BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

just starting this build...
got this dagger from 1 trans orb into some random stuff,
alt orb into Sparking of Celebration
then one regal into crit chance

omg wow

Последняя редакция: bobbyvalentino#0633. Время: 25 марта 2014 г., 23:41:51
Malum95 написал:

Probably something to do with not having adders touch and bloodthirst. That and my current crapcore dagger ;)

And your level, plus you have zero weapon ele damage on your jewelry.
The second dagger down there is kinda ok, might lead to mana problems.
You probably don't have a solid crit chance, because you're missing crit nodes and base crit on your dagger. Then you're missing lot's of crit multi due to no adders touch, and nothing on the gear either / low level so not much from the skill tree probably.
At last you don't have weapon ele dmg to scale your auras, and not enough attack speed because of the base speed of your dagger.
You can't get power charges either. If you don't have someone generating them for you, you should swich the IIR gem for pcoc. Unless you're running in a grp and only care for the culling/mf and not your own dps. Later on you can generate power charges with flicker, you need high crit chance and gems tho. [/e]

If you don't scale your damage, where should it come from?
This build takes wrath and anger, increase the dmg via %weapon ele dmg., put the more WED gem behind that, attack fast, and scale all that with crits. You pretty much do nothing of all that.

Ofc you don't need heart of the oak with chayula.. that's redundant.
You loose your ammy as one of the best dps-slots you have. Chayula is an ok choice however for mf'ing.

Btw your cwdt link is wrong. Immortal call will trigger before endu cry.
It goes from top left to bottom left. You want to use cwdt - endu cry - immortal call - curse

IGN: Iski
Последняя редакция: Balguez#2498. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 8:11:09
maddoxeu написал:
Bettan написал:
Chundadragon написал:

It's for CoE.

Alright, thanks again, I just have a hard time understanding certain wordings etc in this game, even though I've been playing for a pretty long time :)
I'm still not sure why that node would increase our attack damage through CoE, since ST isn't a spell. But I'll just take your word for it.

Well there's a simple answer for that CoE - Modifiers to Spell Damage also apply to Attack Damage

Yes I know that. What confuses me is that it specificly says "increase spelldamage for SPELLS", and since ST isn't a spell, in my mind it would mean the bonus does not apply. But I'm obviously wrong, and that's ok! :)

Edit: Now that I think about it, it makes more sense, but yeah, the wording did throw me off a bit. I mean obviously ST wouldn't need CoE if ST was a spell, so yeah... that was dumb. But still! :)
Последняя редакция: Bettan#0262. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 5:48:53
CoE - Modifiers to Spell Damage
CoE - Modifiers to Spell Damage

What confuses me is that it specificly says "increase spelldamage for SPELLS
What confuses me is that it specificly says "increase spelldamage for SPELLS

jeezus christ.
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Kraiwen написал:
CoE - Modifiers to Spell Damage
CoE - Modifiers to Spell Damage

What confuses me is that it specificly says "increase spelldamage for SPELLS
What confuses me is that it specificly says "increase spelldamage for SPELLS

jeezus christ.

Yeah yeah, call me stupid, but you don't know the half of it, for some reason I've gotten it into my head that it says Spell damage, when it actually says "Elemental damage with spells"
which was the reason I asked if it did anything for this specc in the first place! Getting old, it's tough.
Последняя редакция: Bettan#0262. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 8:09:20
Well spell damage does work with the build. If you run Crown of Eyes :)

Chris confirmed Elemental Dominion working with CoE, the wording is odd on this one, I give you that.
Best spelldamage node on the tree. After PA ofc.
IGN: Iski
Balguez написал:
Well spell damage does work with the build. If you run Crown of Eyes :)

Chris confirmed Elemental Dominion working with CoE, the wording is odd on this one, I give you that.
Best spelldamage node on the tree. After PA ofc.

Ah, my mind is at ease, Chris, the Supreme Leader has spoken, and I shall abide in his teachings.
Thank you for your help :)
How do you people avoid getting frozen? i don't see auxium nor dream fragments ? any tips on how to defend ourselves versus freezing mobs?
And if possible id like to get some tips on how to improve my damage , atm i have only 2400 without 6 power charges.
This is my gear

I am level 68 and this is my tree atm
Последняя редакция: maddoxeu#5183. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 11:10:19
Last time i checked he uses Auxium.
Is there a tree in any post that shows how to skill without the crown?
Not that rich to buy all of this.
Belt is rather expensive but a must imo
I want a Ninja armor for my shadow.

I like Turtles.
Agree but still, if you can afford id suggest on getting the Crown first :)
Последняя редакция: maddoxeu#5183. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 11:11:05

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