BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

I only say that because i actually know a guy that got banned for using a macro on his flasks...
theres not automation in this i sitll press liek every use of flask so i dont think so and some mysterious friend who got banned for flask usage arent rly counting as an argument for me :!
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
FEELme2013 написал:
I'm also wondering what to improve my gears. Right now I have 5L Shavronne (spent 20ex and no 6L :S ) and have only 12.9k dps. If I switch Weapon Elemental to Life Leech gem I'll have 9.1k dps.

I have lvl 19 wrath and lvl 17 anger. I doubt that my dps gonna increase dramatically at level 20.

What am I missing out?

Btw the equipped ST gem is only level 13 20%. If I switch to level 19 0% ST gem i lose about 100dps.

And the boots are just temporary. Just using that for resist before I find a new 3R1B ES boots. But that has ntg to do with my dps though.

Your wrath and anger are not levl 20. Depending on your level, you can expect your dps to double or triple from taking some additional nodes. (my dps doubled from 70 to 85).
right now i have 5% mana leech and its not sustaining me very well, my ST costs 45 per cast. i can't get a shavs yet so i can only run 2 auras which are anger and wrath and i don't want to take either out !
do bloodmagic and reduced mana need to be level 20 before I can use them ? (auras in coe)

cant use any of them
Последняя редакция: MegabuffAsian#2415. Время: 18 янв. 2014 г., 10:10:15
MegabuffAsian написал:
do bloodmagic and reduced mana need to be level 20 before I can use them ? (auras in coe)

cant use any of them

Took a different approach to this build

What im currently wondering is how Im going to reach ~ 50k dps..
Curently I have 5k dps.. WITH level 22 WRATH and 22 ANGER I have 21k dps = Still short of 30k

Im not scion, but duelist!
I do however hit most important dmg nodes, or at least I will once I get a few more regrets...

I hit only 2.3k ES tho..


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Последняя редакция: MegabuffAsian#2415. Время: 18 янв. 2014 г., 16:33:51
So I've been playing this build and it is great. One problem is that it is quite squishy - especially vs. spells. If you get desync'd or frozen for a bit or for some reason can't leech, you can die quite easily. So you have to use whirling blades to make sure you stay out of as much danger as possible. Reflect is harder than with a high phys dagger because at least a high phys dagger gets more leech from Blood Rage. Double elemental reflect is quite dangerous in this regard. But otherwise a great build. I plan to lower DPS and get more block.

I also tried this with Lightning Strike but switched back to Spectral Throw, although Lightning Strike gives you much higher DPS in the 100Ks easily - it is harder to aim, cannot go over obstacles and short barriers, and also requires you to stay in one spot. With spec throw - you can truly kite by throwing your blades out there and then whirling blades around WHILE your blades deal DPS in the air and give you leech.

Megabuff - to get close to Flubby's DPS numbers you definitely need crit multiplier on gear, Shav's for low life (PA and BR), weapon elemental damage increases on gear, and level 20 auras.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 18 янв. 2014 г., 18:59:39
why do you get evasion/es nodes when you're going to get unwaveering stance? and when you tell us to get eva/es gear, that evasion is useless? or are you getting evasion/es because its easier to get colours?
i only suggested eva es chest for the colors. thats one of the drawbacks fo the build it doesnt make use of all that nice evasion. it would be nice but it just doesnt fit into i anymor.

regarding that squishy part: compared to other speccs i never felt squishy quite the contrary. it sounds like your not using life leech gem (which imho is fail)
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)

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