atm dmg wise but had to remove some phys dmgso i can still semi safely attack double phys ref and vuln pyhs ref when shockstacked. so do not use this for any templating and tell me there are better paths i know there are :)

as stated i wont update the guide before i know the new leagues changes though. nevertheless im pretty sure ggg wont nerf it atm. so ill prolly clean everything up and polish in the league break.

thoughts on nerfability:

if they remove crown u loose a bit of scaling but can simply get more multi and crit not a big nerf.

if they overahaul auras completely it might be a change but im pretty sure one could construct a solution to whatever theyd change.

spectral nerf for 1h daggers alone would be very unusual and a general spectral nerf would uttelry destroy all other spectral builds that dont go that nuts on high lvl so i dont see that happen either. Besides that they prolly wouldnt nerf more than 20% less and that change nothing, since everything beyond 40k is only icing on the cake and u can easily get beyond that ( given enough talent points and cash).

You said you no longer use clarity, what gem replaced it?
IGN: korgan_bloodarrow
none its still in the problem i have atm that theoreticlly i have spare gem slots unfortunately they are allways spare in a 3l +1 spare situation with the wanted support (like reduced duration for lw) not fitting into that.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
FEELme2013 написал:
I'm also wondering what to improve my gears. Right now I have 5L Shavronne (spent 20ex and no 6L :S ) and have only 12.9k dps. If I switch Weapon Elemental to Life Leech gem I'll have 9.1k dps.

I have lvl 19 wrath and lvl 17 anger. I doubt that my dps gonna increase dramatically at level 20.

What am I missing out?

Btw the equipped ST gem is only level 13 20%. If I switch to level 19 0% ST gem i lose about 100dps.

And the boots are just temporary. Just using that for resist before I find a new 3R1B ES boots. But that has ntg to do with my dps though.

this gear shouled easily do 30+ with charges. hit me up ingame to check if the auras alone are the problem and link your specc there must be something crucial missing if u only get 13k with that.

thanks @harboryme for giving nice answers i agree with the replies 100% i have seen
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Ohhh I haven't tried checking with with charges yet though. Right now I'm looking for some better rings/amulet at poe with more WEP and flat ele dmg. Once I'm done I'll check again and let u know thanks.

Edit : After reading more about critical strike on poe gamepedia, I now understand that crit chance is not merely "chance" but will increase the DPS. So that's why PCs are important and why my dps is not high before having PCs. :)
Последняя редакция: FEELme2013#1666. Время: 15 янв. 2014 г., 13:46:24
Yeah, agree with the guy few posts up, definite use of macro there and will get you banned. Going to try out this build soon though.
Hi guys, wanna ask your opinions on which amulet is better before I purchase any.

Right now I have
. The other equipments are those same uniques and Trires boots.

Later on I'll be buying a Diamond ring with 23% Crit 33% WEP and 2-27 lightning dmg.

I'm thinking of buying either 1 of these amulets:

1) Price not known yet
+11 to all Attributes
18% increased Spell Damage
30% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
+10 to Intelligence
Adds 4-59 Lightning Damage
+28% to Fire Resistance
+16% to Cold Resistance

2) Price 1ex 15chaos
+21 to Dexterity and Intelligence
32% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
+15 to Intelligence
Adds 16-26 Cold Damage
38% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+45% to Fire Resistance

Both will give me capped resistance so I don't compare the res.
Последняя редакция: FEELme2013#1666. Время: 16 янв. 2014 г., 1:40:30
an offline dps calculator, this isn't 100% accurate but should give you a better idea of what the best option would be considering all you other stats.

However not taking crit multiplier on your amulet might hurt, it's a very strong stats with such high crit chance.
VegaszTheFarmer написал:
Yeah, agree with the guy few posts up, definite use of macro there and will get you banned. Going to try out this build soon though.

its a standard razer (or logitech if u use those) mouse macro pushign 12345 at once thats not bannable and definetly wont be banned if u wanna press em solo hf with it im lazy and use it. Compared to what streamers are doing with alterating game files this is like writing "hi" in tradechat ...
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
FEELme2013 написал:
Hi guys, wanna ask your opinions on which amulet is better before I purchase any.

Right now I have
. The other equipments are those same uniques and Trires boots.

Later on I'll be buying a Diamond ring with 23% Crit 33% WEP and 2-27 lightning dmg.

I'm thinking of buying either 1 of these amulets:

1) Price not known yet
+11 to all Attributes
18% increased Spell Damage
30% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
+10 to Intelligence
Adds 4-59 Lightning Damage
+28% to Fire Resistance
+16% to Cold Resistance

2) Price 1ex 15chaos
+21 to Dexterity and Intelligence
32% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
+15 to Intelligence
Adds 16-26 Cold Damage
38% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+45% to Fire Resistance

Both will give me capped resistance so I don't compare the res.

the first one is better but id not use any amulet without multi. besides that id rather take a 400es no sp sgield then a 100es sp shield ...
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)

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