
Stream: www.twitch.tv/sampudrinker
Последняя редакция: tehosiris#3518. Время: 9 февр. 2014 г., 9:12:02
Last bumped6 дек. 2024 г., 21:48:27
Hi. can u screenshot ur stats (def/MF/dps of cyclone)?
guide complete, hope you'll enjoy
Stream: www.twitch.tv/sampudrinker
done some respeccing
Stream: www.twitch.tv/sampudrinker
Really interested in running this build for next league.

I know it's expensive and you stated requires a "sponsor"

Do you think it's possible to level INTO this build and acquire the gear over time.
Even though it maybe subpar?

Or will it not work unless you have every piece ready to go.

IGN: Greydo
awesome build, using it in standard atm with my soultaker and wreaking face.
PM @KaspeR_Warbands (Warbands) | @KaspeRHC (Standard)
Standard Atziri Service www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1400006
congrats on looking at pretty pictures, skipping text, then asking questions

Happy new year everyone!
Stream: www.twitch.tv/sampudrinker
Is it possible to run this from the ranger tree?
new footage, Courtyard with extra damage and Shrine piety with extra damage
Stream: www.twitch.tv/sampudrinker
new CI footage vods
Stream: www.twitch.tv/sampudrinker

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