BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

I have >80% time surgeon flasks up, with high crit and as is very easy to keep them up. And yeah with vaal pact and this dps u go form 100es to full in 2 shots, it is not capped :)
IGN: Std -> Hossina (lv100 Scion)
Talisman -> Voltaxina (lv96 Ranger)

GMT +1, Central Europe
Donodan написал:
azraelb написал:

what? as far as I know leech is capped at 20% ES/Life per second. Vaal Pact doesnt remove the cap...

why would you specc Vaal Pact then ;P? Vaal Pact does remove the 20% max HP leech/sec cap....

Dunno, I thought I read a dev post somewhere which said that you'll leech instant with vaal pact but there still is a 20% cap per attack/cast.

Maybe I didnt understand this correctly...

oh yeah I didnt consider the high attackspeed with crit for refilling your flasks - sry
Последняя редакция: azraelb#0313. Время: 2 янв. 2014 г., 12:38:59
If I have a 5L shav's, would I have enough leech if I remove the life leech gem?
You cant do any reflect map without Vaal pact!
elemental reflect of course :P
A high dps physical dagger build with blood rage can sustain itself on physical reflect maps without life leech gem UNLESS you fight a double reflect mob which you will feel some damage against. An elemental build REQUIRES a life leech gem to be used because you have no other way of leeching from elemental damage.
Flubby, why is that 23% sd is the same as 30% WED for you? Does COE not convert spell damage into 100% WED?
Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
Pain attunement: 30% more spell damage =)
Since that also applies to WED, isnt it supposed to make 30% WED become 39%?
Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
Bumblebutt написал:
Since that also applies to WED, isnt it supposed to make 30% WED become 39%?

I think it does (and hope), but that would still make 23sp=30wed, wouldn't it?

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