BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

I considered Auxium a must have in Domination. However playing the highest maps without it atm, and I don't have huge issues tbh.
Sure I get frozen from time to time, preventive saphire flask and freeze removal on 1-2 flasks takes care of most of it.
Nowadays I consider it more a quality of life item. If you have mana problems due to low phys damage on your dagger, that's a different story and an Auxium will help greatly.

Page 55 has the gear and skilltree without crowns and with solaris lorica.
IGN: Iski
I made my own way through the tree.
Since I won't go for the spelldmg for now.
At lvl 52 i do fairly fine with max 4L.

I was aiming for the low budget for now. I could produce enough currency to build the full char but I'd have to ripp apart my other chars which I don't intend to.

For leveling I was using Ice Tomb and Wanderlust to solve the freezing issue. It adds survivability to be immune to ice status effects.

Well I'll see where it takes me
I want a Ninja armor for my shadow.

I like Turtles.
Последняя редакция: DerChi#4555. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 12:40:48
Is this a good dagger ?
Bought for 1 exalt (Ambush) did he scam me ?
Последняя редакция: Arber97#2836. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 13:58:38
Arber97 написал:
Is this a good dagger ?
Bought for 1 exalt (Ambush) did he scam me ? helps a lot on deciding the prices , its decent , misses accuracy , ele dmg , phys dmg , but the ias and crit chance are ok
Последняя редакция: maddoxeu#5183. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 14:32:14
maddoxeu написал:
Arber97 написал:
Is this a good dagger ?
Bought for 1 exalt (Ambush) did he scam me ? helps a lot on deciding the prices , its decent , misses accuracy , ele dmg , phys dmg , but the ias and crit chance are ok

Ehhh, considering that's practically an augment and regal (Only AS and crit) ... I could have crafted better with an exalt easily.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Последняя редакция: Chundadragon#1131. Время: 26 марта 2014 г., 16:01:16
fk :S
currently using this dagger, would it be worth eternal/exalting for crit chance?
Daskar84 написал:
Hi Flubby. If you're mostly solo and can't afford much more than a 5 linked Solaris Lorica, do you think it's wise to follow this build or should I follow Mathil's Elemental Buzzsaw build?

Im no flubby, and my earlier post wasn't exactly legit. Although thank you balguez for telling me about the CwDT links /facepalm idoicy reigns.

ANYWAY, I had 5k life, 7k tooltip,(rarity instead of FA for a 6link) for like 230 rarity, gear wasn't super amazing. you can definately do his build, and still have MF to get geared for this, which is what I did. This build can get much higher potential (rarity and damage). I respecced with about 40 points at lvl 80.

Also, if you do get a group, you can get culling strike on swords aswell
Последняя редакция: Malum95#3190. Время: 27 марта 2014 г., 6:38:15
Hello guys id like to ask the guys that are more experienced with this build what should i look for to boost my dps cause atm this is my gear and i get like 3,3k with 6 power charges and it seems pretty low sometimes i can barely kill mosters that are elemental resist.
Maybe cause my auras are low level and later one my dps will improve?

Also this was the dagger i used
and changed with the corrupted one , which one should i chose?
With this passive tree

Последняя редакция: maddoxeu#5183. Время: 27 марта 2014 г., 10:55:53
maddoxeu написал:
Hello guys id like to ask the guys that are more experienced with this build what should i look for to boost my dps cause atm this is my gear and i get like 3,3k with 6 power charges and it seems pretty low sometimes i can barely kill mosters that are elemental resist.

use weapon ele over pcoc

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